Home > Royally Taken (Royal Sons MC #2)(12)

Royally Taken (Royal Sons MC #2)(12)
Author: Elle Boon

“I’ll have whatever you are.” Her voice nearly cracked until she turned away, walking into the living room.

Traeger let her go, giving her some space to gather her armor around her. Hell, he wasn’t Oprah or Dr. Phil. He didn’t do feelings and shit. If she needed him to fuck her better, he was all for that. Or if she needed him to kill someone, he was the man for the job, but feelings? Not his specialty. He pulled his phone out one last time, hoping like hell Keys had an update but seeing nothing he pocketed the little technical piece of shit. Grabbing the two bottles of Corona, he walked into the living room, finding Kailani staring out the huge bay window.

“This is a great view,” she whispered.

He noticed she had her arms wrapped around herself with the damn bag at her feet.

“Yeah, I think it’s why he bought the place. That and it’s got a pretty good security system and the gated community.”

She looked at him over her shoulder. “If someone wanted to kill him badly enough they could come right in off the water or beach. Not a really good defensive place,” she said. Her hand reached for one of the bottles.

“Sorry, no fruit,” he motioned toward the top where there’d usually be a lime.

“Its fine, I’m not a huge fan of it in my drinks unless I’m shooting tequila, and only if it’s shit tequila.” She tipped her head back, taking a long pull on the drink.

Traeger had to look away or feared he’d get envious of the end of a bottle. He took a swig of his own drink, wishing for something a little harder, or even a damn real beer. “You want to go outside and relax?”

Why the hell he was acting like this was some vacation and they were a couple he had zero idea, but once the words were out of his mouth, he found he actually wanted to do just that.

Kailani took another long pull from her beer, then placed the empty bottle on the table. “It’s late. I think I’d like to call it a night. What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

He sat his mostly full drink down and motioned for her to follow him, speaking over his shoulder. “We chill here until King gives me the all clear. If you need something, I’ll get it, or have one of the brothers get it for us.”


KAILANI HATED THE IDEA of being stuck in a house without a plan, a house she didn’t own, didn’t know who did, with a man who would rather be anywhere but with her. She consoled herself with the knowledge that her brother would be closing up their San Diego house since they’d been found by people he didn’t know. Once he found a hole, he’d climb out and try to destroy all those he felt were involved, starting with her. Only she wouldn’t be so easy to find, she’d made sure of that.

Bending, she picked up the bag that held all she needed. Oh, it didn’t hold millions of dollars, or gold and jewelry like the man in front of her probably thought. No, it held identification and access to her new life. Bank accounts that held enough money she could go anywhere, become anyone she wanted. All she had to do, was get away from the long reach of the Trevino family, and now, whoever Traeger worked for. Like the docile little lamb they thought her to be, she followed him to a guest room.

He flicked the light on but didn’t enter the space. “This is your room for the next few nights. I’ll be right next door if you need anything.” He lifted his chin, indicating the door to the left of them.

“I’ll be fine. If I need a drink I’ll grab a bottle from the fridge. I’m pretty sure as soon as my head hits the pillow I’ll be out like a light.” Kailani walked further into the room, noticing the nice touches the owner had put into it. The big king sized bed along with the two chairs and table spoke volumes for how they thought of their guests, unless this was the master suite. “Is this the main bedroom?”

Traeger chuckled. “Nah, Cosmo made sure every bedroom had big beds and a seating area that way his guests could chill without chilling with him if they wanted. He’s a good host. I’ll see you in the morning.” Traeger lifted his hand and brushed it over her head. “Like I said before, I’ll keep you safe.”

She stepped away from his touch. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” His warmth was too tempting, making her wish she could lean into him and accept the comfort he offered. Only thinking like that was dangerous. She knew better than anyone what leaning on a man, especially one who seemed honorable could do. It could get him dead, real quick.

“I don’t make promises I can’t keep, sugar. Sleep tight.” He turned and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

She wanted to mutter the words back at him. “Yeah, well you never ran up against monsters like my father and brother before,” she whispered.

Before she could breakdown, she went into the bathroom and washed her face. On the counter she found a basket full of all the things you’d find at a hotel, including a new toothbrush and toothpaste and all the things she’d need to shower and feel refreshed. She looked back at the huge bed, then at the shower. Finally, needing to be clean before climbing into the fluffy white bedding, she quickly shed her clothes, then stepped into the huge tile enclosure. The water came on, freezing cold, shocking her like she knew it would. It was something she’d learned to do and live with. Her dad had taken away hot water as a form of punishment years ago, making her earn it back. She’d promised herself she’d learn to live without it before she’d succumb to his demands again. Of course, he’d then switched to scalding hot water, which took her a little longer to get used to, but she’d done it. Her body she’d found could handle just about any abuse they gave.

Once she was finished washing up, she didn’t linger, that too was something she’d learned never to do. You never knew who would come in and what they’d demand of you. Drying off quickly, she actually sighed at the softness of the towel, having gotten used to the rough fabric they’d allowed her to have. She may have looked like the princess, but she was treated more like Cinderella the whore to be loaned out, bartered out, or flat out given to if the price or need was right.

With the towel wrapped around her, she padded back into the room and locked the door then placed the chair from under the desk in front of it. Sure, she was aware if Traeger wanted he could kick the door in, or he probably had a key, but at least she’d be forewarned. Inside the closet she found some white T-shirts and men’s sweats. They were way too big for her, but better than being naked and vulnerable, just in case. “One day I won’t have any just in case scenarios,” she promised herself, using the towel to dry her hair a little, then placed it in the laundry hamper marked towels. Whoever lived there was a neat freak, and a helper, that was for sure.

Feeling the stress of the night, and possibly the effects of the beer catch up to her, she flicked the light off, the room lit by moonlight filtering in gave her enough to see her way to the bed. She didn’t bother taking the half a dozen pillows off before peeling back one corner of the comforter and easing inside. Her head hit the pillows, enveloping her in softness. “Goodness, I could get used to this.” She yawned, feeling herself relax for the first time in a long time.

Kailani felt hands sliding up her legs, stripping away her pants. She fought, screaming for someone to help her, only realizing something was in her mouth, keeping her from making any noise. She thrashed around, finding her arms and legs unable to move. Frantic now, she fought harder, darkness weighing heavy on her like the man on top of her. “Please,” she cried.

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