Home > Snowflake Kisses (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc. #6)(16)

Snowflake Kisses (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc. #6)(16)
Author: Jacki James

I really had lucked out here with Devin. He was a genuinely nice guy, and I was sure we were going to work really well together. It was too bad we were going to be working together because I’d really enjoyed being with him when we were stuck in the snow. By the time the shop opened, I had all my things put away, so I went out front to check the pastry case. To my surprise, there was a line. People didn’t normally get here this early. “Anything I can do to help?”

“Yes, thank you. If you could run the register and take orders so I could focus on the coffee that would be amazing.”

“I’ve run many a register in my day, I can handle it. Just don’t ask me to make a double-whipped-frappe-vanilla-bean-drip-latte-caramel thingy and we’ll be fine,” I said with a laugh and stepped up to the register.

“I’ll have what he said, it sounds great,” a young woman dressed in slacks and a pretty cardigan sweater set said, stepping up to place her order.

“Sure thing, Maggie,” Devin called back over his shoulder. “I’ll get right on that.”

She laughed and said, “Seriously, I’ll have a cafe breve with one of your delicious muffins.”

I rang it up and then moved on to the next order. By the time the line was gone, we’d developed a rhythm, and the pastry case was depleted. “I’ll refill the pastry case and then get started on the queijadas,” I told him as I headed to the back.

“People really liked those the other day.”

“They did go over well. I was thinking I would make those a permanent thing on the daily menu for later in the day.”

“Okay, sounds great. Tell me how to spell it and I’ll put it on the menu board.”

“You know, we should write Portuguese cupcakes. That will be easier for everyone to say, and it’ll be clear what they are.”

“Works for me, and thanks for this morning. I would’ve survived, but it wouldn’t have gone anywhere near as smoothly.”

“No problem at all. If you ever need me up front, just yell. As long as I’m not elbow deep in dough, I’m happy to help.”

A couple hours later, he came back in the kitchen. “Hey, there’s a woman here who wants to talk to you about ordering a cake. Are you ready for that?”

“I am. I don’t really have a place set up to meet with anyone, though.”

“Well, I happen to know about this coffee shop with tables and chairs and wifi, so if you want to have a meeting there, I bet the owner would be agreeable.”

“Ha ha. Although, that actually is a really good idea. I can meet clients out there. Tell her I’ll be right out. I want to clean up a little.”

At my old bakery, I had a presentation book filled with examples of the cakes we’d made for people. I didn’t have that here, but it was on my list of things to put together. In the meantime, I always had my pictures on my phone I could use to show people my work.

I went out front and met the woman who was waiting for me. I guessed she was in her mid-forties, and she looked nice. I hoped so, anyway. I’d seen some of the nicest looking people turn crazy when it came to their wedding cake. I introduced myself and took her to one of the more out-of-the-way tables.

“So what kind of cake are you looking for?” I asked her.

“My daughter is getting married in a few months, and I want a spectacular wedding cake for her. But she’s not very feminine. She’s a cowgirl through and through, so fancy cakes with flowers and waterfalls and what not aren’t going to make her happy. I’m looking for a compromise, something that will awe the guests but make my daughter’s day special. She’s getting married on our family’s ranch, if that makes any difference.”

“Oh, how fun. I love unique wedding cakes that don’t look like everyone else’s. Here, let me show you some of my ideas.” I pulled out my phone and tapped a few buttons and pulled up some pictures. I showed her two pictures of cakes I thought fit her request, as well as some of the cakes that I’d created so she would know what I was capable of.

After tons of we could do this, or we could do that, she smiled at me and said, “Frankie, I’m so glad Sherrie told me about you. I’ve been so worried about this cake. I know it’s Erica’s wedding not mine, but I want it to be special. I’ve really tried not to butt in too much, but it’s been hard. I’m going to send her and her fiancé, Dennis, down to take a look. Are you available tomorrow afternoon?”

“I am.”

“I have total confidence that the cake is going to be amazing.”

She got up and left, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. It wasn’t a done deal yet since I hadn’t met with the bride and groom, but I felt good about it. She hadn’t flinched at my prices, which was something I’d been worried about. I knew how much work went into one of my cakes, and I didn’t want to undervalue myself, but I also knew things were different in a small town.

Devin came over and sat down, handing me a cup of tea. “How’d it go?”

“Good, I think. She seemed thrilled, but I’m meeting with her daughter tomorrow.”

“Erica is a sweetheart. She was a few years younger than I was, but she was always nice. The guy she’s marrying isn’t from here, but so far, he seems like a good enough sort. I didn’t tell you this beforehand, because I didn’t want to make you nervous, but did she tell you who she was?’”

“Yeah, Cynthia”—I checked my notes— “Kelly.”

“Right, but did she tell you who she is?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“The Kellys are one of the wealthiest families in River Gorge. They’ve been here forever. If you ask Dale Kelly, he’ll tell you his family was one of the first to settle here. Their ranch is huge, puts Ripley’s to shame. And Erica is their only child. If you can nail this cake, it will make you in River Gorge.”

“Wow, well, I’m glad you didn’t tell me. I would’ve been a nervous wreck.”

“That’s what I figured, but they’re real good people. Nice, not snooty, or always acting like they’re better than, so I thought you would get on really well. I told you this was going to work.”

I laughed and shook my head. First wedding cake I’ll be making in town and it’s for one of the “it” families. “Yeah, Devin, you did. Now I just have to seal the deal.”



Chapter 13






The week flew by in a flurry of pastries and people wanting to order cakes. By the time lunch rolled around that Friday, I was thrilled—not only for Frankie, but for the shop as well—but beat. Business was booming, and Frankie was largely responsible for it.

I was getting ready to leave for the day when three men walked in. I did a double take when I realized who it was. “Dane!” I exclaimed, going around the corner to give my friend a hug.

“Cap! How are you man?”

“Great. I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I know, it’s great to be back, though. How’s you mom doing?”

“She’s doing great. The doctors have given her the all clear, so it’s just follow-ups now.”

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