Home > Real Players Never Lose (The Boys #3)(68)

Real Players Never Lose (The Boys #3)(68)
Author: Micalea Smeltzer



We wake up sometime later to the incessant buzzing of Teddy’s phone.

Brr. Brr. Brr. It seems to rumble through the whole room.

“Ugh, make it stop,” I groan, peeking at the clock. “Shit it’s not even nine, and we fell asleep like that?”

“Good sex will do that to you,” Teddy says, his voice deep and rumbly as he leans over me and grabs his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

“Don’t you mean boring sex?” I don’t know why I’m trying to get a rise out of him.

He smirks at me, eyes glancing over the dozen or so love bites all over my chest and shoulders. “If it was bad you would’ve gotten up and left.”

“This is my room.”

He shows me his phone screen, that it’s his father calling and tells me to be quiet before he answers. “Dad, to what do I owe this pleasure?” His dad’s voice rumbles across the line, but I can’t hear what he’s saying. “Why would I need to go?” Teddy asks him, his lips turning down at the corners with distaste. “Mhmm, yeah. I’m not sure she can go.” He eyes me. “Required? Why?” He nods his head some, face wrinkled with displeasure. “Whatever.” He winces at something his dad says. “We’ll both be there.” A heavy sigh. “I said we’d be there. Yup. Goodnight.”

He ends the call and tosses his phone to the floor, burying his head into the crook of my neck. He lets out a groan that cuts off when he kisses my neck, and I giggle.

“What was that about?” I massage my fingers into the back of his neck.

Rolling to the side of me, he props his head up on his hand. “Just Daddy Dearest requesting both of our presence at this event in Nashville this Friday. No clue why he waited so long to say something. It sounded like he knew about it for a while. It’s black tie.”

“Black tie?”

“Formal wear.”

I bite my lip, trying to catalogue the clothes Teddy bought for me before. “I think I have a dress that’ll work.”

“If not, I’ll get you something, and don’t fight me on it. You shouldn’t have to pay for a gown just because my dad decides we need to be some place.”

“I don’t know how you’ve dealt with this lifestyle for so long.”

“It’s all I’ve known.” I detect a hint of sadness in his tone. “I know other lifestyles exist, but this is my reality.” He tilts his chin down, staring at me intently. “I want a different future for myself, for any kids I might have.”

Cupping his jaw, I pull him down into a kiss. “You’re nothing like I expected.”

He glides his big thumb over my bottom lip. “You’re not either.” Clearing his throat, he lies back down in the bed and tucks me against his chest. “Let’s go back to sleep.”

I don’t argue with that.



I smell like a mixture of grease and cheese. It’s not a good combination. Especially not when I have to be ready in two hours to head to Nashville with Teddy for the event. It’s to be held at some rich person’s estate.

“Whoa, what’s going on?” Danika’s voice is laced with concern as she watches me rush past her and into my bedroom. I have to shower the smell of The Burger Palace off me stat and then it’s hair, makeup, getting dressed—it all feels like too much.

While I double check that my dress is wrinkle free and grab my stuff for a shower, I quickly fill her in on what’s going on since I act like I’m trying to get to a fire.

“I could do your hair,” she suggests casually. “Makeup too. I don’t mind.”

My shocked eyes meet hers. “Are you serious?”

Do I sound as stupidly relieved as I feel?

She shrugs. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to. It’s no biggie.”

“Trust me, it is. I owe you so much for this.”

I give her a quick hug, surprising us both, and then I’m locking myself in the bathroom.

Washing my hair and scrubbing my body until there’s no trace of restaurant smell left, I then make sure to shave every inch so I’m smooth to the touch. Rich people don’t like hair unless it’s on their heads.

Drying my body with a towel, I slip on my undergarments and pull a robe on. I don’t think there’s any point in putting on actual clothes until I have to slip into my dress.

I’ve barely set foot out of the bathroom when Danika tugs me into her room. She points for me to sit in her desk chair, and she gets to work.

I realize as she blows out my hair before rolling it with these big round curlers that she leaves in my hair that I’ve never actually been in her space before. Sure, I’ve seen it in the casual way one glimpses things passing by, but I’ve never been close enough to truly inspect things.

Her walls are plastered with posters of bands, artists, and others that seem to be of places she’s traveled to. On the ceiling she’s hung a tapestry of the moon and stars that drapes down a bit, giving a cozy effect. And like my room, she has loads of twinkle lights but where mine are white hers are a purple color giving the space a more vampy feel.

“This is cool,” I comment as she secures a roller with a bobby pin. “Your room, I mean.”

“Thanks.” I see her smile in the reflection of the round mirror she set on her desk. “It’s the first time I could really decorate to my liking. My mom has a very contemporary style, so I was never allowed to have my room the way I wanted growing up.”

I can’t help but frown. My parents aren’t perfect, but at least I was allowed to have my room the way I wanted. “That’s sucky.”

“I got over it.”

She finishes putting in the last roller and before she starts my makeup, she asks to see my dress.

“Oh my God, it’s stunning.” Her jaw drops at the silky cowl neck dress with thin straps in the most beautiful olive-green color I’ve ever seen.

“Thanks. I didn’t even pick it out for myself, but it’s exactly what I’ve chosen.”

Either Teddy did one hell of a job describing my personal style to whatever stylist pulled the wardrobe he got me, or else she was intuitive enough to guess.

“What shoes are you wearing with it?” I show her the strappy gold heels. “I have a look in mind, it’s a little daring, but I think it would be perfect. Do you trust me?”

I hesitate for only a second. “Yeah, I do.”

I’m ushered back to the chair in her room once more where she gets to work. I feel like a blank canvas as she works intently, adding things like foundation and contour and what I worry is a bit too much blush but she insists is just right. I try not to talk while she works, not wanting to distract her from whatever vision she has.

Finished with my makeup she turns the mirror away. “Hey!” I protest, trying to grab it.

“Nope, not yet. You need to see the final product all together. Let me finish your hair and get your dress on and then you can look.”

“Fine.” I pout, hoping I didn’t ruin the lipstick she applied.

Removing my hair from the rollers she brushes out my hair, teasing it in areas. I’ve never felt so glamourous in all my life and I haven’t even seen myself yet.

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