Home > Stronger Than You Know(22)

Stronger Than You Know(22)
Author: Lori Foster

   Even thinking it made Reyes curl his lip.

   He and Cade were alike in many ways, but they also had a lot of differences. For one thing, Reyes had no intention of getting married. Not now, maybe not ever.

   “If you’re thinking of lies to tell me, don’t bother.”

   Her derision tickled him even more. He was grateful to see that all the turmoil hadn’t dented her dominant persona. “Nah, I wasn’t. Just ruminating on my life, I guess.” He glanced at her, saw she looked more confused than ever, and laughed. “So here’s the big picture. My family works to rescue trafficked victims, sometimes with the law, sometimes not.” Often not, but yeah, he probably shouldn’t go into that yet. “It’s like a task force, covering a lot of ground. Rescue, counsel, financial assistance, all that.”

   Cutting right to the chase, Kennedy asked, “Have you killed anyone?”

   Damn, way to throw a guy off guard. “I’m not sure that’s part of the broad strokes.”

   “I’d like to know.”

   “Yes?” He rushed to add, “Only assholes who really deserved it.”

   The funniest thing happened. Instead of being outraged, Kennedy gave him a firm nod, and whispered, “Good.”

   Whew. What a relief to know she wasn’t horrified.

   Then she said, “Of course, you’ll understand that Jodi feels the same way.” She gave him a placid smile. “She feels everyone she’s hurt also deserved it.”

   Everyone she’d hurt? Well, hell. The day just totally soured.


* * *


   EVEN AS KENNEDY wondered what Jodi might have gotten into, she felt the need to defend her. Dread warred with loyalty. If Reyes knew it all, would he feel honor bound to see Jodi locked away? She’d never be able to bear that.

   With the hope of making Reyes really understand, she formulated her thoughts. Luckily, Reyes didn’t press her. Not yet anyway. He waited until they were seated on the terrace of a trendy local restaurant outside Ridge Trail before ramping up the questions.

   “Let’s hear it, but keep your voice low.”

   Looking around, Kennedy wondered who he thought might hear. It was a cool morning and few people were lured by the mountain views. Those who had ventured outside were at the other end of the terrace.

   “Isn’t it amazing how quickly people grow accustomed to things? It’s absolutely beautiful out here, yet the crowd is inside.” She shook her head.

   “Have you gotten used to the scenery?”

   “No. I’m still in awe whenever I look at the mountains.”

   “Me, too.” He waited while a young man brought them water, offered coffee and left behind menus. “You shouldn’t drink so much caffeine.”

   “I lost everything last night. No bitching about my coffee.”

   He grinned. Without perusing the menu, he asked, “Know what you want to eat?”

   She’d never been here before, but obviously he had. As she skimmed the selection, the pricing staggered her. “Um...you remember that I’m currently penniless, right?”

   His expression softened. “We’ll get that sorted out later, okay? For now, it’s my treat.”

   Glancing at the French toast, she winced. On top of his offer to replace her necessities, the meal seemed extravagant. “Not to be crass, but covering my expenses—for now—won’t strain your finances?”

   “Nah. It’s all good.”

   Giving up on the concern, she laid aside the menu. Fine. He’d chosen the place, and he seemed familiar with it, so why should she grovel over breakfast? “Yes, I know what I want.”

   “Perfect. I’m starved.” He lifted a hand and within seconds the young man was back.

   Kennedy ordered the French toast, fresh berries and bacon.

   Reyes requested the same, and added scrambled eggs and home fries.

   How he stayed so ripped while consuming so much food, she couldn’t imagine. Of course, he ran a gym and was physical all day long, which probably explained it.

   “Now, before our food gets here, spill the beans. What nefarious stuff has Jodi gotten into? Don’t fudge the truth or leave out anything. I need to know what I’m up against.”

   Yes, to be fair, he needed to know everything. After a fortifying sip of her coffee, she cleared her throat. “First, let me explain something about Jodi, okay? Unlike the place where I was held—” and basically rented out “—Jodi was outright bought and owned by a man who was, from what she’s said, pure evil.”

   “Any man who participates in trafficking is evil.” He held up a hand. “Still, I get your meaning.”

   “There were times he closed Jodi in a small room in the basement. It was his idea of punishment if she wasn’t performing up to his standards. Once, he left her there for two days. No food or water. By the time he let her out, she said her spirit was broken. She only wanted to eat, bathe—and to never go back to that room.” Fingers of red-hot rage clenched around her windpipe, forcing her voice to a ragged whisper. “No matter what she did, though, he found reasons to lock her away again and again. She never knew if she’d be punished for an hour, a day, or if he’d leave her there to die. Jodi said that was the worst torture of all. Not knowing.”

   As he often did, Reyes reached out to her. His strong fingers closed oh-so-gently around her forearm, then trailed down until he could hold her hand in his own.

   It astounded her that his touch helped so much. For a second there, she’d gotten lost in the details of what Jodi had suffered.

   Putting her left hand to her chest, she counted her heartbeats. The combined facts that she was alive and that Reyes planned to keep her that way helped her to find her composure.

   “You do that often,” he said softly.

   She’d been staring blindly at the table. At his observation, her gaze snapped up to his.

   When he nodded at her left hand, she realized his meaning.

   Never before, not even to Jodi, had Kennedy explained the small gesture that signified so much. It was private to her, central to her struggle with a past that still haunted her today.

   “Containing your heart?” he asked, his tone still amazingly gentle.

   With his hand offering safety, his hazel eyes showing so much understanding, the words just came out. “I’m feeling my heart beat.”

   His thumb moved over her fingers, but he didn’t say anything.

   “It’s dumb,” she said, feeling a little self-conscious.

   “No, it’s not. Anything that reminds you you’re alive is a good thing.”

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