Home > Beast's Demands (Crude Hill High Book 3)(2)

Beast's Demands (Crude Hill High Book 3)(2)
Author: Sam Crescent

“Don’t even try. There’s nothing you can do, Ashley.”

I clenched my hands into fists. This anger wasn’t something I was used to.

Taking a deep breath, I followed him out of the cabin and to wherever he wanted to take me. I kept my gaze focused straight ahead.

I was sure the boat was rocking left and right. There were a few times I was convinced a sea monster was bumping the side, wanting to tip us over so he could have a snack.

Yeah, I had a thing for shark movies. Giant sea creatures, anything.

Emily didn’t share my enjoyment. I went from the extreme of loving shark movies to being a lover of all things romance. I was a sucker for them. I wasn’t a horror kind of girl, though. I couldn’t stand them. There was nothing worse than being frightened out of your wits.

We headed out onto the top of said boat, and now I knew it was more of a yacht. The extravagance was clear. The crew didn’t talk to me, but they nodded at Earl. He was the one in charge.

We moved to the back of the boat, or was it the front? Either way, it was a deck with a parasol to protect from the hot sun. I was sweating. I hadn’t showered, and the clothes I was wearing were designed to take on dreary England. Not this kind of heat.

I was sure I stank. I could feel the sweat trace down my back.

Earl took a seat. I realized he was dressed all in white.

He rested his hands clasped together in front of himself. The power he exuded, even outside in the open air, shocked me. This man was used to getting what he wanted. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was so used to getting what he wanted, why did he wait this long to exact revenge?

A virgin was what he wanted.

Emily didn’t give herself to him, and he’d lost, big time. As I watched him now, I wondered what the hell he could want. Where did I come in? I was nothing. No one. I wasn’t important. I didn’t deal with powerful people. All I was good for was keeping an eye on Emily and cooking. I commanded a kitchen. I made those ingredients my bitch.

“Take a seat.” He pointed at the chair opposite him.

The last thing I wanted to do was follow orders, but I found myself lowering into the seat provided.

A woman wearing a bikini approached, pouring him something out of a jug.

“A drink?”

“I don’t drink.”

“It’s water, Ashley. You need it.”

I nodded at the woman and hoped my nerves didn’t show. Earl was the kind of man Emily was used to dealing with, not me. I wasn’t used to any of this, and I feared it showed. I didn’t want it to show.

He lifted up his drink and took a sip. Once mine was poured, I followed suit. The water was nice, cold, refreshing.

Quickly, I put the glass down. My hand shook, and I hated to show any kind of weakness. Hated this so much.

Earl was watching me again.

His hair had grown out some, I thought. He didn’t have long hair, but thick. The length was enough to grab hold of and grip in place as he did … other things. I didn’t even know why my thoughts went to sex.

I’d never been the kind of woman to be curious about the opposite sex. After all that my mother went through, I did everything in my power to avoid it.

At least I was still alive.

I hated the way he stared at me. He saw everything, and I didn’t have the power to stop him from looking.

Tucking some hair behind my ear, I waited, knowing this wasn’t going to go well if I spoke up. All I could think about was Emily. We hadn’t been apart before. Seven years was a long time to get to know one another.

Time ticked on by. I couldn’t keep looking at him. My gaze went around the boat, and seeing the ocean swirling around us didn’t bring me any comfort. A storm. A giant sea monster. We were all as good as dead.

“I can play this game forever,” Earl said.

I looked at him. “I’m not playing any game. I’m not here of my own free will. You got me, remember? I don’t need to talk. This is all you.” The desire to keep on rambling was strong, but I nipped it in the bud. I didn’t want to completely irritate him, even though the very thought was fun.

Earl watched me and suddenly leaned forward. On instinct, I jerked back. It wasn’t even an intention of doing that, but it happened quite quickly.

“I won’t hurt you. You’ve got no reason to fear me.”

I laughed. “No reason to fear you? You’ve taken me out in the middle of nowhere. I’ve got no family. All I’ve got is Emily. I’ve got every reason to be afraid.”

Earl rubbed his hands together. “Then how about we agree I won’t hurt you.”

“You expect me to believe you?”

“I’ve never hurt you before.”

“I’ve done nothing to deserve it.”

“And you think you’re going to end up with me hurting you?”

I licked my lips. My mouth was suddenly dry. I wanted the water but I didn’t want to move. This man was dangerous. The last thing I wanted to do was incite his anger.

“I have no idea what you want from me. Why don’t you tell me what you want?”

He snapped his fingers, and the people closest to him all started to leave, giving us space.

“I was offered a very precious reward for my compliance, and that was taken from me. Emily is not mine. Never has been. However, I still want my gift.”

I stayed perfectly still. “I can’t magically grow Emily a hymen.”

Earl wrinkled his nose. “I’m not interested in Emily.”

“I’ve never been gifted with genius, Mr. Valentine. You need to come out and tell me what exactly you want from me.”

That smile again, only this time, it sent a shiver down my spine.

“Oh, Ashley, I’m very much aware of what I want from you, and if you really thought about it, you’d be as well.”

I needed water.

“You’re a virgin. Untouched. I’ve been watching you and Emily for years. Much longer than the Monsters would even begin to imagine. At first, I wanted to take Emily. To hurt her. To ruin her. I know the Monsters are to be feared, but they underestimate me. I earned a great deal of money doing business with them, but I have plenty of money. It’s not an object for me.” He waved his hand in the air as if it didn’t matter. This was spoken by a man who clearly didn’t know what it was like to have nothing. To go day to day, wondering when the next paycheck was going to come in. “I want my cherry. I want an untouched woman, and you, Ashley, you’re that woman.”



Ashley was even more stunning up close than in any of the pictures I’d seen, or videos that had been taken over the years. After I’d first been taken for a fool by the men’s fathers, I’d had every intention of taking Emily, using her, putting her to work in one of the many brothels I owned, and getting my just reward. My virgin woman was gone, and I didn’t like being offered something so precious for it to be taken away so swiftly. It pissed me off.

I wasn’t a man to be messed with.

Over the years, I’d made sure to build a reputation that everyone feared. I killed without mercy. Crude Hill may be home to monsters and thugs. I was worse than all of them. I was a fucking beast.

I didn’t need a reason to kill. I did it purely because I wanted to.

Without mercy.

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