Home > True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(9)

True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(9)
Author: Jennifer Ryan

“I have. But . . .”

Jon had already looked over the paperwork and knew why his father hadn’t pulled the trigger and moved already. “It’s pricey.”

“I can pay for most of it on my social security and savings.”

“But you’d eat up that savings in no time.” Unless he sold the ranch and lived off the proceeds at the new place. Jon didn’t even have to think. “If this is what you really want, I’ll make it happen.” And he’d keep the ranch, because that’s what he wanted for him and Emmy.

“The last thing I want to do is burden you with taking care of another person.”

“Why? You took care of me. It’s my turn to do it for you. Why make all that money and not do this for you after all the support you’ve given me over the years?”

“Well, that’s different. That’s not . . .”

“Money. You can say it, Dad. You need the money to make this move. If it will make you happy, if you’ll be with friends, if it will make your life better, I’m happy to do it. I just wish you’d talked to me sooner.”

“It wasn’t all that bad when I could drive, but now I don’t like to be out at night, driving along that twisty road. My eyes . . . They’re not that good anymore.”

“Then we’ll get you glasses before you move into that place so you can see all the pretty women.” Jon got it. His dad missed his wife. He deserved to find some comfort and companionship with someone. He shouldn’t be alone if he didn’t want to be anymore.

“Well, I don’t know about . . . It’s been a long time since . . .”

“Mom died,” he finished for his dad. “She’d want you to be happy, too. She wouldn’t expect you to sit around alone pining for her.”

“I’d like some . . . company. I get bored out at the ranch. In town, I’d have more options. I could go places. Do things.”

“You don’t have to sell me. I said I’d get you into that place and I will.”

“I checked last week. They have a one-bedroom apartment open. I put down a deposit to hold it.” His dad’s eyes pleaded with him.

“How long is the hold?”

“Until tomorrow.” Worry filled his eyes that he’d lose the deposit and his chance to be around others his age and have some fun and interactions instead of being alone at their remote property.

Jon shook his head. “Well, no time like the present to make a change.” That didn’t leave him much time to finalize everything.

“I’m sure . . . because I’m in the hospital . . . they’ll hold it a day or two more.” Uncertainty made his voice quaver.

“I’ll go down there today and make all the arrangements.” He checked his watch. “In fact, I’ll head over there now. Their office should be open. By the time I finish that, I can meet Steph and Emmy at the apartment. The movers should arrive at Steph’s place soon after. I told her I’d help her get settled. After that, maybe I can bring Emmy here to see you, if you’re up for it.”

“I can’t wait to see my sweet girl.”

“We’ll see how you’re feeling and how the day goes.” If he got his father the apartment, maybe he could convince the moving guys to come out to the ranch and pick up and deliver the essentials his father would need at the new place. Everything else could wait for later when his father was up to sorting through years of accumulated stuff at the house.

An ambitious plan for one day, but Jon could probably swing it if he timed things right.

“I can see you’ve already got your mind working on the solutions for getting things done.”

He laid his hand on his dad’s arm and gave it a squeeze. “Can I bring you anything?”

“Emmy.” His dad smiled up at him. “And a double-chocolate brownie wouldn’t hurt.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Maybe he’d swing by Almost Homemade, see Trinity, pick up some treats for his dad and Emmy, then go over to secure his dad’s new residence.

He headed for the door.

“What did you think of Trinity?” his dad called from the bed.

He turned before leaving and smiled. “I haven’t stopped thinking about her.” He left his father chuckling, and wheezing a bit, and headed out to find the temptress who was still calling to him this morning.



Chapter Four


Trinity flipped the sign to Open, unlocked the front door, and smiled for the handful of customers waiting to come in. Among them was a man holding a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and white snapdragons. Her heart went a little wild at just the sight of him.

Jon looked refreshed this morning, all shaved and cleaned up after his long night at the hospital. He looked damn good in black jeans and a light blue thermal. The color made his blue eyes even brighter against his dark lashes and hair. The smile he gave her made her belly flutter.

He held the flowers out to her. “Thank you for everything you did last night.”

She accepted the bouquet and immediately buried her nose in the sweet scent. “They’re lovely. And completely unnecessary. I was happy to help.”

“You know what I like about you?”


“You say you don’t need those, and yet, you can’t stop smiling or breathing them in. They are just pure pleasure to you.”

“It’s not often you get a surprise gift. When you do, you should enjoy it to the fullest.”

“I wish those would last forever for you then.”

Such a sweet statement. Of course, the flowers would fade and die, but not this memory. She’d hold on to this forever because no one, aside from her brothers on the day they opened the store, had ever given her flowers.

She ran her fingers over the soft petals. “How is your dad?”

“Better. Awake. Alert. Ready to move into a new apartment apparently.”

She pressed her lips into a surprised frown. “Really?”

“At least I’m not the only one who didn’t know anything about it.”

She waved him to follow her into the store. She needed to put the flowers in a container and make sure her staff was handling the customers who were already shopping. “I suppose it’s hard for him, living in the country, not being able to come into town as much as he’d like anymore.”

“He said it plainly. He’s lonely. And bored. So I have a fridge full of food thanks to you and a ranch that’s all mine now.”

“Uh, wow. Congratulations?”

He chuckled. “I came home to spend more time with Dad and Emmy and fix up the ranch. Dad hasn’t run cattle or horses on the place since I was a teen. It’ll take some time to fix up the stables and barn before I bring any animals onto the property. If the house is mine now, I guess I’ll renovate. Make it mine.”

“So a real fresh start.”

“Absolutely. With a lot of possibilities.”

She liked the way he held her gaze when he said that, and her belly tingled.

He glanced around the huge space, taking it in. “This is really something. Not a grocery store exactly, but . . . a really great concept. The quiche I had this morning was amazing.”

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