Home > Shadow of the Heart (Shadow SEALs #7)(30)

Shadow of the Heart (Shadow SEALs #7)(30)
Author: Sharon Hamilton

“Okay, I’ll buy that. That’s a good point, and we should escalate this and move quickly. What else do we need to know before we begin? Anybody see any traps, anything that looks suspicious, anybody lying in wait for us that you can detect?”

Carter fidgeted, tapping his fingers on his knee. “I don’t think they got anything sophisticated at all set up. Rojas thinks he’s about to get away scot-free. He’s just come in to a whole lot of money, and he’s going to enjoy himself for a day. It’s stupid, and maybe somebody will suggest otherwise, but I think he’s allowing himself just a few minutes of breathing room, and—”

Enemario interrupted him “He has protection. I understand from talking to the head housekeeper that, when he comes here, he entertains several local police and San Diego sheriffs. He lets them stay with the girls for free.”

That got Brady’s attention as well.

“So the penthouse is not accessible from below.”

Enemario held up a passkey. “Housekeeping has to clean. They have access. I borrowed it.”

“Excellent. Okay. So we already packed our bags last night and checked it this morning. Right?”

“Roger that,” several members said.

Enemario added, “I made sure I brought something not too explosive. Enough for a distraction but nothing that will get the fire department called.”

“Good.” Brady checked his watch. “We should get out of here and head up that elevator. I want Riley and John to stay downstairs in the lobby, guarding the entrance. Is there an escape from the third floor?”

Enemario shook his head, “No. There is a stairwell in the ceiling in the hallway that goes to the roof. In case of a fire, they evacuate by helicopter on top.”

Brady nodded. “Good to know. If we trap them in the elevator, we’ve got him in case he slips by when we do the breach, okay?”

Everyone was in.

“Carter, I want you outside. I’d like you to claim that little outhouse or whatever the hell it is. Take your long gun and focus it on the entrance. You hear a whole bunch of commotion, and Esquivel exits through the front door, you pop him. Not lethal, but you put him down.”

“Roger that, sir. I’m on my way.” Carter took his duty bag, slung it over his shoulder, and quietly ran for the shed.

“He’ll tell us when he’s in position. That’s the signal to go, so get your gear right now. Check everything you need to check. Make sure you have not left behind something you’re going to need. Bring your knives as well, but make sure you have your SIG Sauer.”

Brady heard the “in position” message on his phone.

“We’re go, gentlemen.”

Brady took the lead with Enemario right behind him. They kept their weapons stowed. After they entered the lobby, John and Riley sealed the front door, locking the mechanism. Enemario pushed the elevator button to the penthouse, which got the attention of the desk clerk.

“You’re going to want to stand down, sir, and just let them have their way. If you stay calm, everything will be okay, and you won’t get hurt,” Riley said to him.

The young man’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “What are you doing? Mr. Rojas is up there. That’s Esquivel Rojas.”

“I’m aware of who the gentleman is. Is he alone?”

“He has a woman. He may have security up there, but I did not see anybody last night, and I’ve been here all morning. I would say no.”

“Okay. I’m going to take you to your office, and we’re going to have a calm little chat.” Just as Riley took the desk clerk to his office to secure him, the doors to the elevator opened, and Enemario and Brady stepped inside, nodding to John. John scanned the front and gave him the thumbs-up just before the doors closed.

It took just a few seconds to reach the top floor. Enemario had disabled the bell on his way, and he allowed the doors to close behind them and return to the lobby. There were only two doorways for the entire top floor. One led outside to a garden area accessible only from the penthouse. It’s glass window indicated the patio was empty. The other door had number 6900.

Brady held up his fingers and pointed to the door latch. Enemario presented the passkey, and there was a loud click as the lock receded. They waited several seconds, standing at the sides in case someone was alerted on the inside. Hearing nothing, Enemario turned the handle and slowly opened the door. Music was playing very faintly. The drapes were pulled, and wine glasses and plates littered the living room, spilling onto the countertops in the kitchen. Clearly, a small gathering had occurred last night.

Brady knew from past experience that this penthouse was rather small. There was only one bedroom, but it did have its own huge bathroom and laundry facility. It also had a pantry off the kitchen for guests to hire catering staff. The door to the bedroom was ajar, and it was completely black.

The sunlight cascading into the living room would expose them once they opened the door fully, since the room was in darkness and they were in light. Brady took out his flashlight, turned it on, and tucked it in his shirt pocket. With both hands on his SIG Sauer, he led the two of them into the bedroom. There were two bodies on the bed. One was obviously a woman’s backside and spine, and she was lying on top of a man. The man was snoring. They both appeared to be asleep.

Brady held his SIG with one hand and motioned to Enemario to cover him. He flashed the light in the gentleman’s eyes.

He was rewarded when he saw the torso of Esquivel Rojas rise and then scramble off the bed, pressing his back to the wall.

“Son of a bitch. You won’t get away with this. I didn’t think anyone was so stupid,” Rojas said. The girl began to scream, and Enemario grabbed her from behind, pinched her neck, and eased her to the floor.

“You’re coming with us, Rojas.” Brady wasn’t there to reason with him, wasn’t there to talk to him or explain anything. This was a quick snatch and grab.

Something squawked in his ear, but he couldn’t make it out. Esquivel briefly glanced down at the bedside table, and Brady noticed a revolver tucked under a book there. Brady reached for it and handed it to Enemario, who tucked it in his pants. Rojas stood in his bare feet, his pajama bottoms sagging a bit beneath his belly, and was shirtless.

“We’re going now.”

“I have to get my shoes.”

“No can do,” Enemario said.

Brady grabbed Rojas’ right and left arms, placing them together and securing them with a zip tie behind his back. He grabbed his shoulder so hard Rojas winced.

“Okay, asshole, we’re going for a ride.”

Aiming his SIG at the back of Rojas’s head, he followed Enemario who was standing by the elevator after calling for it. As the doors opened, Enemario quickly aimed for any possible intruder and found it empty. The three of them entered, and Enemario pushed the button for the floor to the lobby.

“You are a dead man. You don’t know anything about this.”

“I know enough to grab you.”

As the doors opened, they were greeted by seven police and one Naval officer with their guns drawn and aimed directly at Brady.

Brady’s heart sank as he looked into the eyes of Lieutenant Commander Roland Stanley.

“At ease, gentlemen. Drop your weapons. Release the hostage.”

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