Home > Stronger Than You Know(80)

Stronger Than You Know(80)
Author: Lori Foster

   “Kennedy?” Madison said.

   Leaning forward, Kennedy said, “I’m here.”

   “Why don’t you get behind the wheel in case a hasty exit is necessary?”

   She looked at Reyes, got his nod and agreed.

   The parking lot was fairly quiet. In the office, Reyes could see a desk manager backlit by a lamp, and he appeared to be alone. Seeing the place up close, he was surprised it was even still in business. What had probably been nice cabins a decade ago were now more like hovels in need of serious repairs. The gravel lot had deep ruts and potholes, and an area that should have been grass was now snow-covered weeds.

   “It’s a dump,” he said to Madison. “You sure it’s legit?”

   “A grandson inherited it, and it’s gone downhill since then.”


   Jodi snapped, “Can’t we get on with it?”

   “Getting there.” Reyes studied the cabin. Curtains were drawn over grimy windows. His bad feeling escalated. “I’m not going to the front of the cabin. I’ll circle around back and see if there’s another way in.”

   While watching for any sign of attack, he opened the door and got out. Turning, he motioned to Kennedy to take over as driver. She quickly removed her coat and tossed it in the back seat, then slid behind the wheel.

   Jodi, he noticed, had a Glock in her hand and a stark look of resolve on her face.


   She glanced at him.

   “No mishaps with the gun, okay?”

   Nodding, she went back to studying the area, her uneasiness palpable.

   Knowing he couldn’t put it off any longer, he touched Kennedy’s chin. “Lock up behind me. If anything happens, drive away. Do not try to play my protector.”

   Before agreeing, she said, “Swear to me you’ll be okay.”

   “Course I will.” He stole a fast kiss. “When this is over, you and I have plans to make.”

   Reyes’s steps were silent as he moved in the shadows toward Golly’s cabin. At the farthest side of the ramshackle structure he spotted a small, high window that he guessed to be in the bathroom. Around the corner, he saw a larger window and then the door. Tightly closed curtains kept him from having a view inside.

   That in itself wasn’t suspicious, yet tension prickled up his spine.

   He backtracked to the small window. Aging cobwebs covered the sill, and a crack traveled upward from the bottom right corner. For most, the window would be too high to be accessible. His height and overall physical fitness served him well now. Catching the ledge with his fingertips, he levered himself up for a peek.

   The room was dark and it took a moment for his eyesight to adjust. The bathroom door was shut, closing it off from the rest of the cabin. He was considering how he might enter through the window when a slight movement inside drew his gaze. He levered up a little higher for a better view.

   Stunned, he realized that Golly, fully dressed, was stretched out flat in the narrow bathtub. Why would he... Shit.

   Before the thought fully formed, he understood why everything felt off.

   The front door was booby-trapped, likely with a bomb. Had he busted in, as he’d originally planned, he’d have been seriously wounded—and Kennedy and Jodi would be on their own.


   Silently he dropped back to his feet and, ducking low, went back to the front of the building. Gun in hand, he saw both women still in the truck, exactly as he’d instructed.

   Beyond them, though, two shadows lurked.

   No way would he let them get anywhere near Kennedy.

   Flattening himself to the side of the building, he scanned the area, ensuring Golly didn’t have more henchmen creeping around. He didn’t see anyone else.

   The men seemed to be waiting on something. Probably the explosion.

   Picking up a rock, Reyes took aim and let it fly. It hit the man hunkering in the shadows closest to the truck. With a rank curse, he jerked around, giving up all attempts at stealth. So did the second guy.

   Kennedy must have spotted them, because she put the truck in gear, prepared to move if needed. Damn, he was proud of her.

   He waited, wanting the men to get just a little closer before he stepped out. Once they were within range, he’d have all the advantage he needed.

   Then the unthinkable happened.

   One of the men snarled, “Fuck it,” and took aim at the truck, planning to shoot Kennedy and Jodi through the windows.

   Terror put Reyes on autopilot. He stepped out with his gun in his hand, firing off a shot that sent the man stumbling back until he tripped over his feet and dropped. One more shot, and Reyes ensured he wouldn’t be getting up.

   The second man ran, disappearing into the darkness.

   Furious that he’d allowed Kennedy to come along, Reyes started for the truck, his only thought to get her to safety.

   The second man had already circled back, and now he shot at Reyes. Diving for the cover of the truck, Reyes barked, “Down!” to both women, then peered around the side of the truck.

   He was a crack shot, better than good. It was the one aspect of their training where his ability trumped Cade’s.

   Reyes watched the darkness, spotted the target peeking out, squeezed his trigger and put one right through the bastard’s head.

   With all the gunfire, cops would now be on their way. Even if the desk manager hadn’t called them, someone would have. It’d be best if he could—

   The passenger side of the truck opened and Jodi stepped out.

   Alarmed, Reyes straightened enough to see her. “Jodi!” If there were more men around, she’d be an easy hit. “What the hell are you—”

   Grim faced, her jaw clenched, she lifted her Glock.

   At first, Reyes thought she was aiming for him, but when she fired beyond him, he immediately turned to face the new threat.

   The impact of her bullet propelled Rand Golly backward against the side of an empty cabin. He must have left through the back door and moved up the yards before stepping out to the lot. Pain twisted his face and he slumped, but didn’t go down.

   Jodi’s bullet had hit him center mass, so there was only one explanation. A bulletproof vest. Still hurt like hell to get hit, yet it wasn’t a killing blow.

   Slowly Golly grinned at them...and showed the bomb in his hand.

   “Get down,” Golly ordered Jodi. She didn’t move. Damn her, she actually took a step forward. “If I drop it, it explodes,” he warned.

   Curling her lip, Jodi stared at him. “An impact bomb? Really? How much reach does it have?” she asked in a dead voice. “Are you willing to kill yourself, too?”

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