Home > A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(35)

A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(35)
Author: Vivian Arend

Ginny scooped her jaw off the ground. “You’re brilliant. Plus, you just articulated a big part of what I’ve been looking for, and I didn’t even ask you the right question. Thank you.”

Impulsively she put her arms up to give Yvette a hug.

Somehow, she jerked herself to a stop right before making contact. “Oops. Are you a hugger?”

Yvette grinned. “Not always, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

She scooped Ginny in for a tight squeeze.

The party went on for a while. Ginny ate far too many pieces of pizza, followed by one of Tansy’s enormous cinnamon buns. And they talked and showed each other pictures on their phones, and in some cases exchanged phone numbers for the first time.

At the end of the night, Ginny felt as if she’d been wrapped up in the biggest, most enormous fuzzy blanket in the entire world. Her belly was full of good food, her female friendships shored up or begun.

That seed of an idea that had tickled in her brain before was now firmly planted and ready to be watered.

Now to get the rest of the garden ready, figuratively speaking.



They were on the road bright and early Wednesday morning for the trek back to Heart Falls.

Tucker’s boss Raymond had nearly fallen over when he got not just Tucker, but Luke and Jack’s help as well for two days. The man had bought them dinner at the end of each shift plus given Tucker a bonus along with his final check.

A whole lot of things came to mind he could spend the money on. The first place his thoughts went was to a celebratory dinner and a getaway with Ginny, which was kind of how they had operated in the years before she’d left the country. He’d book a couple of nights somewhere modestly comfortable—the limit of his abilities. He’d never had enough money or time to spoil her the way he wanted, but considering they usually spent most of their time in the room, clean and comfy had been their highest priority.

They’d had a whole lot of sexual energy to burn. Still did.

“Lots on your mind?” The question came from Luke, who was once again riding shotgun.

Since Tucker couldn’t really explain that he was bemoaning his inability to set up a sex-fest with Luke’s little sister, he scrambled for an equally valid excuse. “Mentally making lists of things I need to do. Lots of lists. Lots and lots of to-do lists.”

A slightly evil chuckle drifted from the passenger seat. “You know, Ashton’s been around for so long, this is going to be rather amusing.”

Tucker didn’t even think about it. His hand automatically lifted and swung, fist smacking into Luke’s raised forearm. “Jerk.”

“Yeah, this will be highly entertaining.” Luke rubbed his arm, little more thoughtful now. “You done any fighting recently?”

“Only when I have to.” Tucker glanced at his friend. “You?”

Luke shrugged. “The occasional time. Usually when someone is getting out of line, but Ashton runs a tight ship. Ranch hands who can’t follow the rules don’t last long.”

Which was pretty much what Tucker had figured. And it just pointed out again exactly how big the boots were that he hoped to eventually fill.

Ashton had been at the ranch since nearly day one. He’d worked beside Walter Stone and Joseph Hayes, and out of everyone there, even more than Caleb, Tucker’s uncle knew what the direction and hopes had been when they’d established the ranch.

Yet it wasn’t trepidation in Tucker’s gut about taking over, not when he really thought about it.

“You all set a solid course for Silver Stone,” Tucker said slowly. “You, Caleb, Walker. You’re making it your own. Not just now, with the change in finances. But every step over the past years—you’ve truly made a difference.”

Luke looked pleased. “You think so?”

A snort rose from the back seat. “Please,” Jack drawled. “You need your ego caressed a little more, sweetheart?”

“Ass,” Luke said affectionately. “And yes. I want to hear all the good things we’ve accomplished praised.”

“Of course, you do,” Jack said. He laid a hand on Tucker’s shoulder and squeezed, speaking in a mock-whisper. “That’s part of what a good foreman does. Good for you for figuring that out.”

Tucker knew exactly what was going on, but he met Jack’s gaze in the rearview mirror and offered a wink. “It’s my job to remind my bosses what they’ve achieved?”

“Pet them on the back and give them cookies,” Jack returned. “Children work much better when they’re rewarded on a regular basis.”

“Hey.” Luke twisted in the seat and glared sternly at his friend. “Whose side are you on?”

“Yours, of course,” Jack said, deadpan serious. “You want a blankie? Stuffed animal? Glass of warm milk?”

Luke threw his empty coffee cup at the back seat.

Amusement rumbled up from low in Tucker’s gut. “Hellions. No fighting in my truck.”

That initial feeling of being on the outside looking in had vanished completely over the past couple of days. The sensation had been replaced by something new and wonderful. Luke was still his best friend. Having Jack in the picture hadn’t taken away from that years-solid base, but instead added to it.

Another one of those changes from the past that was good to see and understand at a core level.

Tucker met Jack’s gaze again. “Let’s talk about my first to-do list, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.” Jack’s patient enthusiasm was a gift. “I’m all yours.”

The drive home passed quickly, but it was still late enough when they arrived that Luke and Jack were eager to get together with their wives.

Tucker unloaded his horse into the stall that had been arranged for her, then hurried back to the trailer.

Ginny and all of her things were missing.

A note lay on the table.

Tamara and Caleb moved me into the cottage already. Hope you had a good trip home. Watching movies with the girls tonight. I’ll try and catch you in the barn sometime tomorrow.



* * *


Operation Prove It now begins!

X, Ginny



Disappointment and exhaustion battled for top billing. Tucker decided to take advantage of the unexpected dose of quiet, made a simple meal and hit the sack early.

The next morning, he found himself swept into a meeting with Ashton and Caleb. Paperwork was signed, and they took a tour around the main ranch buildings. Not even a week ago when Tucker had first arrived, Ashton had showed him around, but the information hit a whole lot harder now.

Caleb rested a booted foot on the bottom railing as they stood by the arena, hands draped casually on the top bar as he, Ashton, and Tucker paused to watch Kelli and Luke work one of the new horses.

“She’s got a gift,” Caleb said.

“She does, and she’s not the only one,” Tucker agreed, casting an experienced eye at some of the other ranch hands. His brain was full to the brim, and in spite of Jack’s help narrowing down where to start, the moment still felt overwhelming.

Ashton folded his arms over his chest and sighed contentedly. “Things are good overall.”

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