Home > True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(22)

True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(22)
Author: Jennifer Ryan

“Are you unhappy about the move?”

She raked her fingers through her hair, making her robe gape open at her chest. Steph didn’t care or notice. “It’s a big change. I didn’t think it would be so different here.” Unhappiness and uncertainty filled her weary eyes. “I talked to my dad after you left with Emmy the other night. He said he’s so proud of me for stepping up.”

He found some sympathy for her because she really wanted to do the right thing and make her dad proud of her. “It’s only been a week, Steph. Give it some time. You’ll make more friends.” He notched his chin toward the apartment. “Maybe the new guy will introduce you to his friends, and you’ll find a new crowd to hang with.”

“He’s fun, but it’s not like that.”

Right. Steph wanted to keep her options open and thought she still had Jon on the line and hoped to reel him back in one day.

Steph sighed. “I’ll take care of the apartment, but I really would like your help buying the car.”

“Fine. You’ve got ten minutes to get dressed and grab what you need or I’m leaving.” He’d help her out for their daughter’s sake, but he wasn’t going to wait around for her all day.

She launched herself at him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and hugged him before leaning back. “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek and dashed away, running for the apartment to change.

He shook his head and called himself ten kinds of a fool for giving in, but reminded himself that Steph needed a reliable car to cart Emmy around when she had her.

But he wanted to make a few things clear, and called out to her. “Hey, Steph.”

She stopped and turned back.

“Listen, I get that we just got here and you wanted to blow off some steam, but if that place isn’t cleaned up on Monday and suitable for Emmy to come home to, I’m keeping her at my place.”

She planted her hands on her hips. “You can’t do that.” Before he assured her he would, damn their legal agreement, she sighed and said, “I’ll clean it up.”

“Thank you. I don’t want to keep her from you. I just want her to be safe and happy in a clean home.”

Steph huffed out her exasperation, but nodded, then walked back to her place.

He’d give her the ten minutes he promised and went to check on Emmy. He opened the passenger door.

“I want to go home.” Emmy stared at him, boredom plain to see in her eyes.

“Mom will be back in a few minutes. We’ll go buy a car, then get lunch.”

“I want a chocolate shake.”

“You got it.” Looks like today was the day he said yes to everything.

“Are you guys fighting?”

He put his hand on her knee to reassure her. “No. I’m just upset that the house wasn’t nice for you.”

She gave him a soft smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

At four, she’d probably forget a lot of the things he and Steph argued about and said, but he feared some things would stick in her mind and heart.

How long before she really understood him, Steph, and how they were raising her?

How long before she realized she deserved better?

How long before she blamed them for not doing right by her?

How long would he let Steph get away with this irresponsible behavior before he did something about it for Emmy’s sake?

“She didn’t feed the kitties.” Emmy understood that was a bad thing. The tantrums she threw about staying with Steph in the months leading up to the move made it clear she didn’t like the way Steph treated her either. Emmy’s bad behavior had spilled over into school. The teacher asked for a meeting only he showed up to because, guess what? Steph forgot about it. The teacher pointed out that kids who acted up in school usually had problems at home. She asked if she could help provide any support.

He decided it was time to make a change for the better for all of them.

He just wished Steph wanted to be better. He’d give her the benefit of the doubt because of the stress of moving and starting a new job. But if this kept up, he’d have to seriously think about what to do next.

“If I get a puppy, I won’t forget to feed him. I promise.”

He had more faith in his four-year-old keeping that promise than he did in Steph right now.



Chapter Nine


Jon walked into his dad’s new apartment behind Emmy, who squealed when she spotted a wrapped package on top of the new toy chest his dad bought for her visits.

“Not even a hello for your old grandpa?”

Emmy set the package down and rushed to wrap her arms around her grandpa’s neck.

His dad kissed Emmy’s cheek. “How is my sweet girl?”

“Daddy made me get a car. Boring.”

Jon filled in his dad. “We went with Steph to buy a new car.” Then he’d had to follow her to return the rental and drive her back to her apartment. It took most of the afternoon and several bribes to keep Emmy from having a complete meltdown.

“I saw a naked man,” Emmy announced.

His dad’s gaze snapped to his. “Excuse me?”

“Steph had company when we arrived at the apartment.”

“I see.” His dad set Emmy down. “Open your present.”

Emmy didn’t waste a second and tore into the wrapping paper. “A tea set.” She held up the box for him to see. “Open it. Open it.” She bounced on her toes.

Jon took the box and tore the top because of the industrial tape they used to seal it. He pulled out the plastic play set and placed the teapot, two plates, saucers, and teacups on the coffee table. “What do you say to Grandpa?”

“Thank you.” She pretended to pour tea into a cup and set it in front of her stuffed bunny.

His dad turned on the cartoon channel and waved him into the kitchen and away from Emmy, who chattered with Bunny while pretending to drink tea while watching Scooby-Doo.

“What’s going on with Steph?”

Jon tried to tamp down the frustration that always rose when he thought about her. “The usual. Apartment is a mess. She knew we were coming and was dead asleep when we got there. I had no idea she was with some random guy she picked up.”

His dad raised a brow. “Is that a problem for you?”

“Only in that she should have had the guy out the door before Emmy came home.”

“Are you sure?”

“Dad, seriously, there’s no love between me and Steph. If we didn’t have Emmy, I’d never see her again.” Seeing her now only made him regret being with her in the first place. The only good thing that came out of it was Emmy. “I just wish she could get her act together. I wish things were easier between us.”

“Are you concerned she won’t settle in here?”

“When I told her about the ranch and how I wanted to bring Emmy here, she got all excited about a new place, a new life. Part of her wanting to come with me was because her father had laid down the law about her always going to him for help. She wants to show him she can do it on her own.”

“She’s old enough to take care of herself.”

“One would think so.” He rubbed his hand over his stiff neck. “I’m afraid she’s going to change her mind about the move.”

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