Home > Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(19)

Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(19)
Author: Beverly Preston

“It says, they want a paternity test. They want proof you’re Walker’s daughter.”

“Can…can they do that? Who is they?”

“Hell, if I know. It’s some corporation or conglomerate I’ve never heard of. If I had to guess, I’d say someone’s not happy to see you sticking around. Most of these damn vultures expected you to hightail it straight to the real estate broker’s office as soon as you set foot on this ranch.”

Perspiration gathered on her upper lip. When Ember first learned of her father’s passing, she questioned her mother regarding the possibility of another man being her biological father, but June swore she’d only had sex with one man, just one, Ben Walker.

Ember trusted her mother’s promise.

Determination that had been smoldering inside for weeks, flashed into an eruption of defiance and grit. A burning rage of tenacity she’d never known before.

Ember threw an arm out to the side. “Do they really think I’m going to be that easy? Do these fuckers…pardon my language, Bee, but do these fuckers really expect me just to roll over? Give in and give up so they can come in and swoop up his property like a discarded penny lying on the pavement.”

“Now don’t you worry about a thing. We’ll take care of it,” Bee assured in a hushed tone.

Phone in hand, Mr. Montgomery was already dialing their attorney.

Inundated by a host of emotions, none of them pleasant, her muscles trembled like a newborn baby. A vision of old men on horseback, gathered around her father’s hospital bed, waiting for the last breath to leave his fragile body, flashed in her mind.

She paced around the kitchen island, bare feet stomping with each pronounced step. “Who do they think they are?”

Blood pounded in her temples. Fury pushed beyond her boiling point. Words of anger and frustration tumbled from her lips. “First the gifts, then all the phone calls, now they want proof. Who do they think they are?”

Ember paused mid-stride hovering over the kitchen counter, listening to his conversation with the attorney. The hammering of her heart pounded in her ears. She wanted it to end. She needed them to leave her alone until she had time to decide what she wanted. Was it too much to ask for some simple privacy…time to absorb all the changes and responsibilities that had been dumped in her lap?

She motioned for the phone. “Let me talk to him.”

Mr. Montgomery frowned cutting a deep rut between his brows. Hesitantly, he said, “Just a minute, Mr. Jenson. Miss Thompson would like to speak with you.”

“Mr. Jenson, this is Ember Thompson.”

“Hello, Miss Thompson. I was just explaining to Monty that I’ll need to see the paperwork. If he’ll drop it by my office, I’ll look over it and see where we stand. I’ve got some phone calls to make. I will warn you, just as I have Monty, they are very persistent.”

“Do they not understand that I plan to honor my father’s wishes and stay the four months?”

“No disrespect to your father, Ember, but these men don’t care. I’m not trying to make light of your situation, but they see it as business. It’s nothing personal against you or your father.”

“Well, it’s personal to me.”

“I’ll send another email stating that you wish to have—”

“Mr. Jenson, I’d like you to set up a meeting.”


“Everyone who’s shown interest in purchasing the property.”

“Miss Thompson, I know you’re upset, but that’s not how we typically handle—”

“I’m probably not your typical client. I’m not going to have this constant bullshit hanging over my head for the next three and a half months. I’m free tomorrow afternoon. Should we meet at your office?”

Brazenness fired on all cylinders. Ember had never spoken to anyone in such a demanding tone. The bold act surprised even herself. A full sixty seconds of silence followed her request. The sound of typing filtered through the receiver.

“I’ll set it up. I’ll need to find a bigger conference room, so I’ll have to text you the address. Does four o’clock work for you?”

She turned to Mr. Montgomery and mouthed four o’clock. He nodded. “That’s perfect. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Ember hung up the phone, sweat trickled down her nape as she turned to face the Montgomery’s. Their mouths gaped open and eyes pulled wide, shocked by her assertiveness. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. She was shaking all over.

An uncomfortable chuckle rose from her throat. “I don’t know where that came from.”

His brow hitched in agreement. “What exactly do you plan to gain from calling a meeting?”

Hands on hip, she assured, “I have no idea, but I’m not going to sit here and play dead for the vultures while they circle over my damn head. I need them to back off.”

Without saying another word, she retreated to her room.

Phone in hand, Ember fell onto her bed, unloading the biggest exhale of her life. God, she needed to vent. She needed a friend.

Ember – Are you and Chloe busy today? I could use a hug from my little munchkin.

JC – Whose ass do I need to kick? Jenny and I are taking the kids to see Beauty and the Beast on Ice. Will tomorrow work?

Ember – I just called a meeting with every buyer interested in the ranch. I need to work up a plan to politely request them to fuck off. It’s tomorrow at 4.

JC – Oh boy. Come over tomorrow before your meeting. Noon?

Ember – Sounds great. See you soon.

The next day, Chloe’s dark ringlets bounced up and down, greeting Ember with an abundance of energy as she stepped out of the car. She swooped the little girl up in her arms and spun her in a circle, before going through their routine of Eskimo and butterfly kisses.

“It’s so great to see you,” JC told her, making their way inside.

“Looks like you’re getting all settled in,” Ember said, taking in their newly renovated ranch home.

The five-bedroom home was decorated in a modern farmhouse style. Touches of light grays and blues were accentuated with twists of rustic elements of exposed beams and wood flooring throughout.

“You know how much I love Malibu, but this place is so peaceful. There’s no traffic. Life just seems to move a little slower here.” JC grinned. “Enough about me. Tell me what’s going on?”

Ember recanted details from the last week. JC listened intently, offering a giddy smile when she mentioned running into Nash. Keeping to the subject at hand, she continued, giving her the particulars of the meeting.

“Mr. Montgomery is going to be with you, right?” JC questioned, drizzling a vinaigrette dressing over a spinach salad.

“Yeah, why?”

“You’re going into a meeting with a bunch of men. Men that have a clear advantage because they know exactly what their talking about as opposed to you, who’s new to everything. Until two weeks ago, you didn’t know anything about ranching and you’ve never bought or sold a home let alone a ranch.”

Chloe sat on her knees in the chair beside Ember, sneaking a cherry tomato from the bowl when JC turned her back to get plates and silverware.

“You’re supposed to be making me feel better not worse.”

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