Home > Impassioned (The Phoenix Club #2)(46)

Impassioned (The Phoenix Club #2)(46)
Author: Darcy Burke

Constantine wanted to wipe away all the dreadful memories. Since he could not, he was even more committed to providing her with new ones. “Well, you are going to show all of them how magnificent you are. We will spare no expense and no effort on this ball. Shall we meet with Haddock and Mrs. Haddock after dinner?”

She blushed, and now it was she who squeezed his hand. “You are so kind. I’ve already met with them, and, in fact, we will be working on the guest list and menu later. You are welcome to join us, of course.”

“I shall.” He wouldn’t let her fail. His father, her parents, and anyone else who ever doubted her would be forced to recognize her for what she meant to be—a respected and capable countess. “What about the invitations? I can ensure they are printed tomorrow, and we will deliver them with the utmost haste.”

“That would be brilliant. Do you really wish to make this an extravagant event?”

“I insist upon it.” This was one area in which his father wholly endorsed spending money. It was imperative to demonstrate their primary place in the hierarchy of the ton.

“We may be working very late,” she said, her eyes searching his. “You are welcome to stay the entire time, and then we can go up to bed…” Her invitation was clear even if she appeared to have reverted to her more shy self.

He leaned toward her and put his face next to hers, so that his lips were near her ear. “Lady Aldington, are you proposing I join you in your bedchamber?”

She turned her head slightly so their eyes could meet once more. “I am.”

“There’s my bold minx.” He lightly pressed his lips to her jaw just in front of her ear. “Forgive me for declining, but I think it might be better if we continue to get to know each other, as we have been. I’m enjoying this time we’re spending together. It feels like the courtship we never had.”

Her sharp intake of breath was soft, and he felt it more than heard it. He also felt her pulse thrumming in her throat. “Aldington. You make me want to swoon.”

“Then swoon. I shall catch you.” He kissed her again, his lips lingering against the velvet of her skin.

“I can’t swoon on a settee.”

“Shall we test that theory?” God, how he wanted to seduce her, to see if he could tease her into such a lustful frenzy that she would indeed swoon.


He sat back and willed his hungry body to calm itself. His cock did not understand why he was withdrawing.

“Would you care to ride with me tomorrow?” he asked. “Weather permitting, of course.”

“That would be lovely. However, it will depend on what progress we make with the ball. I’m afraid this is rather pressing. Furthermore, I have several commitments this week with your sister. I am pleased to say she does not have anything planned for Wednesday, so I may still accompany you to dinner at the Brightlys.”

His bloody father. Constantine ought to pay him a visit tomorrow and instruct him to leave his wife alone. He shoved his irritation with the duke away. “Splendid. You must tell me of the other events so I can meet you there. I assume you’ll be going to them with Cassandra.”

“Yes, and with her delightful companion, Miss Lancaster.”

Haddock entered then and informed them that dinner was ready. He wore an odd expression as he regarded them together on the settee. It was almost as if he were pleased and was trying very much not to show it. His lips were pulled rather unnaturally tight, perhaps to avoid smiling.

Constantine found that rather nice.

With reluctance, he stood. However, he didn’t release Sabrina’s hand. He held her fast as he guided her to her feet. “Shall we?”

“I am happy to go wherever you lead, my lord.” She smiled up at him.

How he longed to hear her say Constantine instead of “my lord” or “Aldington.” Hopefully that would come soon. After all, they were still only courting.



Chapter 15



The previous two days had passed as if Sabrina had ridden through them at breakneck speed. Which of course she would never do. While she was a decent horsewoman, she did not enjoy racing.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t been able to ride with Constantine on Monday, nor had she seen him much at all. They had dined together last night, but he’d had to rush off for another meeting. It was a busy time in the House of Commons.

In the meantime, she lay in bed at night, knowing he was right next door and imagining the pleasure they could share. She’d found satisfaction on her own, but where it had been a wonder a week ago, it was now a disappointment when she knew what she was missing with her husband. She longed to chastise her mother for filling her head with lies and nonsense. However, Sabrina was not that bold.

Besides, it didn’t matter. What had gone before was in the past, and she must focus on the future. As well as the present. She couldn’t stop thinking of what Constantine had said the other night, that this was the courtship they’d never had. Her heart still flipped over every time she recalled not just the words, but also the way he’d touched her…kissed her. She’d been certain he would come to her bed, but she understood why he did not. Yet. And blast it all if she wasn’t falling in love with him for it.

“We’re here,” Cassandra said, looking past Sabrina out the window of the coach toward Mr. and Mrs. Markwith’s house. “I must be honest. I find musicales dreadfully boring. What is your position on them, Sabrina?”

“I haven’t attended a great many.” Because she’d done her best to avoid these kinds of events and, more importantly, the people who attended them. She had to admit she was feeling much less agitated than in the past.

“Probably more than me since this is my first Season.”

“I think I’ve been to three,” Sabrina said.

“This is my third! You are clearly the expert then.” Cassandra grinned. “In favor or against? We’re not leaving the coach until you give your opinion.” Her eyes sparkled with mirth.

“Mildly against,” Sabrina murmured as she suppressed a laugh. Cassandra had such a warm and charming personality. She could improve anyone’s disposition.

“Ha! That makes three of us.” She glanced at Miss Lancaster who sat across from them on the rear-facing seat. “Pru won’t reveal her opinion, but I know.”

Miss Lancaster sat stone-faced, but there was a telltale twinkle in her eye.

They exited the coach and made their way inside between other guests. After exchanging greetings with their hosts, they climbed the stairs to the large drawing room where the musicale would be held.

“This is a great number of people for a musicale,” Cassandra noted, glancing about the crowded room as people milled around the rows of chairs. The windows were thrown open, inviting the cool evening breeze, a welcome balm for the stuffiness of the air.

“Perhaps the musicians are particularly skilled.” Sabrina surveyed the room and instantly wished she was anywhere else. The throng of people was overwhelming enough, but to add to her unease, her mother was coming straight for her. Thankfully, her oldest sister was with her. Peggy’s presence should soften the encounter.

Before they arrived, however, Cassandra spotted someone across the room with whom she wished to speak. “Can I go alone, or do you both want to come with me?”

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