Home > A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(23)

A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(23)
Author: Vivian Arend

Luke leaned back in his chair and laughed. “Stop being an ass. Tell me.”

Tucker shrugged. “Seems Caleb’s announcement means there’s a little more money in the coffers. Hire some more hands. You’re the best person for some jobs. Kelli is amazing at what she does—and neither of you need to do the grunt labour anymore.”

His friend blinked hard. “Holy shit.”

A soft chuckle escaped Tucker. “Seriously? The idea never once crossed your mind?”

Luke shook his head. “My first thought was all the money I plan to spend on stock and training equipment.”

“You’ll have to make decisions about priorities, but seems to me getting more time to spend with Kelli is valuable enough to figure a way for it to happen.”

Appreciation spread as his friend nodded slowly. “Good to know you’re not just a pretty-faced hick.”

“Jerk,” Tucker said dryly.

Luke leaned forward, coffee cup put aside as he met Tucker’s gaze intently. “Here’s the thing. I felt bad yesterday. I didn’t mean to rush you off or make you feel as if I didn’t want you around.”

It was Tucker’s turn to be surprised. “No idea what you’re talking about.”

“With Jack and Diane here, it didn’t register that I should’ve sat down with you and made some plans.” Luke spread his hands for a moment. “I didn’t pivot very well, but I want you to know I am glad you’re here. And while I’m going to enjoy Jack’s company, I also want time with you. It’s been way too long.”

Getting to spend time with Luke was also on the hell, yes list of great reasons to move to the ranch. But since Tucker couldn’t say anything yet…

He propped one foot on his knee and leaned back. “Yeah, I missed you too, sweetheart.”

Luke snorted. “So. Hockey game today. Some of the guys from the fire hall and local ranches are also coming. Should be a good time.”

“Looking forward to it,” Tucker admitted. “Of course, you know I will score more goals than you.”

“Bullshit. I bet I score at least two more than you,” Luke snapped back.

“Oooh, look who’s cocky now. You think you’ll score at least twice?”

“You’re such an ass,” Luke said, but he laughed. “Come on. Let’s get cooking. Jack and Diane will be up soon, and Kelli will be back from the barn. We may as well get some food ready so we can spend the rest of the time finding equipment for you so I can kick your ass.”

“Does this mean we’re going to be on different teams?” Tucker thought about Ginny. It had been ages since she’d been on the ice.

“Of course not,” Luke said. “I’ll still score more goals than you, but have you seen the size of our fire chief? The man’s built like a yeti. I need you on my team to balance the odds.”

The weather cooperated in a big way, bluebird bright sky with the barest hint of a wind. Just shy of ten o’clock, Tucker sat on the bench beside the cleared area on Big Sky Lake and took deep breaths of the crisp air until his lungs tingled.

Ginny dropped onto the bench beside him and grinned. “Hey, cowboy.”

“You found some skates.”

She pulled off her boots and went to work sliding on a pair of battered black men’s skates. “Looks as if they got you outfitted up as well.”

Tucker stood, checking his balance and glancing around at the crowd growing out on the ice. “They’re a little tight, but doable.”

“You do well in tight places,” she teased.

The places his mind went—


Ginny glanced up from where she was looping the long strings around the top of the skate, double knotting the bow. “Hey, head over to the recreational ice for a minute. Caleb said he wants to talk to you.”

Well, shit. He had not expected a summons this quickly. Tucker dipped his chin even as he grabbed his hockey stick. “See you in a bit.”

He made his way across the ice, testing the blades and working out a few of the kinks. Jack flashed by, offering a thumbs-up as he passed, twirled, and carried on with some fancy crossover foot work.

Well. Who knew? Luke had brought in a ringer.

Tucker slowed as he skated down the narrow, singlewide tractor path between the hockey rink and the second circle-shaped one that was crowded with a lot of younger people. Diane skated beside Kelli, slow and careful. Caleb’s daughters were there, and a lot of their friends. More benches lined the snowy side, and some of the younger skaters pushed chairs over the ice to help with their balance.

Caleb stood in the center of it all like a tall tree surrounded by dancing pixies.

Tucker approached cautiously, making sure to not interrupt the singing girls.

But Caleb motioned him forward. “Not the most professional setting, but I figured you’d want to know sooner than later. Ashton told me his plans. Said he’s going to train you up for when he wants to retire.”

“I’ve got a lot of the skills already—”

Caleb waved a hand. “I approve. You don’t need to sell me on the idea. In fact, it’s pretty much exactly what I wanted to happen. Ashton’s a good man, but he deserves to work a little less.”

“Which means I can work more,” Tucker promised. He held out a hand and Caleb shook it firmly. “Thank you. I really appreciate the opportunity.”

“We’ll do up the paperwork as soon as possible. And talk about finding you a more permanent place to live. You okay where you are now?”

Tucker kept an absolutely straight face. “I’m comfortable.”

Emma’s feet slipped from under her and she landed on the ice with a plop. Caleb reached for her, glancing over his shoulder. “Carry on with your day. I’ve got people to skate with.”

Back on the other side of the ice, Tucker wondered if the blades of his skates were actually touching the ground. That was the simplest job interview he’d ever had in his life. Damn, did he ever appreciate a straightforward man like Caleb. Tomorrow he’d get things straightened away with his work at the stables.

Today was time to play.

A loud whistle sounded from the far side of the open rink. All the hockey players meandered over, standing in a loose semicircle around the silver-haired black man who looked them over with amused satisfaction.

“I’m Malachi Fields. I’m the man who’ll decide whether a goal is legal or not—”

“Seriously? Pond hockey with a referee?” This from one of the volunteer firefighters.

“You’ve obviously never played with us before,” Luke drawled. “Consider this only half a notch below the Stanley Cup.”

“We take our hockey seriously,” Dustin said.

“I hope you skate better than you dance,” another man shouted.

Dustin had just taken part in a community fundraiser, and now he twirled on the ice then threw his arms out in a good-natured gesture. “Enough jabbering. Pick the teams.”

Luke and one of the lead hands, Alex Thorne, were named captains. Tucker tried to store away the names being called out, but it went fast and furious. In the end, he was on the same team as Luke, Dustin and Dustin’s friend, Shim.

Somehow, Ginny ended up on the opposing team.

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