Home > Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(64)

Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(64)
Author: Beverly Preston

Daisy’s cry drew their attention to the turbulent water as she rounded a bend. Nash and Whiskey floated not too far behind.


Travis hastily stripped out of his duster, chaps, and boots, tracking the river with wide eyes. Shoving his arms through the circle of the rope, he tightened the lariat around his waist.

Adrenaline rushed through his eyes like a herd of wild horses.

“As soon as I get a hold of him, you need to drive Storm away from the river.”

Ember couldn’t speak. Terror and anguish numbed her reactions, strangling any response. A frantic nod was all she could manage.

Clasping her firmly by the arm, Travis guided her to Storm, practically hoisting her onto the saddle. He worked quick, tying the end of the rope to the horn.

Curling his fingers into the seams of her button-down shirt, Travis pulled, bringing her face inches from his. An unruly grin slipped over his wide mouth. Wildness blazed in his eyes as he took off his hat and put it on Ember’s head.

“I’ll be back for this.” Closing the distance between them, Travis delivered a scalding kiss to her lips. Ripping himself away, he staggered backwards, blessing her with a big wink and a lopsided grin. “Just in case I don’t make it back.”

“Don’t say that shit to me."

“Haul ass as soon as I grab him.” Travis glanced over his shoulder judging his timing. His lips lifted higher into a full-on rebellious tilt. “You’re one hell of a rancher, Miss Thompson. Don’t let anyone tell you different.”

Turning on a bare foot, Travis took off. He sprinted to the end of the point and hurled himself into the raging river.

Heart racing, Ember steered Storm closer to the edge, keeping enough slack in the rope so she didn’t pull Travis backwards. She could barely make out the men’s forms through the torrential downpour of tears and rain.

Feeling a strong perpetual pull on the rope against the current, Storm dug in, holding his ground.

“Hup! Come on, boy!” Ember drove Storm on, hauling the men through the turbid water.

The force of drag on the rope decreased, and Storm’s traction turned sluggish. Twisting her neck, Ember saw both men clear the river, but the nightmare was far from over.

Nash laid mangled on his side, unresponsive.

Ember jumped from her saddle and dropped to the ground. Breath bursting in and out of her lungs, she clambered frantically through the muck to get to Nash.

With a push of his beefy arm, Travis brushed her aside, knocking her to the soggy earth. Hands covered in muck, he grabbed hold of Nash’s shirt, manhandling him to his back, prepping for CPR.

“Come on, motherfucker,” Travis panted, both hands cinching around Nash’s collar. “Who am I gonna fight with if you ain’t around. Wake the fuck up!”

Time moved in fragments. The roaring sound of the river and rain, nothing but a whisper, lost to the pounding of her pulse.

Leaning over his motionless form, Travis tilted Nash’s head back, pinched his nose, and bent over to blow in his mouth. River water spewed from Nash’s lips as he came to, coughing, choking, and sputtering, ridding his throat of fluid.

Travis wiped the projection from his mouth with a rough swipe of his sleeve. He turned Nash on his side, delivering a few good whacks to his back.

She scurried closer, body and breath heaving with each gasp of air. Nash’s eyes squinted and lashes fluttered, fighting against the raindrops. Leaning over, she shielded him with the wide brim of Travis’s hat, sweeping pieces of sodden hair from his forehead.

Ember’s chin quivered. She pawed at his body, trailing her palms over his arms and shoulders, affirming he was truly alive. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I risked your life, and Travis’s. I—”

“You’re a rancher, Miss Thompson.” Travis covered the tip of her shoulder with his hand, breath coming in hard-running bursts. “It’s what we do. Next time…try to wait for help before riding into the raging river.”

Fatigues setting in, Travis collapsed onto his back. Arms out to his sides, his body contracted with each labored breath.

“What…what happened?” Nash’s wary eyes wandered over their surroundings, before landing on her face. He stared at her for what felt like an eternity, gathering recollections from fifteen minutes prior. “Did the calf make it? Whiskey?”

Looking away, she blinked back her sorrow. Forcing her gaze back to his, Ember shook her head, tears of regret streaming from her eyes.

“They got em’.” Travis pointed toward Johnny and Sawyer making their way toward them with Whiskey and the calf in tow.

A slow growing look of relief washed over Nash, softening his gaze. He clasped hold of her trembling hand and pressed it to his heart. “I can’t believe you were able to snatch me out of that mess. Thank you.”

Head swinging back and forth, she blurted, “Travis jumped in after you. He saved your life.”

Confusion pleated outward from his weary eyes. Nash turned to Travis, lying in the mud beside him. “You? You pulled me out?”

“That’s the fucking thanks I get?” Travis threw his hands out wide, flopping them into the mud.

Ember chimed in, “I tried to save you, but Travis pushed me out of the way.”

“What? Did you think I was gonna let you have all the fun?” His gaze shifted from Nash to Ember. “And you need work with that rope.”

Dumbfounded, Nash stammered, “I…I owe you…my life.”

“You just threw up in my fucking mouth, so you owe me more than that, Harris.” Irritation and a hint of relieved humor filled his eye roll. “Plus, you get the woman which probably means you get the oil? And…you’re alive! So yeah, you owe me, fucker. I’m going to milk the shit out of this moment for years.”

Fatigue setting in, Nash barely lifted his head to look at Travis, but the look shared between the two men was one of mutual respect and gratitude.

Both men laid flat on their backs, working to catch their breath and energy. Nash stretched out his hand and Travis took hold, giving it a firm shake.

“And I’m not after the oil. I withdrew my offer on Walker Ranch six weeks ago.” Nash tangled her fingers in his, bringing them to his lips. “I am, however, still crazy about the woman.”

Ember kneeled over him touching his face with tentative fingers. Hearing the words fall from his lips stoked the fire burning in her heart. There were so many things she wanted to say, questions she needed answered, but at that moment, all she wanted to do was express her love.

“I…I don’t think I would’ve made it out of there if you hadn’t shown up. Thank you for saving me.” Her mouth trembled, blinking back another round of waterworks. “I—"

Riding onto the scene, Mr. Montgomery’s voice boomed, “Chopper’s coming in now. What the hell happened?”

“Bullshit, I’m fine. Call off that bird, I’m not going to the hospital.”

Authority shimmered in Mr. Montgomery’s craggy eyes, scraping his fingers over his long, grey mustache. “Nash Harris, if I have to get down off my horse, there’s going to be hell to pay. Is that the kind of day we’re having? Because it looks to me that the day has already turned to shit.”

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