Home > Stronger Than You Know(36)

Stronger Than You Know(36)
Author: Lori Foster

   Finally he turned into the long drive to his home, going so fast that the truck tires kicked up dirt and gravel. He screeched to a halt outside the garage, next to the silver sedan.

   Fuming, he jogged up the walk—and the front door opened.

   Kennedy said, “I’m sorry I overreacted,” and then launched at him, her arms going tight around his neck.

   Just as quickly, he moved her safely behind him and lifted his Glock.

   Madison appeared next in the doorway. “I’d really prefer you not shoot the detective. Overall, he’s been very helpful.”

   “Get out of the way, Madison.”

   She crossed her arms. “No, I don’t think so. You’re running on emotion and you know that’s not wise.”

   Yeah, he did know it, but feeling Kennedy tremble behind him, he didn’t give a shit.

   Then she stepped around in front of him again, whispering, “Please don’t do anything dumb. I’m fine, but I desperately need to talk to you, and I can’t do that until Crosby and Madison are gone.”

   Crosby? Now why the hell did that fry his ass? “You know the fucker’s first name?”

   “Reyes,” Madison sighed, making the sound long and aggrieved. “Get a grip, will you?”

   Behind him, Cade pulled up. The door of his SUV slammed with foreboding.

   Madison threw up her hands. “I know Kennedy texted you. I know she was worried.” She came closer, stepping onto the walk, too. “But, Reyes, I promise there’s no reason.”

   He was just about convinced when a man came out the door. “Honest to God, I’ve never before had two women trying to protect me.”

   “Trying?” Madison repeated. “If it weren’t for me, you’d be eating dirt right now.”

   “Maybe I’m not the slouch you think I am.”

   Jesus, Joseph and Mary. He’d stepped into bedlam. Lowering the gun to his side, Reyes asked, “Do I need to kill him or not?”

   Together, Madison and Kennedy said, “Not.”

   “Fine.” He turned and shoved the gun into Kennedy’s hand. Horrified, she accepted it with the same enthusiasm she might give a cockroach.

   To Cade, Reyes said, “Back off.”

   Cade held up his hands. “No problem. I, at least, trust our sister.”

   “Thank you,” Madison stated primly.

   In two long strides, Reyes reached the handsome bastard standing just outside his front door. Smiling in evil anticipation, he threw a punch too fast for the other man to duck and clocked him right in the jaw.

   Staggering back, cursing, Crosby caught himself and took an aggressive stance. “That’s not necessary, McKenzie.”

   “It is if you don’t want me to rip you apart.” He grabbed Crosby’s arm and propelled him off the front porch to the yard.

   This time Crosby went down from the sheer momentum of the attack, but he didn’t stay down.

   Bounding back to his feet, he surprised Reyes by snapping to Madison, “Stay out of it.”

   “I don’t take orders from you,” she informed him without heat, and stepped into Reyes’s path.

   Frustrated, Reyes looked to Cade. “A little help?”

   Cade cocked a brow. “You want her pissed at me, too?”

   Curses burned the back of his throat. “I won’t kill him,” he promised Madison.

   “He’s being helpful, you idiot. Why don’t you just cool down and listen?”

   “Because he dared to come to my house.” Reyes advanced on his sister. “And you dared to let him in.”

   Suddenly, somehow, Crosby was in front of Madison. It so astonished Reyes that he came to an abrupt halt. “What the fuck?” He looked past Crosby to Madison, then almost laughed at her expression of chagrin. Grinning at the interloper, Reyes asked, “You’re trying to protect my sister?” If Crosby admitted it, Madison would probably flatten him herself. “From me?”

   “I’m the one you’re pissed at,” Crosby stated. “Focus on me. Not her.”

   Cade snorted a laugh.

   Kennedy stood there wide-eyed.

   “How sweet,” Madison said, immediately hooking her arm through Crosby’s and more or less stealing his attention. “Since I know your intent is in the right place, I won’t take offense.” She grinned triumphantly at Reyes. “There, you see? He’s an honorable cop, which is something I already knew, and which I wanted to explain to you, but you wouldn’t listen.”

   Reyes eyed them all—then held out a hand to Kennedy.

   Carrying his gun gingerly, proof that she wasn’t all that comfortable with firearms, she immediately hurried to his side. Voice low, she urged again, “Let it go, please. We need to talk.”

   Nodding, he took the gun and slid it into his back holster, then said to the others, “Go home.” Holding Kennedy’s hand, he turned and walked into the house. She kept trying to look back, but he didn’t let her.

   Cade, intuitive brother that he was, got to the door before Reyes could secure it. “Not on your life,” he said, pushing his way over the threshold. Giving Madison a look, Cade said, “Inside. Now.”

   For Cade, she did as she was told.

   Unfortunately, she brought Crosby with her.

   Kennedy kept both of her arms locked around one of his—like she thought she could restrain him?—and said, “If you’ll all excuse us a moment?” She began hauling him toward the guest room.

   Over his shoulder, Reyes glared at Cade. “Stay put.”

   “I’m not about to budge,” he promised. And, in fact, he stationed himself between Crosby and Madison.

   “Damn, he’s smooth,” Reyes complained right before he closed the door behind him.

   Kennedy immediately began explaining. “The detective brought a photo with him. Reyes, I think it’s the man who had Jodi.”

   Wow. Not at all what he’d been expecting. Quickly reevaluating the situation, he asked, “What makes you think so?”

   “Back when I first met her, Jodi described Rob Golly to me. He’s one of those balding men with a ponytail. Missing teeth. A weak chin. The photo matched all that.”

   Sadly, that description matched a lot of dudes. “That doesn’t mean—”

   She shook her head. “His name is unique enough to stick, right? And then there’s Crosby’s description of the house where Jodi was taken.” She turned away, her arms hugged around her middle. “He said he’s been tracking Golly for a while. The things he shared...” She shuddered. “Horrible, horrible monster. Jodi’s held it together only because she believed she’d killed him. If he somehow survived, if he’s still alive, it’ll destroy her.”

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