Home > Beneath the Fallen Stars(7)

Beneath the Fallen Stars(7)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

Chad pulls into the driveway and climbs out of his truck. He greets Shayne while I sit here, wiping my sweaty palms against my jeans and pull in deep, even breaths into my lungs. A knock sounds on the door, and I startle. Turning, I see Chad and Shayne standing, looking through the window at me. Luckily, it’s dark. That’s my only saving grace that neither of them can see me freaking out.

Why am I freaking out? Right, the beautiful woman who just smiled and waved at me through the window. Lifting the handle, I push open the door and climb out.

“You good?” Chad asks.

I can hear the concern in his voice. We’ve seen things that neither of us likes to talk about, but that simple question tells me he’s making sure that it’s not just my infatuation with his cousin that had me sitting in the truck like an antisocial loner. “Yeah, I’m good,” I assure him. Funny, I haven’t thought about our most recent deployment at all since I walked in and met the beautiful Shayne.

She’s the perfect distraction.

Chad throws his arm over my shoulder and the other over Shayne’s as we walk toward the house. He pushes open the door and enters, Shayne behind him and then me. I’m not going to deny the fact that I let my eyes roam over her. My cock twitches when I take in her ass in those jeans. Fuck, her in those jeans should be illegal.

I’m jolted out of my thoughts when I slam into the back of her. My hands immediately go to her hips to steady her. Is it just me or did she lean into my chest? “You all right?” I ask, my lips next to her ear.

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Damn, Ford, you just about mowed her over.” Chad chuckles. He knows exactly what had me distracted if the glint in his eye is any indication.

“Sorry, Shayne,” I say softly. My hands are still gripping her hips, and my hard cock is now pressing against her ass. I know I should release her, but I can’t seem to get my hands on board with that plan.

“Shayne, what a nice surprise,” Joan, Chad’s mom, says as she enters the living room. “Are you kids hungry?” Her eyes flash to my hands on Shayne’s hips, and reluctantly, I release Shayne. I miss her heat instantly.

“Nah, we had wings at Jet’s,” Chad answers.

“Speak for yourself,” Shayne says, stepping next to Joan and giving her a hug.

“Well, you’re in luck. I just so happened to pull two homemade peach pies out of the oven.”

“Aunt Joan, you know I can’t say no to your peach pie.”

“You should have started with that, Mom,” Chad says, moving toward the kitchen. “I’m always hungry for your peach pie.”

I trail along behind the three of them. With my hands shoved into my pockets, I watch as Chad and Shayne take a seat at the island as they’ve done, I’m sure, countless times. I’m envious of all the time he’s been able to spend with her.

“Ford?” Joan asks, holding up a plate with a huge slice of peach pie.

“Thank you.” I nod and slide onto the empty barstool next to Shayne, who takes a bite of her pie and moans. I have to swallow hard to bite back a groan of my own, but it has nothing to do with the pie and everything to do with her.

This woman is going to be the death of me.



Chapter 4





I’m completely enthralled by their story. I’ve been listening to Chad and Ford carry on together around the campfire, sharing how they met in basic training and tales of mischief and comradery. They’ve pretty much monopolized the conversation since we moved from the kitchen to out here, but I haven’t minded. In fact, I’ve discovered I really enjoy listening to Ford talk. There’s just enough Ohio twang that I could hear him recite the owner’s manual for my car and never get bored.

“I had to get really drunk to scrub the image of Hunt streaking naked through that field out of my mind,” Chad says, a disgusted shiver sweeping through his entire body as he pulls a face.

I giggle quietly, only so I can soak up the sound of Ford’s deep, hearty laugh. It sweeps through me like an ocean wave, calming and with just enough force to knock me on my ass if I’m not careful.

“Sorry, we’ve kinda monopolized the conversation,” Ford says, taking a drink from his beer bottle. His eyes are like laser beams across the fire, direct and intense. I can feel them through the heat of the dancing flames, which only causes more warmth to flood between my legs. “So, tell me who that jackass was at the bar.”

Sighing, I spin my empty bottle in my hands. Fortunately, I’m saved from having to answer right away because Chad jumps in.

“He’s a douchebag. Connor Jorgeson. Thinks he owns this town and is above everyone in it. He was a prick back in school, and it appears he hasn’t changed in the least.”

“No, he definitely hasn’t changed. His dad owns the big bank, which is how he got his job,” I confirm, not sure how much Chad knew since he had been gone.

“He give you problems like that often?” Ford asks, his focus solely on me. There’s something in his voice that surprises me. It’s a touch of danger mixed with concern. I’d expect that response from Chad, but not from his friend. The one I’ve known for approximately four hours.

I shrug. “I can handle Connor.”

Ford sits up straight in his Adirondack chair and meets my gaze. “There’s not a doubt in my mind that you could handle him, but the point is, you shouldn’t have to.”

Again, I lift my shoulders. “He may be a dick, but he’s harmless.”

“No one should put their hands on you without your consent, Shayne.” His words are soft yet sharp, as if it truly bothers him that Connor did what he did.

I give him a nod, suddenly unable to form words. There’s something so powerful in the intensity of his eyes and the way he captivates my attention that leaves me a little speechless, which is crazy talk, because I’m never speechless.

“If you want, I can show you a few self-defense moves while I’m home,” Chad chimes in, his stance relaxed in the chair, but I can see the tightness around his mouth from over here.

“I’ll be fine, Chad, but thanks for the offer. Jet isn’t going to allow anything to happen to me at work. Did I tell you he upgraded the security at the back of the building when I moved in?”

When I moved into the apartment above the bar that Jet once lived in, he made sure everything was in tip-top working order, and that included video security monitoring and an alarm system on the doors. He spared no expense in making sure I was safe and that no one could access the apartment without my permission.

“I know Jet’s got your back, Shay. That’s one of the main reasons I didn’t pitch a fit when you started working there,” Chad adds, earning an eye roll. Like he would have had any say over what job I took. The fact was I needed money, and bartending made that happen. The tips are good, and no one bothers me most of the time.

While Chad starts telling Ford all about getting up early in the morning and taking care of the farm, I lean back and just gaze at the stars. I’ve always loved watching the night sky, the clouds rolling in, the jet airstreams, the occasional falling star. There’s something so peaceful and serene about it that has always called to me. Often as a child, I’d slip outside to escape the fighting between my mom and whatever boyfriend she brought home for the night. I’d go lie in the middle of the yard and just stare up at the stars, hoping and praying I’d see a falling one so I could make a wish.

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