Home > A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(61)

A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(61)
Author: Vivian Arend

Tucker? Seemed to have zero inkling that anyone wanted to celebrate with him—another reason to despise his parents.

Especially after the entry Ginny had found in her mom’s journal a couple of days earlier. Just thinking about it pissed her off and made the need to plan a super surprise all the more important.

Like poking a sore bruise, Ginny opened the book just to read it again.

I’m so stinking mad right now, I could spontaneously combust.



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Tucker called this afternoon to say thank you for the birthday present we’d sent. He caught us before we could call him—we expected he’d be busy with his birthday party until after dinner.



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It appears “something came up” and his parents cancelled the party. So instead of swimming with his friends, Tucker is at home while his parents attend an event at the university.



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I get it. Work emergencies come up, but damn those people. He’d already given up what he really wanted to do to please their biases, and now he gets nothing?



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They have no idea how special their son is. With the bullshit he puts up with, he should be a rebellious tyrant instead of a level-headed young man. He’s got such a good heart and so much potential. Every time he’s around here I clearly see he means to take advantage of every good opportunity he’s given.



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There’s a little of Walter in him, in fact, and I’m glad.

Which means, along with being mad, I’m also in problem-solving mode. Walter and I already agreed—Tucker gets a birthday party when he arrives this summer. Not that we’ll call it that, but still.



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He deserves to have some fun. Plus, I’m pretty sure we can convince the rest of the horde to join in, official party or not.



Mischief-making and problem-solving seemed like similar tasks at the moment to Ginny. She was as determined as her mother had been.

Tucker needed a surprise birthday party.

“We could rent space at Rough Cut so the guys could play pool,” Kelli suggested.

“They did some of that at Ashton’s party,” Ginny said grumpily. “I mean, it's a good idea, but what I’d really like is to make this something that’s part of the past and celebrating the future.”

“Hey. Kel, you never told me my sister was coming over.” Luke sauntered into the kitchen and rested his elbows on the island, grinning maniacally at them both. He was supposed to be out picking up something for Ashton, so showing up in the kitchen unexpectedly like this meant he was trying to get in their way. “Hi, sis. What a surprise. Good to see you.”

“You’re such an ass,” Ginny offered her brother dryly.

“Yeah, but he’s my ass,” Kelli countered. “So no poisoning him.”

Ginny rested her fists on her hips. “It was one time, a long time ago. I don’t know why you all keep bringing it up.”

Luke slipped behind Kelli, sliding an arm around her waist. “We figure it's better to keep ahead of potential danger.” He winked at Kelli. “I'm glad to be your ass. That means this one’s mine, yes?”

A small squeak escaped Kelli, and she jumped as if Luke had goosed her butt. “Behave.”

“No idea why you think I'd start now,” he drawled.

Ginny rolled her eyes. “Since you have a good memory about some things, let's see how far back it goes. What did we do for your fourteenth birthday?”

Luke paused, blinking in surprise. “That's a strange question.”

Ginny raised a brow.

He looked thoughtful. Frowned, then his eyes widened. “Oh, yeah. Pretty sure that's the year we went to the indoor amusement park. Foosball, indoor go karts, that sort of thing.”

Inspiration struck in a rush. “Perfect.”

Her brother's expression grew concerned. “What are you doing?”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Ginny blinked innocently.

“Bullshit. I’ll pretend you’re not being annoying. Also, now that you've brought up birthdays,” Luke said slyly, “I have a request.”

Kelli leaned back against the counter and folded her arms over her chest. “Is that allowed?”

A cocky, confident grin flashed across his face. “You like it when I tell you what I want.”

Oh, gag.

Ginny made a rude noise. “How come you're allowed to make borderline sex comments around me, but if I even so much as think the word sex, you get all squirmy?”

“You're delusional,” Luke said. “I am a mature, un-squirmy adult male.”

Oh really?

Ginny turned to Kelli. “If you want to plan a getaway, Tucker and I can recommend some great hotels within a two-hour radius. You know, the places we used to meet for our secret trysts so we could spend hours and hours—”

Luke stuck his fingers in his ears and began singing loudly. “La la la la la la la.”

Kelli howled with laughter then pushed him toward the door. “You. Go entertain yourself, and that comment has no sexual connotations intended. Plus, I'm warning you now, if you want me to take Ginny up on that secret tryst information, you'd better be willing to help us with a surprise in a few days, got it?”

He used her own hand to pull their bodies together, kissing her deeply with a great deal of love before letting her go and winking at Ginny. “Always willing to help, and if the surprise is something that's going to make Tucker happy, even better.”

Her brother left, whistling like a freaking bluebird.

Kelli shook her head even as she smiled at Ginny. “He's a jerk sometimes, but damn, I love him.”

“He is a good guy,” Ginny agreed. “Now, let me tell you what I'm thinking, then you tell me how we can make it even better. We start by turning Luke's party into a surprise party for two. Tucker will not be expecting that, but he will definitely be in attendance to celebrate with Luke.”

Kelli's jaw dropped. “That’s perfect. It’s sneaky, and Luke won’t mind, I’m sure of it. And the arcade idea?”

“I have a feeling I know what Tucker would have asked for at his party at age fourteen if he’d gotten a chance to really say what he wanted. Plus, I know just how to make it happen.”

They spent the next hour planning, making shopping lists and phone calls. Nothing too complicated, but very doable and highly entertaining.

Tucker wasn’t going to know what hit him.

Or more literally, he’d know exactly what hit him, and that would make him happy.

Ginny couldn't wait to make it happen.



Tucker dealt with some last-minute emergencies, including an error in the mess hall kitchen order that needed to be sent off first thing Monday morning.

Too few groceries delivered late to the mess hall was not a good idea. Tucker didn't know if he was more afraid of what the men would do, or the cook, JP. It was probably the surest way to have a riot on his hands.

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