Home > The Traitor (Fire's Edge #5)(45)

The Traitor (Fire's Edge #5)(45)
Author: Abigail Owen

   She undulated against him, eyes half-closed, sensuous and alive. “Mm-hmm.”

   He still didn’t move, holding still. Throbbing inside her.

   “Fuck me, Rune,” she begged. “Fuck me until all I feel is you inside me everywhere.”

   His dirty little human. Rune grinned.

   He canted his hips, just the slightest in and out, and she groaned. “Make me scream until the entire mountain hears.” She paused. “Would that bother you?”

   “I don’t give a fuck if they do. This is our fantasy.”

   Ours. Not his. Because she was so much a part of it, right there with him, soaking his cock with her need.

   He slid out and thrust into her. Hard.

   Hadyn’s entire body arched to take him.

   “And you,” he said. “You only have eyes for me.”

   Those gorgeous green eyes, already darkened, suddenly lit with fire. The first he’d seen of her dragon sign since they’d met. Green fire, the same color as her eyes.

   For him.

   The sight shoved him right over the cliff’s edge he’d been balancing on. With a primal roar, Rune drove into her body, milking moans from her throat with every thrust, canting his hips to stroke her just right.

   He stoked the flames in his belly, not to give her his fire, but to heat his cock, branding her insides with himself. With his cock first, then he’d fill her up with his come until she spilled on the sheets.

   Through every push of his body into hers, she never looked away from him. Not once.

   A fluttering, like the wings of a butterfly on his dick, was the only warning he got. Then Hadyn tossed her head back and bore down on him, pussy milking him as she screamed again through her third orgasm.

   His girl was a screamer.

   Her pleasure dragged Rune right over the cliff with her, his cock swelling then exploding hot spurts inside her, coating her walls and making her even slicker. He didn’t stop pumping his hips until both their bodies slowed, the sensations buffeting him waning, slipping away. Leaving behind a perfect kind of contentment.

   Only then did he ease his motions. They were both breathing heavily, bodies slicked with sweat. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of mint that clung to her skin.

   Gods, this woman. If he didn’t know better, he would swear she was made for him.


   “Wow,” Hadyn murmured.

   Because that one word articulated exactly what she was feeling. Wow in every sense. Wow in what he’d made her body do, wow in how blissed out she felt, wow in that this had happened at all and with this man who had burst into her life and now into her bed.

   Just wow.

   Rune chuckled and raised his head, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. “I agree.”

   She smiled sleepily back, then bit her lip. “I was…umm…loud.”

   That earned her a snorted laugh. “You didn’t warn me you were part banshee.”

   Rune was teasing her. And smiling. A lot for him.

   He slipped from where he was still sheathed between her legs and adjusted them so that they were lying facing each other, one of his legs thrown over hers, his arm at her waist.

   Possessive dragon.

   She wouldn’t have guessed she would…but she sort of liked his brand of possessive.

   “Loud enough to keep everyone else awake probably,” he grinned.

   Uh… “I thought these mountains were soundproof?”

   “Not entirely. I forgot this room has a crack in the wall that lets sound in and out. It’s been a while.”

   Heat flared into her cheeks at the memory of all those dirty, wonderful, sexy things he’d done and said. Had they all heard her?

   Do I care?

   She hardly knew these people, and yet the thought of giving her body to him while others listened, their act so luscious, so carnal, the others wouldn’t be able to help themselves. Hell, if she hadn’t had three orgasms already, she’d be on the edge of one right now.


   “They won’t…” How to put this? Because if they did overhear, then they knew he’d been with her.

   He traced her lips with his fingertip. “Won’t what, love?”

   “Blame you, or anything?”

   His finger stilled on her lip. “Because you’re an unclaimed mate?”

   She gave him a pointed look in answer.

   He shook his head slowly. “No. They might worry about it, but they won’t be angry.”

   “Worry?” she frowned, turning the word over in her head. “Why?”

   His gaze trailed over her face, then he shook his head, almost as though arguing with himself. “Worry we’ll hurt each other, since you can never be turned.”

   “Oh.” She hadn’t remotely thought of that. She honestly hadn’t gotten beyond her immediate need for him.

   Now a worm of doubt burrowed into her heart. Hurt each other, he’d said. She wasn’t worried about herself because she wasn’t here that long. But could she hurt him? Cause pain that he’d have to carry for centuries?

   Rune struck her as so…indestructible.

   “Are you worried about that?” she asked.


   Well that was definitive, but not exactly illuminating.

   “But I want you to tell me if you ever think you could get hurt,” he said.

   Confusion swirled inside her. “What?”

   His expression softened in a way that, on his usually serious face she found incredibly…sweet, her heart flipping over at the sight. “I’m hoping this won’t be our only time together,” he said, gaze intent.

   Giving her his heart was never an option for him because he could never turn her. Somewhere out there was a mate waiting for him to find her. But no way was Hadyn passing up more of this. It felt…way too wonderful.

   “I wouldn’t say no to more,” she answered slowly.

   Rune growled, the sound shockingly satisfied, and leaned down, laying his lips over hers in the purest, most unexpected kiss. “Good,” he whispered.

   Then suddenly got out of the bed and scooped her up. “I think we should do some of that more in the shower.”

   “Oh goody.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, almost embarrassingly eager, and not a whit bothered by it.

   He laughed.

   The sound shot arrows straight through her heart. The lovely kind that had her turning giddy. She’d done that…made him laugh. Hadyn focused on that. On him. On how right this was. Tomorrow, they’d rescue Chaghan and Qara. Fear and worry for them tried to beat its way into her heart, but if she’d learned anything from her dragon parents, it was to treat each day, each moment, as a gift. Not to squander the present on worry for what the future would hold.

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