Home > Seeking Vengeance(84)

Seeking Vengeance(84)
Author: Eden Summers

I stop a few yards from the hood, watching them talk, the conversation seeming relaxed as fuck.

I’d do the same—fake self-assurance in the face of my enemy. But from what I’ve learned about the infamous Cole Torian, we’re different in almost every other aspect.

To me, death is a transaction—clinical and cold.

He sees it as a game—thrilling and ego-boosting.

I have confidence he won’t shoot me before he has the chance to taunt me first.

He climbs from the passenger seat and strolls casually toward me, his equally well-known enforcer stepping out from the driver’s side to remain behind the open door, his weapon coming to rest on the roof.

Cole doesn’t speak as he approaches, his dark grey suit wrinkle-free, the slightly imperious set of his brows confirming he’ll at least toy with me before I’m dead.

“I’m unarmed.” I raise my hands at my sides before letting them fall.

“That’s a mistake.” He grins, the flash of teeth cocky. “You’ve got my sister.”

“I do. She’s safe and unharmed.”

“But still being held against her will, otherwise she would’ve run to me by now.”

I don’t deny the obvious. There’s no point.

“Let her go,” he drawls. “And I’ll let you live… for now.”

I should scoff. Or at least mimic his arrogance, only this isn’t about ego.

It’s about her.


Nothing more, nothing less.

“I can’t do that. She doesn’t want to return to Portland.”

He raises a sardonic brow. “You can hear her yelling, right?”

“I can.” And it fucking kills me. “But are those shouts for her freedom or my life?”

He pauses, contemplating me for long moments.

“She’s been happy with me for weeks,” I add. “She loves me—just ask Keira.”

“Proof of her love wouldn’t mean shit. You’re not the first scam she’s fallen for.” He steps closer, losing the mask of delight. Now he glares. Hard eyes. Curled upper lip. “You’re her MO. This is what she does—falls prey to predators. She’s the walking, talking definition of gullibility.”

My hackles rise. “And that right there is why I can’t let her leave with you. She’s told me all about her position in the family. How you make her feel worthless.”

“Her actions make her feel worthless. She’s her harshest critic.”

“Are you sure about that?”

He scoffs a silent laugh. “That’s some set of balls you’ve got, Costa.”

“Don’t call me that.” I clench my jaw. “It’s not my name.”

“Sorry. I forgot Layla told me about the label change. But tell me, Matthew, have you informed her of your moniker yet? Has the man who wants to rescue her like a fucking hero told her what he’s best known for?”

I clench my teeth harder, refusing to react.

“You didn’t tell her that, either, did you?” His eyes narrow. “You’re delusional if you think she could love someone with your reputation.”

“Reputations are usually built on gossip and exaggeration. You and Hunter should know that better than most.”

“I think we’re both man enough to admit the worst of us is kept secret from the world because those who witness it die at the scene.”

I fall quiet. Unresponsive.

He’s right.

“I’m told you were once a monster, Matthew Langston,” he drawls the name with censure. “And yet you expect me to what? Let you leave with my sister?”

“I am leaving with her. The only decision left to make is if it will be done with force.”

“You’re threatening me now?” He steps closer, less than a foot between us when he clenches a fist.

“I’m preparing you.”

I don’t attempt to block his punch. I take the blow to the gut as punishment and hunch with the impact, Layla’s muted screams surpass the thunderous pulse in my ears.

He strikes again and again. My chin. My cheek. Each impact hitting without defense.

“That’s enough,” I warn.

Another blow hits my jaw. My temple. The pain rings through my skull.

“I said, that’s enough.” I charge, ramming my shoulder into his ribs, sending him backward in a grappling bear hug. Impatience consumes me as I hold him close and shove a hand beneath his jacket, snatching for his holster to unclasp his weapon.

The soothing familiarity of the gun is in my hand in seconds. The urge to pull the trigger calls to me.

“I deserve a few hits for the secrets I’ve kept from her.” I place the barrel against his sternum. “But now you’re done.”

Rage flashes across his face. “We’re done when I say we are.”

“Give the order,” Hunter growls beside their car. “One word and he’s dead.”

“If he’s dead, she’s dead, too,” Bishop calls from behind me. “I don’t have a fondness for the bitch like he does.”

I smile, tasting blood. But it’s Layla’s silence that unsettles me.

There are no shouts.

No screams.

Bishop can threaten on my behalf all he likes, but if he’s got her at gunpoint there’s going to be trouble.

I glance over my shoulder, finding him behind the wheel, his upper body half out the window, while Layla’s frantic eyes stare at me from the back of the Lincoln, her hands gripping the front seats.

“Interesting that you chose to threaten instead of negotiate or beg.” Torian reclaims my attention. “I would’ve thought you’d be smarter than that.”

“You wouldn’t respect me if I did. And I wouldn’t be a strong enough man for Layla either. I’d go to war for her. What I won’t do is wither on my knees.”

“So you choose death?”

“No.” I shove him away and raise the gun, making a show of letting it fall limp in my fingers. “I’m the one who came unarmed, remember? I don’t want you as an enemy.” I lower the weapon to the asphalt and kick it aside. “Nobody needs to die today.”

“Just be taken hostage?”

I expel a heavy sigh. “She’s only a hostage to her own anger. We had a fight. She’s pissed. But she still wants to be with me. And from what I’m told, you’d appreciate not having to deal with her anymore.”

“Is that what she told you?” He frowns.

“That she’s the outcast? The black sheep? Yeah. She hates her life in Portland, and loved the time she spent with me. Let me take her off your hands. I’ll protect her. Provide for her. She’ll never be left wanting.”

“Except for the truth, right?”

My jaw ticks. “We don’t have time for this. Salvatore and Remy are inside that shitty hotel looking for her. They’re not going to unfurl the welcome mat if they find you here.”

“I already placed a call to the owner. If he knows what’s good for him, he would’ve gotten rid of them.”

I fall silent.

Cole does, too. Both of us scrutinize each other through our animosity.

“So you think you’re going to convince her you’re a good guy?” He focuses on the car over my shoulder. “I say you’re kidding yourself. Hunter has a sinister reputation, but even he’s disgusted by some of the tales of your glory days.”

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