Home > Enticing Liam (Big Sky Royal #2)(38)

Enticing Liam (Big Sky Royal #2)(38)
Author: Kristen Proby

“But you haven’t seen the way he looks at you,” she says softly. “If you ever need to talk about it, I’m here. Sebastian and I will be here for another couple of weeks.”


She nods and walks over to where Sebastian stands. She slips her arm through his, and they stare lovingly at each other.

What would it feel like to have that kind of freedom with Liam? To not feel that I have to keep how I feel about him to myself?

Bloody great, that’s how it would feel.

And why shouldn’t I have that? Liam’s a wonderful man. I’ll speak with my mother later about him.

That decided, I feel lighter as I survey the room. My father has just finished posing for a group photo with all of the heads of state, and some are starting to filter out, giving the king their best wishes before they go.

Despite his health, my father will be the last to leave this party.

I want to stay and keep an eye on him, and it seems I’m not the only one. Sebastian, Freddy, and Callum are all nearby, as well.

We’re a family unit, keeping vigil around our father.

Just as it should be.



Chapter 16






Watching the change in Ellie over the past week has been an education.

I’m following behind her as she works the room of this state dinner. I stay a few feet away but remain close enough that I can hear conversations and can reach her within a millisecond if need be.

The likelihood is small, given the crazy amount of security in and around this place, but you never know. And that’s what I’m here for.

The carefree, relaxed woman I spent the past month with has slowly melted away, taking Ellie with it and leaving Princess Eleanor in its place.

She’s still kind and smart. Witty and sweet. But she’s different. Even the way she speaks is more polished. Her shoulders are stiff and pulled back. Her movements are measured. The smile on her gorgeous face is as fake as most of the breasts in this room.

I’m not sure what to make of it yet.

I feel disconnected from her. I haven’t spent much time with her. By the time I join her in her rooms at night, we’re both exhausted and fall into sleep together, only to wake up the next day and start the routine all over again. I check in with the security team, and she goes about her princess duties. I know she’s been in a frenzy, getting ready for her fundraiser next week.

Time is flying by.

Some of the people at this party are starting to leave, but the room is still full. Just as one person leaves Ellie, two other women show up. One, Gretchen, Ellie spoke to earlier. The other I haven’t seen before.

“Eleanor,” Gretchen says with a smile, “I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Vivienne.”

“Oh, we’ve met,” Ellie says and grins. “How are you, Vivienne?”

“Just splendid, thank you.”

The three standing together look like something out of a magazine. Ellie is stunning with her long, blond hair twisted up at the back of her head, the green dress molding to her like a second skin.

I’ll enjoy peeling it off her later.

Gretchen is taller, brunette, and has a beauty mark by her lip, Cindy Crawford style. Her dress is red, low-cut, and screams, look at me!

Vivienne has short, dark-blonde hair, and lots of curves outfitted in a simple black dress.

“So, Eleanor,” Gretchen begins, “Vivienne and I couldn’t help but notice that your bodyguard is quite attractive.”

“I believe the Americans would call him a snack,” Vivienne adds with a giggle.

Jesus, I’m standing right fucking here. These women seem to think that anyone on the payroll is deaf and dumb.

I’m far from either.

“He’s handsome, yes,” Ellie says and nods.

“He’d really be the perfect one-night stand,” Gretchen continues. I have to fight to keep my face expressionless.

“Clearly, he’s not relationship material,” Vivienne agrees. “But, goodness, look at the way he fills out that tux.”

“Why wouldn’t he be relationship material?” Ellie asks and sets her empty champagne flute on a tray.

“Well, the reasons are fairly obvious,” Gretchen says.

“Explain them to me,” Ellie says. Her face is calm, but she’s gripping the back of a chair, her knuckles turning white.

“She only means that he’d be fun for a fling,” Vivienne says, speaking slowly as if Ellie is stupid.

I want to throw them both out of here.

“I know what she means,” Ellie replies, not looking away from Gretchen. She steps forward and gets within inches of Gretchen’s face. “You’re not a kind woman. I know you think you can come here, into my home, and judge me and everyone else here, and that no one will dare call you out on your pettiness.

“But I will. You’ve been baiting me all evening, and I’m done. Liam, this snack over here, is a kind and good man, and he doesn’t deserve to listen to whatever game you’re trying to play. You’re a guest in my home, Gretchen, not the other way around. And trust me when I say you won’t be invited again.”


“My name is Princess Eleanor,” Ellie replies coolly. “Good evening.”

Ellie nods once, and we walk away from the two flummoxed women. Ellie turns to say something to me, but I shake my head once.

“Later,” is all I say.

We have a lot to talk about later.



“My feet are killing me.” Ellie steps out of her heels and wiggles her toes. “Being in sandals for a month was heaven. I got used to not wearing these death traps.”

“They look sexy on you,” I reply as I loosen my tie. “Then again, you look gorgeous in just about anything.”

She offers me a tired smile. “I’m going to take a quick shower and wash this makeup off.”

Wash Princess Eleanor off.

I nod. “I’m going to sit out on the patio for a few minutes, get some fresh air.”

She frowns, and before she can say anything else, I take her shoulders in my hands and pull her up for a long, slow kiss.

“Go shower,” I whisper. “Then come see me outside.”

“All right.”

She walks away, reaching behind her to unzip that sexy-as-hell dress. I’d planned to peel it off her and have my way with her this evening, but I have too much on my mind.

I walk into Ellie’s kitchen and pour a glass of water, then open the French door that leads out to the private courtyard. I take a seat.

The sky is clear, but because of the light noise from London, there aren’t any stars that I can see. It’s a world away from Montana, that’s for sure.

And that’s just the sky.

I’ve been staying with Ellie in her apartment since we arrived. I had a talk with Charles, the head of security for the royal family, and he reluctantly allowed it. As far as I know, he hasn’t told anyone else.

And I know Ellie hasn’t said anything to her family yet, even Callum.

I promised her when we arrived last week that we would have a talk, but there hasn’t been a free moment for it.

That ends tonight.

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