Home > Fall (Rise & Fall Duet #2)(8)

Fall (Rise & Fall Duet #2)(8)
Author: Grahame Claire

“Careful, son.”

I’d blame him until I went to my grave.

Zegas burst out of the back. “Lexie hit her head. They’re taking her to Mercy General.”

“My car is out front.”

I stumbled at my father’s words. The gesture was so unlike him I didn’t know what to do with it.

“I hope you have room for four.” Zegas led the charge out of the station.

“You don’t have to come,” I said as I jogged down the steps.

“Vivian would kill me if I didn’t,” Daniel returned. “Plus, I believe you need backup.”

“I can handle Zegas.”

He held the car door open. “I meant your father.”



Chapter Eight






“Who is responsible for Miss Logan?”

I bolted toward the doctor. “I am.”

A uniformed officer stepped up beside me. "Actually I am.”

Technically, she was still a prisoner. He was only doing his job, but I glared in his direction.

The doctor flipped through his chart. “She has a contusion on her skull, but no fracture. I’d like to keep her overnight for observation. If all goes well, she’ll be free to go tomorrow.”

“What could go wrong?” My mind immediately went to the worst, but if I didn’t know the possibilities, I couldn’t hedge them.

“Bleeding on the brain.”


Lexie would make a full recovery. She had to.

“I’d like to see her.” I’m going to see her.

“We can’t let you do that. She’s in custody." The officer shifted uncomfortably at my glare. “We’re not supposed to . . .” He nodded discreetly at the doctor.

“Give it a few hours. After another check, I’ll determine if visitors are allowed.”

That answer was unsatisfactory. I needed to lay eyes on her. How harmed was she? And how had she hit her head? Once I found out, Kane Zegas and Patrick Whitley may have another case on their hands.

“I won’t disturb her. Just . . . give me a second with her.”

The doctor sighed. “You can peek in her room, but nothing more as long as it’s okay with the officer.” He gestured to the swinging doors of the ER.

I moved before he could change his mind. The officer was right behind me. I hadn't given him a choice either.

Once I crossed to the other side, there was a quiet unlike the waiting area, which wasn’t loud. I’d expected more chaos.

The doctor stopped outside of a slightly closed door. “Just a peek.”

Slowly, I pushed the door open.

Lexie lay in the center of a hospital bed, illuminated by a dim light. Tubes and wires were hooked up to her from every angle it seemed. Her eyes were closed, her face devoid of its usual color, and she appeared at peace. There were no visible signs of injury. That brought only a small sense of relief.

Why had this happened to my beautiful girl?

I’d trade places with her in a heartbeat. She was vibrant and full of life. She made the world a place worth existing in. It was too dim without her smile and sharp tongue.

Keep fighting, Lexie. I’m waiting for you.

“Your peek is over,” the physician said quietly.

With reluctance, I closed the door. “Has she been awake?”

“Not yet.”

“And that’s not a concern?” My brows rose.

“Not at this point.”

Why the hell not? It had been over an hour. Just how hard had she hit her head?

“I want an update as soon as she wakes.” I’d spotted a chair in her room. If this hospital didn’t do as I wished, I’d take root there beside her.

“Of course.”

The officer remained stationed outside Lexie’s door while the doctor walked me back to the swinging doors. Waiting in the lobby was Daniel, Zegas, and my father.

Father spoke to Zegas, while Daniel pretended to be interested in his phone.

“She awake?” he asked as I collapsed into the chair next to him.


“Want me to call Teague?”

I sighed. “I should. Beau will want to be here.”

I stood, too anxious to sit anyway, and wandered to a far corner of the waiting room.

“Did you get her out yet?”

Had Beau picked up the no-greeting way of speaking from me? Or had I learned it from her?

“Are you on speaker?”

A noise rustled from the other end. “No. Should I be?”

“I want you to stay calm. For Eric.”

“Lincoln Hollingsworth, if you don’t start talking in half a second I’m going to come through this phone—”

“Lexie was injured. She’s at Mercy General.”

Beau instantly went silent.

“I’ve spoken with the physician. He’s keeping her overnight for observation and expects a full recovery if there are no complications.” The words were choppy as I spoke them. Reality had not set in, despite that I’d seen Lexie for myself.

“I’m on my way.”

“No,” I said sharply. “By tomorrow, I expect Zegas to have her bonded out and she’ll be released from the hospital. There’s no need to worry Eric.”

Beau grunted. “I hate it when you’re right.”

“The doctor allowed me to look in on her. She’s still out. He won’t let her have visitors for at least a few hours.” I pressed the phone to my ear to avoid punching the wall. How. Had. This. Happened?

“Call me the second—”

“I will.” I didn’t want her to finish the sentence in case Eric was listening.

“Did you send Teague to drive us home?” There was a slight tremor to the question. She was worried for her friend and desperate to do something to help her.

“It was his idea.”

“You two are jerks.”

“And that’s why you love us,” Teague said in the background.

“I do love you both,” she muttered.

“I love you too.”

I spoke quietly, yet certain. Until a few weeks ago, I lived for my brother and sister. That had expanded to two more somebodies when I wasn’t paying attention.

“We’ll go by their apartment to grab their things.”

“Make sure he gets that photo on the nightstand.” If it had been important enough for Lexie to mention, I wanted to make sure Eric had it. I hoped Beau could keep his mind off Lexie’s absence.

“I will. See you when you get back.”

“I won’t be home until Lexie is released.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” she said smartly. “I expect a full report when you have it.”

“Is that Lincoln?” Eric’s voice came closer. “Let me talk to him.” Some rustling sounded on the other end of the line. “Hey, Lincoln.”

Something in me twisted. “Hey, Eric,” I said roughly.

“I know you’ll take care of Lexie.”

I closed my eyes. His confidence in me was inspiring and terrifying. So far I’m failing, buddy. Miserably.

“Have fun with Beau. Tomorrow afternoon, I hope to help you make some deliveries.”

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