Home > Cross (Dark Kings #3)(49)

Cross (Dark Kings #3)(49)
Author: Shantel Tessier

“What?” She looks back at him.

He steps back from her, needing the space.

“What is it?” she demands, wanting to know what I’m talking about. Wondering just how many more secrets he’s been keeping from her.

“I’ve been talking to Mitch,” he admits.

“I know,” she states.

I push off the bar at the same time as his eyes narrow on her. “You knew?” we both ask in unison.

She steps to the side so she can see both of us before she speaks. “Yeah. When I saw him at Crown, he told me that you informed him Lucky’s wasn’t doing well.”

He reaches up, running his hands through his hair aggressively. “Alexa …”

“When I asked him what he was doing talking to you, he said it was none of my business.” She frowns. “I told him to stay away from you, and he just laughed.”

He drops his head and shakes it. “Jesus.”

“Wait?” She looks from him to me. “Are you mad at me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me this?” He demands.

Her brows rise at his tone. “You weren’t even speaking to me. Why the fuck would I come to you? Plus, I never see Mitch. I thought that he could be lying just to piss me off.”

“You told me you spent the night with him last night.” Derek fires at her.

“What?” I ask, blinking. “You spent the night with him last night?” My blood pressure rises instantly, and my need to burn something is strong. I’m going to need a bigger cross.

She rolls her eyes at me and snaps, “I was with you last night, you dumb ass!”

“But you—”

“I lied to you,” she interrupts her brother. “You were yelling at me and talking shit about Cross. I wasn’t going to tell you that I’ve been practically living with him and make the situation worse.”

“What?” He gasps. “You’re living with him? When were you going to tell me it’s this serious?”

I look over at Grave, and he arches a brow at me as if to ask the same thing. I told him I love her. What did he expect? “We’re getting off topic,” I interrupt their conversation. “Derek, tell her what you told me,” I growl, getting back on track.

He plops down onto the couch and looks up at her. “I never told him that Lucky’s was in trouble. I ran into him at the Airport, and he asked if I knew you were fucking Cross.” He shudders. “I told him I didn’t give a shit who you were fucking. He laughed it off and asked how Lucky’s was. I said I had quit.”

“What were you doing at the Airport?” she asks. “Nothing good goes on there, Derek.”

“I was there with Ethan.” He shrugs.

I never thought to ask him that question when he confessed; he had spoken to Mitch. And I’m wishing she hadn’t. Grave drops the banana he was eating and steps into the living room. I move quickly, stepping in front of him. My hand on his chest. “Don’t,” I warn. “We’ll take care of it. One problem at a time.” I say the same thing to him that Titan had said to me.

His hard eyes go from mine to Derek, and his jaw sharpens. No one has seen or heard from Ethan since Bones kicked him out of Grave’s house the night of our celebration dinner for the girls. Guess that’s another problem Grave and April are having. He didn’t go into much detail but mentioned it to me in the car on our way to Alexa’s house earlier. April is scared because he’s gone MIA. And Grave just wants to find him to kick his ass.

“I promise,” I tell my best friend. “We’ll figure that out.”

“Were you doing drugs with him?” I hear Alexa bark at her brother.

“No.” he snaps as if that question was absurd. “I’m not a druggie. I’m not like him.” He points at Grave.

He shoves me out of the way and runs for him but I’m quicker. I grab his shirt and push him back. “Stop!” I shout.

Alexa has put herself between her brother and Grave. As if she was going to be able to stop him. Derek is up and jumped over the back of the couch, needing it for protection. Bones is now behind his brother while Titan stands beside him.

“One problem at a time.” I repeat, rubbing my temples. I’m fucking getting a headache.

“I’m going to kick your ass.” Grave warns, pointing at Derek.

“What’s the problem, Grave?” Derek smirks, feeling cocky. “April finally come to her senses and leave your ass?”

Grave runs for him again and I jump in front of him while Titan and Bones both grab him. “He’s not worth it man,” Titan tells him.

Grave shoves us all off and storms toward the door, picking up a glass bowl that sits on a shelf in the foyer, and turns throwing it right at Derek’s head. He ducks just in time, and it hits the marble floor shattering to a million pieces. Then he storms out, slamming the door shut.

“Jesus.” Derek breathes, relieved he didn’t just get knocked out for the second time today. “What the fuck is his problem?”

Bones runs after his brother while Alexa turns on hers. “What the hell is wrong with you?” She shouts at him.

“I was just joking about him and April.” He points at the door. “Not my fault he can’t take a joke.”

She just shakes her head at him, and I see tears start to build in her eyes. “April lost the baby, Derek.”

His face falls, turning white and his mouth forms an O shape. “I didn’t … I didn’t know. You didn’t tell me.”

She holds her hands out wide giving out a rough laugh. But I see it’s to hide her sadness. “Why would I tell you anything to do with the Kings? April? Or myself at this point? You hate all of us.” Sniffing, she pushes some loose strands behind her hair. “Just go.”

“Alexa.” He comes around the couch and reaches out to her. “You know that’s not all true.”

But she lifts her hands. “I’m tired, Derek. Just leave.” And with that, she turns and heads to my bedroom, softly shutting the door behind her.





I SHUT OFF the light to Cross’s bedroom and fall face-first down onto it just as the first sob hits. I bury my face into his comforter, hoping it drowns it out. I don’t want them to hear me breaking.

I’m so fucking tired. Everything seems to continue to pile on, and I can’t breathe. Plus, with the lack of sleep I’m getting just makes it all worse. I need to go home and get some rest. When I’m here, I spend my time working at Crown and fucking Cross. My body needs rest. But Cross already said I can’t leave. Now I’m stuck here because my psycho ex probably set my bar on fire. Who knows why?

My boyfriend punched and branded my brother. Grave wants to kill him. I can’t say I blame him. Grave is already fragile, and I know Derek’s words hurt him. I could see it on his face, let alone the actions that followed.

I haven’t been able to talk to my best friend for weeks because she’s dealing with her own problems that she won’t discuss with me.

And Cross? I’m in love with a King. And even though he just showed me who he really is, I still love him. I should hate him, but I can’t. He was protecting me. Even if it was wrong.

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