Home > The Cornish Confetti Agency(37)

The Cornish Confetti Agency(37)
Author: Daisy James

‘No, but do you also know about the wedding shoes?’

‘What wedding shoes?’

Lexie filled him in on the story.

‘Well, no, I didn’t know about that, but if you’ve reunited Zara with her precious footwear, then there’s no harm done, is there?’

That was a matter of opinion, but Lexie decided not to push it.

‘And what about the googly eye prank?’

‘Oh, now I admit I did know about that.’

‘So it was Jasmine!’

‘She brought her craft box with her from home. I thought she was going to put them on the mirrors in the bedrooms, but when she told me what she’d done instead I thought it was inspired. Wish I’d taken a snapshot for my Instagram page. I’m sorry if she’s caused a bit of a fluster in the kitchen. What can I say, she’s ten years old! Look, I take full responsibility. We’ve been watching a few YouTube videos about wedding pranks, call it research, and we’ve had a couple of trips to the joke shop. Anyway, isn’t one of the best man’s duties to arrange this sort of thing? I’m glad you’ve brought this to my attention, though. I’ll have a word with her when she wakes up, make sure she doesn’t do anything else, except…’

‘Except what?’

‘Well, it wouldn’t be a proper send off if we didn’t decorate Jas’ car, would it? Just a few balloons and a sprinkle of confetti, maybe some shaving foam and a couple of “L” plates, that’s all, I promise.’

Lexie exchanged a glance with Theo who had kept his counsel throughout the chat with Dan, then she remembered what she had really wanted to have a word with Dan about. Pranks were one thing – spoiling a bridesmaid’s dress was a totally different scenario.

‘I don’t have a problem with the car, but…’

Lexie’s courage failed her. How did she steer the conversation around so that it didn’t look like she was making unfounded accusations against an innocent ten-year-old child? Thankfully, Theo came to her rescue.

‘Look, Dan, there’s something else we hope you might be able to help us with.’


‘When Freya came over for the dress fitting with Zara and Rachel there was bit of an accident with Rachel’s bridesmaid dress.’

‘What kind of an accident?’

‘Someone spilled tomato sauce down the front,’ said Lexie.

Dan stared at her, then looked across at Theo, who held his gaze, before looking back at Lexie in genuine bewilderment.

‘You think… you think I was trying on the dress whilst eating a burger or something?’

Lexie couldn’t help it – the guffaw burst out of her.

‘No! No!’

Dan’s face was beetroot red as he realised the mistake he’d made.

‘Oh, you think it was Jasmine, don’t you? One of her silly pranks?’


‘When did you say this happened?’

‘Friday morning, between eleven and twelve.’

‘Actually, I can inform you that Jasmine was with me and Hannah then, playing with those giant Jenga bricks in the garden before we took her off for an ice cream to the local village. Sorry, Lexie, you’ll have to look elsewhere for the tomato sauce guzzler!’

Lexie saw the acute embarrassment had disappeared from Dan’s eyes to be replaced by indignation and she knew he was telling the truth, which also meant she could strike him from her list of suspects as well.

‘Sorry, Dan, I—’

‘It’s fine, enough said. That’s a terrible thing to happen and I bet Rachel was distraught. I know how much she’s been looking forward to being part of the celebrations. We used to date, you know, Rachel and I. Made a bit of a mistake in letting her go, if you want the honest truth, but she’s made sure I know all about that. Look, if I can help you find—’

‘Dan? What are you doing out here in your dressing gown?’

‘Oh, hi Hannah, just getting a few last-minute instructions from Lexie. Is Jasmine awake?’

‘Yes, she’s in the shower.’

Hannah shot a suspicious glance in Theo’s direction but he simply beamed back, innocence personified.

‘And it’s your turn next. Come on!’

‘Okay. Right, thanks, Lexie, Theo. Catch you later!’ and he hooked his arm around Hannah shoulders and guided her back to their room.

‘Well, at least we know it was definitely Jasmine who was responsible for the googly eyes, but do you think he’s telling the truth about the dress?’

‘I do,’ said Lexie. ‘To be honest, I never really thought Jasmine would do something like that. She adores girly stuff, everything she owns is covered in glitter and sequins and ribbons. It’s hard to believe she would spoil such a gorgeous dress as a prank.’

‘What about Dan? Rachel was threatening to tell Hannah about his indiscretion at the stag night. I don’t know about you, but I get the impression Hannah’s the possessive type.’

‘Well, you have more experience than I do with interviewing people and gauging whether they’re telling the truth or not, but if you want my opinion, he did seem genuinely shocked when we told him about Rachel’s dress, and we can easily check his story with Hannah about the trip to the village for ice cream.’

‘Right. And for what it’s worth, I think he’s still in love with Rachel. You can see it in his eyes when he talks about her and I don’t think he would do that to her, or to Zara, come to that. So where does that leave us?’

‘It leaves me at seven o’clock with a hair and beauty appointment for a nervous bride and her nearest and dearest. I think we should shelve this investigation, Sherlock, and concentrate on the matter at hand, don’t you?’

‘Agreed. I’m off to grab a coffee, but if you need me for anything just call, okay?’

‘Thanks, Theo.’

‘All part of the service of your local friendly journalist!’

Lexie laughed as she followed him to the top of the stairs where he stopped, twisting round to face her, a glint of mischief in his eyes.


‘I dare you.’

‘Dare me? Oh, no, no way.’



‘Last one down buys the drinks tonight.’

‘It’s an open bar.’

‘Even better!’

Theo hooked his leg over the polished mahogany banister and leaned forward. Lexie laughed, hitched up her skirt and followed suit, landing at the bottom within seconds of Theo.

‘Give the man a medal!’ she laughed.

‘Catch you later – the drinks are on you!’

And he strode off to find his coffee.



Chapter Eighteen


Lexie made her way to the bridal suite where Zara was already the centre of attention, sitting at the ornate, kidney-shaped dressing table with triple mirrors in a beautiful ivory silk peignoir whilst Dianne, the hairdresser from the hotel, rolled her long, honey blonde hair into heated rollers.

‘Hi Lexie!’ came a chorus of welcome from the women who had gathered to transform Zara from fiancé into blushing bride-to-be. Audrey was perched like a queen in one of the button-backed armchairs, a proud smile on her face while Cerys, the mobile beautician Marley had organised to pamper the female members of the wedding party, painted her nails a deep apricot colour.

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