Home > Saving Danger (Red Stone Security #17)(42)

Saving Danger (Red Stone Security #17)(42)
Author: Katie Reus

Ivy was tense behind him but otherwise quiet. He’d felt her pull his cell phone out of his back pocket and assumed she’d called 911.

“I understand,” he said.

Delilah turned slightly, backing out of the narrow walkway between the vehicles. Nash kept Ivy at his back, firmly blocked by his body where she would be safe even as he cursed the fact that he hadn’t brought a weapon with him. He didn’t make a habit of bringing his pistol to barbecues but now he was second-guessing his choice.

“What the—” The blonde turned as Juan jumped up from behind the vehicle, rushing at her like a linebacker.

He wasn’t fast enough.


The pistol went off, echoing like a cannon blast in the neighborhood, even as Nash sprang into action, rushing her from behind.

He rammed into her, grabbing onto her arm and twisting it even as she dropped the weapon. He wrenched it behind her back as he simultaneously body-slammed her.

“I’ve got the police on the line!” Ivy shouted as she rushed toward Juan’s fallen body.

As Ivy crouched next to Juan, Nash grabbed the woman’s other arm and yanked it behind her back as she thrashed around. He didn’t have any flex-cuffs on him so he made do with what he had and grabbed his belt, securing her wrists even as she continued kicking and cursing.

“I’m going to kill you!” she screamed.

Ivy was murmuring to Juan, who was conscious and groaning.

People were rushing out of Juan’s house now, but Nash held up a hand, hoping to calm them. “The cops are on their way!”

Ivy had her hands pressed against what looked to be a shoulder wound.

“How’re you doing, man?” he called out, unable to clearly see Juan since Ivy was crouched in front of him. Nash stayed where he was, keeping the woman in place, because she would definitely run if given the chance.

“I’m fine,” Juan’s voice shook slightly. “This is just a flesh wound.”

“Oh my God!” The woman Nash knew was Angel from the billions of pictures Juan had showed him rushed forward, wearing only a bathing suit and a sarong. “Juan, mi amor!”

Ivy moved out of the way as the woman took over, pressing onto his shoulder as she cried over him.

“Yes, I can hear the sirens,” Ivy said into the phone she was still talking into, giving Nash a worried look. Someone handed her a towel and she started wiping off the blood as she continued responding to the operator.

Delilah had finally stopped moving, but she was still cursing under her breath.

“I’m fine, this is nothing,” Juan continued.

“You’re not fine,” Angel answered, her voice growing high-pitched. “You’ve been shot.”

Nash motioned for one of the women to come over as Ivy still spoke into the phone. As she approached, he said, “Can you grab Angel some clothes? I have no doubt she’s going to want to ride with Juan to the hospital. And please ask someone to get all the kids inside.”

“I’m on it!” The curly-haired woman moved, shouting out orders to everyone, thankfully clearing the younger kids back inside right as multiple police cars screeched to a halt in front of the driveway.



Chapter 27



“You can kiss it and make me feel better,” Juan murmured, his words slightly sluggish as Ivy and Nash stepped into his hospital room.

Relief punched through Nash to see his friend awake and talking. The doctors had already assured them he was fine, but he’d needed to see for himself. “I’m not kissing anything,” Nash said as they found Angel sitting in a chair next to Juan’s bed, leaning over him.

“Good, because I’m certainly not asking you to kiss me. Perv.” Juan grinned, and yeah, he was definitely on something right now.

Angel looked between the two of them and rolled her eyes. Her cousin or sister had grabbed a dress for her to throw on but she was still wearing flip-flops and her bathing suit straps were visible around her neck. “I’m giving you guys five minutes and that’s it. Then he needs his rest.”

“I would’ve gotten shot a long time ago if I’d known you’d be taking care of me like this,” Juan told her dreamily.

Angel just shook her head before she left the hospital room, her shoes making little snapping sounds.

“How are you feeling?” Ivy asked, guilt lacing her voice. They’d been in the hospital for hours and Nash knew she was blaming herself for all of this.

“Fine, thanks to some good drugs.” Juan’s mouth curved up.

“The cops have the woman in custody and she’s being booked for attempted murder. It’s doubtful you’ll have to testify, considering the stuff they apparently have on her overseas already. She’s not going to see the light of day for a long time. If ever,” Nash said.

“I’m not worried about it and I don’t mind testifying. How are you guys doing?” Juan’s voice slurred slightly at the end and Nash figured they better make this really quick.

“We are more than good thanks to you. I owe you. You saved our lives.” He stood next to the bed and gently squeezed Juan’s hand.

“Nah. You would’ve disarmed her once you got close enough. I was the dumbass who decided to charge in like a hero.”

Nash shook his head. “No way. I owe you, seriously. Just let me know if there’s anything you need.”

“You don’t owe me shit. But I might let you bring me a couple meals.”

“You got it. And some beers.”

Juan snort-laughed, his eyes starting to drift shut.

Before either of them could say another word, Angel hurried back in the room. “All right, it’s time for you to leave. I appreciate you waiting around to see him, but Juan needs his rest.” She made a shooing motion, rushing them out. “I’ll text you and keep you updated.”

As far as Nash knew, it was surprising they were letting Juan have visitors at all, but he had a feeling that one or two of the higher-ups at Red Stone had made some calls because some of upper management, including their direct boss Travis, had been out in the waiting room.

“He looked way better than I thought he would,” Ivy murmured once they were in the hallway.

Two nurses strode past them, deep in conversation.

“The doctor said he was fine. The bullet went straight through and it doesn’t seem as if he is going to have any permanent nerve damage.” Though Nash knew that only time would tell for sure. Juan had some now, but the doctors were hopeful it was just temporary due to the nature of the wound.

“I still can’t believe what happened. It all happened so fast. And…thank you, for protecting me. For keeping me tucked behind your body the whole time.” Her voice cracked at that, tears pooling in her eyes.

He stared down at her incredulously. “You never have to thank me for that. I will always protect you, Ivy. I love you,” he blurted out. So much for holding on to that until a better time. He started to backtrack but screw it, he did love her. He was going to own it. Especially after what had happened. This was the best time he could think of.

She stopped in the middle of the hallway and wrapped her arms tight around him. “I love you too. I’ve known for a long time and it terrifies me. But I love you so much, Nash.”

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