Home > How to Vex a Vampire (VRC Vampire Related Crimes #1)(6)

How to Vex a Vampire (VRC Vampire Related Crimes #1)(6)
Author: Alice Winters

He rocks uneasily as he glances between us.

“We can’t help you if you don’t work with us,” Marcus grumbles. He still seems a little butthurt that I didn’t piss my pants and run out crying. It’s clear that age doesn’t always affect maturity.

“Okay… you guys will keep me safe? You promise?”

“Just tell us the truth and we’ll do what we can.”

“Robin was a huge vampire and human advocate. She works… worked at the university teaching vampiric history and ran some human and vampire groups. You know… those groups that try to connect the two. I know there’s less prejudice nowadays, but it can still be seen. Last week or so, she told me that she’s felt something off. Like… just kept having weird feelings when she’d walk to her car and stuff. I asked if we should talk to someone about it, but she refused. Said she thinks it’s one of her students and she knew the kid. That he was a good kid. So… I kind of forgot about it. Then last night, I was in my room when I heard the door. I didn’t think anything of it since her friend comes over quite often. But then I heard a loud noise and shouting. I… I rushed from my room and found her lying on the floor, bleeding out and these… people standing over her. One dropped the knife and kicked it as they ran. The other came after me. Told me if I keep doing what I am, I’ll be next. He said that if I go to anyone or tell anyone, he’ll come and kill me. He knew my name and about my family and everything… I was terrified. So I ran and have been trying to hide since.”

We continue questioning the man, trying to get everything we can, but he doesn’t seem to know anything else. When we finally leave him to another officer, we only know that there were two of them; one was for sure a male, the other ran before he got anything on them. He didn’t know the name of the student who Robin thought might be following her, but we at least have a lead.

As I step out of the room, I nearly run into Brooks who’d been hovering outside.

“Looks like things are going splendidly,” he says with enough sarcasm to fill the hallway. “Church… that was quite an unusual way to run an interrogation.”

“I was just getting him to talk,” Church says nonchalantly.

“Which one?” Brooks asks.

Church is quiet. He actually looks disappointed in himself, and I find it kind of cute.

I pat my superior’s arm. “Don’t worry, Brooks. I actually like Church trying his hardest to get me to run. It’s kind of fun.”

“Fun?” Church growls.

“F-U-N. Fun.”

Church turns to Brooks. “Has there been a psych eval on this kid before you let him waltz right in?”

Brooks chuckles. “Numerous ones. They all just come back and tell us he’s quirky.”

“Quirky? I like that,” I say.

Brooks ignores me. “Church, I’d appreciate a little more… acceptance, and Hayes, I’d like you in my office.”

“Ooh, already in trouble?”

“Not yet, surprisingly enough.”

I follow Brooks to his office where he shuts the door and waves at the chair.

“They’re ready for you to sign your paperwork, but I want to talk to you first. It’s apparent now that you’re not welcome, right? They’re stubborn as hell, and it’ll take a lot for them to start accepting you.”

“I’m prepared to work hard to make that happen,” I assure him.

He sighs, but did he really expect me to say something different? “Now, Finn…”

“Oh no, you broke out the first name.”

He sits down in the chair next to mine, instead of the one behind his desk, and turns it to face me. “Finn, I need you to be serious.”

“It’s the only way I know how to be.”

“I need you to not lie.”

“I’d never lie.”


I take a deep breath. “Yeah?”

“You have to be honest with me. Are you here because of what happened?”

“Brooks, this has nothing to do with any of that. If I was on some vendetta revenge mission or whatever you think it is, don’t you think I would have started many years ago?”

Brooks watches me closely. “Then what are you doing here? What point are you trying to prove?”

I have to think of my next few words carefully. “I don’t fit into homicide. I want something else.”

“You want to run around with vampires and do a job where you’re much more likely to die?”

I give a one-shoulder shrug. “When you put it like that, I wish I’d have joined sooner.”

He narrows his eyes as he studies me. “Come on, Finn. Why are you here?”

“I told you.”

“You’ve also lied to me.”

“What’s it matter, Brooks? Do you think I’m really stupid enough to take on that man? What will it prove or change? It’s done and over with. I want to be part of this team because I know I’ll be good at it. And you know I’ll be good at it as well, or you wouldn’t have let me in. So either tell me to get my ass back to homicide or tell me where these papers I need to sign are.”

He shakes his head as he leans back. “You’ve always been a stubborn little ass.”


“It’s why you haven’t been killed yet. Floor two, the receptionist will direct you.”

“Thanks—see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Don’t get eaten, Finn. I kind of like you.”

“I think my new partner would come to my rescue. He wouldn’t let anyone kill me since he’d prefer to do it himself, and he’s just not allowed to.”

Brooks grins as he shakes his head. “Don’t provoke him.”

“I’ve got my stick ready. It’s like poking a bear.”

“Don’t provoke him,” he repeats, like I didn’t hear the first time.

I point behind me. “You’re talking about the guy who was trying to make me piss my pants, right? That guy?”

“Yes, that guy.”

“I didn’t even tinkle.” I’m a little proud of myself.

“It’s because your brain is broken. You’ve lost your ability to fear what you should.”

I snort. “Now that… that is very wrong. Sometimes… it makes it hard for me to breathe. The difference is that I know he won’t hurt me. There’s a variation to their auras, did you know that? What Church was doing in there was intimidation. But the aura for someone who wants to kill? Wants to maim, hurt, and abuse? It’s very different.”

Brooks looks upset. “I’m sorry you know that.”

I shrug and stand up. “See ya tomorrow. Make sure there are donuts.”

“No one in here but you eats donuts.”

“Good. More for me.”

He shakes his head and I give him a wink before slipping out the door. As I shut it, I hear him calling for Marcus.





I step into the office. “Do I get a new partner?”

“Not yet. I just want to give you a pat on the back for not eating him,” Brooks says.

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