Home > Fated (Enchanted Gods #2)(3)

Fated (Enchanted Gods #2)(3)
Author: K.K. Allen

Charlotte goes to the naked mannequin on the opposite wall. I watch in fascination as she drapes the green silk of my dress over the figure’s head. She turns to assess me. “I just need to get your measurements.” She taps her finger to her lip a few times, in full concentration. “Spin.” She gestures to me and makes a circling motion with her hands.

Without hesitation, I do as she asks.

“Good.” She smiles and turns back to the dress. With a single wave of her hand, the dress begins to transform.

It’s like I’m watching a fantastic symphony come to life with Charlotte as conductor and the fabric playing the role of her orchestra. The green fabric tugs together at the waist, and with a snip of the flying scissors, the top of the dress forms a heart-shaped cut. Another piece of chiffon fabric overlays the dress, and again, the flying scissors cut through the fabric, creating perfect vertical ruffles every few inches, starting from the top of the waistline down to the bottom, slightly hanging over the silk fabric beneath it. The dress isn’t even done, but it’s already beautiful.

I watch the expressions on Charlotte’s face as her magic crescendos beautifully with an energy I’m privileged to witness. Magic really does become her. She lights up as she cuts the scarf into long pieces, which then get stitched to the chest of the dress in diagonal patterns. Shiny embellishments follow.

With a fluid lift of her hand, the dress rises from the mannequin and lands in my arms. She smiles at me with big, hopeful eyes as she gestures to her masterpiece. “Do you like it?”

I’m utterly speechless at first, but I manage a nod. I’m still surprised by what our magic can do. It’s refreshing to see someone using their powers so freely too. It’s inspiring.

“This is the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen.” I look at her. “You’re sure I won’t be too fancy for tonight?”

“For the Enchanters and Friends event?” She reels back like my I’ve asked a shocking question. “Oh no. Everyone will be impeccably dressed.”

Now I’m curious. “What is this event exactly? What should I expect?”

Charlotte’s bright, shining eyes and smile give away her excitement. “Well,” she starts, as if she’s tiptoeing as she often does to avoid delivering the wrong information. “We meet once a month, as a community, and every so often, we invite others…”

Charlotte’s voice trails off as Rose ascends the stairs. I can smell her lavender perfume before she reaches the entrance to the room. She’s already dressed in a blue sequined gown of her own.

“There will be Enchanted descendants from our community and some neighboring communities as well,” Rose says. “Unfortunately, this event won’t be as jovial as they usually are. After the disastrous Fourth of July party, everyone is curious about the Equinox and the threat that’s been placed on our town. Our friends want to help.”

As nice as this sounds, I tense up at the mention of the Equinox. “Our friends?”

Rose looks at Charlotte then back at me. “Followers, of course, and the other descendants.”

I know who Followers are. Rose and Charlotte have made it abundantly clear that they are Normals who are in on our secret and who do not possess magic. They are bound to secrecy by the Laws of Enchantment, just as we are. But I don’t know who else she’s referring to. She waves a hand in the air, as if it’s not important. “You’ll meet them tonight.”

I let out an uncomfortable laugh as unease shakes through me. I understand why Rose was careful to reveal the secret of our magic, but I’m tired of the secrets now. After what happened at Alec’s party, I can’t help but resent the fact that Rose didn’t warn me more about Erebus and the Equinox army. “You know, there doesn’t have to be some grand reveal for every secret you keep. You can just tell me, prepare me, and let me help.”

Rose lets out a slow breath. “I’m doing my best, Katrina,” she says with a stern voice. “I can’t possibly prepare you for everything all at once. You’ll meet everyone tonight, and information will come to you, just as it does for everyone else.”

Rose turns and walks out, and I think back to something Charlotte told me when I first arrived at Summer Manor. I pivot to face Charlotte. “Did Rose just walk up the stairs?”

“Just because I don’t like the stairs doesn’t mean I can’t walk up them,” she calls from a distance.

My face grows hot. Sometimes I forget that I’m not the only one with enhanced senses. Charlotte gives me a sympathetic look and ushers me back to my room.

This is going to be a long night.



Charlotte drives us all to the Enchanters and Friends event. From the sound of it, and judging by our formal attires, I half expect to enter an elegant ball. It shouldn’t surprise me, really. After seeing what Rose and Charlotte accomplished at my eighteenth birthday party, I’ve learned not to underestimate them.

We circle the main drive of Summer Island and turn onto a street I’ve never ventured down before. It looks much like the long, winding entrance to the island, but the road sign reads Gaia Lane. The School of Gaia. This must be the road it’s on. I’ve yet to see the college I’ll be attending in the fall. About a mile later, my guess is confirmed as a gorgeous castle-like structure appears through the hanging moss and oak trees. A tall wall surrounds the property, wild grass grows at the perimeter, and arched lookouts reveal nothing but the blue sky on the other side of it. Beside the castle, there looks to be an open-air ancient Greek theater with stadium seating that’s been chiseled from rock, and a circular dirt stage is set at the foot of the stairs.

When we emerge from the car, Rose’s phone rings, and she excuses herself, telling us she’ll catch up with us when she’s done. As Charlotte and I cross over to the grass just outside the theater, I overhear Rose speaking in a hushed whisper.

“This is not a great time.” I recognize the terse tone she reserves for those close to her. She’s used it on Charlotte and me more times than I can count. “Yeah, well, you should be here leading this meeting, not me. Where are you?”

Charlotte tugs me forward forcefully, and I hop to avoid the curb. “Come,” she says, clearly in some kind of hurry. I can’t help but wonder if Charlotte knows whom Rose is speaking with.

We approach a thick stone wall covered in ivy. Through its arched entrance, I see a lavish garden with all sorts of tropical arrangements, Greek statues, and a water fountain. At first, I wonder why Charlotte is bringing me to an empty garden, then the scene before me morphs into something different. The landscape is the same, but now a thick crowd is mingling about, all colorfully and elegantly dressed.

My jaw practically hits the ground and Charlotte is laughing at my surprise. “It’s cloaking magic, Kat. Only the Invited can see what goes on during our events—for our protection of course. Everyone else sees the venue as if it’s empty.”

“The Invited?” It sounds pretty self-explanatory, but I’m curious to hear what Charlotte says.

“Most everyone here is an Enchanter. Some of them are Followers. So, in all, we just say the Invited.” She nudges my side. “It’s not as overwhelming as you think, but that’s why school will help.”

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