Home > How to Vex a Vampire (VRC Vampire Related Crimes #1)(35)

How to Vex a Vampire (VRC Vampire Related Crimes #1)(35)
Author: Alice Winters

I wrap my arm around him, and he sinks down onto me, careful of my leg and arm as he sets his head on my chest. “That had to have been horrible. I’m sorry that happened to you. But you were young. Do you think that’d still happen to you now?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to find out,” he whispers.

“Okay… but I really think you’re stronger than that. I can’t imagine you hurting me.”

“I already tried once!”

“Because of a drug!” I say, wishing I could get him to understand. “What if I say that I understand the risk and still don’t mind?”

“I don’t know, Finn.”

“I get it,” I say as he lifts his head and rolls until he’s lying on his back. I push myself up to get off, but he pulls me back down so I’m on top of him. “You’re so confusing!”

“I know,” he says as he holds me against him.

I lay my head on his chest as his hand slides up my back, running over my shirt even though I wish it was under so I could feel his skin on mine. We lie like that for a while, his arm draped over my back, my head on his chest, Artie staring at us like we’ve betrayed him for taking up the entire couch.

“Thank you for today.” And I mean it so much.

“Can I tell you a secret?” he asks, voice rumbling in his chest.


“I kind of enjoyed it. He was a dick.”

I grin. “Can we do it again tomorrow? I’ll play the victim again.”

“I don’t see why not. Try crying next time so I don’t get into as much trouble. People love tears.”

“Do you have some ketchup I can toss on myself or something? Make it look like he attacked me?”

“Or, you know, actual blood. I have real blood.”

“I forgot about that.”

Artie woofs at us.

“I should probably feed him,” Marcus says as he slides out from under me. Clearly, he’s had enough giving in to my persistence. I watch him as Artie dances at his feet before rushing over to the bowl.

“I’ll get going. Thanks again for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah… have a good night.”

I glance over at him, but he’s kneeling next to the dog food, so I slip through the door and head out to my car. When I get home, I pass through the door and look around the house. It feels quiet, but after the events of the day, I feel strange being alone. Vulnerable.

I know I should take my prosthesis off, but I can’t get myself to. Not when I feel like this.



Chapter Twelve






“Wait… what?” I growl.

“Do I really need to repeat myself?” Brooks asks as he stands near his desk.

“Please, because clearly, my ears aren’t working,” I grumble.

Finn leans into me, making me believe he’s taking my side until he says, “But… I thought you had superior hearing. I was assuming I heard wrong because of my much inferior hearing. To my understanding, the guy you apprehended has woken up from his coma. It almost sounds like Brooks wants us to go with Wren and Smith to talk to him. But I also agree that we must be hearing wrong.”

Finn and I both stare at Brooks while pretending Wren and Smith aren’t standing a few feet from me. Smith herself doesn’t bother me but the fact that Smith comes with Wren irritates the shit out of me.

“Yes, I’d like you guys to work together for this. Get to know each other a bit. Get along. And no threatening anyone. That’s to both of you,” Brooks says as he jabs a finger at me and then Wren.

Finn looks excited. “But I’m allowed to threaten?”

Brooks shrugs. “You’re like a little kitten when you threaten people.”

Finn’s eyes narrow, all excitement gone. “Thanks.”

“Now, off you four go! They’re expecting you,” Brooks says with this traitorous smile that I try my hardest to wipe off his face with a glare. He doesn’t seem to care and even starts whistling as he sits down at his desk.

“Let’s go, Finn,” I say as I start speed walking with the plans of reaching the car and then bitching about how slow the two vampires are.

The only issue with my plan is that Finn seems to struggle to keep up with his tiny little stubby legs, so I get stuck waiting anyway. I get into the driver’s seat and Wren reaches for the front, thinking he’s too good to sit in the back, but Finn uses his lithe form to slip right under Wren’s arm and into the seat.

“Thank you for opening the door for me!” he says with so much joy in his voice.

“I didn’t open it for you,” Wren growls. I catch his eyes and give him a look, so he gets in the back, even though he appears like he’d enjoy flinging Finn into the next year. I once felt the same way long ago.

“How far away is the hospital?” Smith asks.

“About fifteen minutes,” Finn says.

“It’s great he’s finally woken up.”

Finn nods. “I really hope he has something to help us. The city has gotten horribly anxious about this. Parents are refusing to let their children go to school. There are fights breaking out. Fingers being pointed. It’s pure chaos and I can only imagine it’ll get worse the longer this takes.”

“It’s too bad people are having to die over this.”

“I agree.”

And then awkwardness settles over us. Finn glances over at me and gives me a playful smile that makes me feel… things. Why does he insist on making my life difficult? I try to add him to the people in the vehicle I’m ignoring but it’s so hard to do.

I find a spot in the parking lot of the hospital and Finn gets out first. Together, we walk up to the hospital and head inside to find the man while Smith and Wren trail after us. When we get inside, Finn heads over to the board to figure out where we’re going.

Wren paces a little before throwing his arms up in the air. “Are we planning on taking all day? Let’s get moving,” he mutters.

I turn to him and he instantly looks away and down. Immediate submission.

Just the way I like it.

“Looks like he’ll be on the second floor of building A. This way,” Finn says as he leads the way.

I walk beside him with the others still trailing behind us.

“I was thinking of stealing your dog,” Finn says, breaking the tension.

“Aw, what kind of dog?” Smith asks as she steps up beside Finn.

“Irish wolfhound,” I say as I realize that I have no right to be annoyed at her.

Finn turns to her. “He’s huge.”

“Isn’t everything huge compared to you?” she teases.

He jokingly looks like he’s going to pout about it, but it just makes Smith laugh. “Not you too! I thought you were the nice one!”

She snickers. “I am! I promise!”

“We should be focused,” Wren says.

We ignore him as we head up to the second floor and over to the room where a human officer is standing guard. We greet him before heading inside to where a man lies, restrained to his bed. His face is purple and yellow from bruising, and his head is shaved and stitched above his ear.

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