Home > Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(26)

Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(26)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

Eventually, Lady Candace showed them to a suite where they could sleep for the night. Luc marveled at the design of the place, as did Shilayla. At the center of the suite was an oval pit filled with warm sand. Shilayla dove in and rolled around, much to Candace’s amusement. Lady Candace pointed out the brooms kept leaning against the walls all around.

“Our dragon friends love to shine their scales in the warm sand, so we all spend a bit of time each day sweeping it back into the wallows,” she explained.

“How is the sand kept so warm?” Lilly asked, bending down to dip her hand into the fine sand just at the pit’s rim.

“It’s my understanding that the Lairs were built with the use of both science and some magic,” Candace told them. “I don’t know for certain, but I think the wallows were more on the magic side of things, since they were designed by and for the dragons.”

Lilly stood and brushed off her hand. They followed Lady Candace around the perimeter of the dragon’s wallow, on a wide ledge sized for humans. Luc noticed the many archways leading off the ledge. Lady Candace stopped in front of the first arch and opened the recessed door.

“This is the equipment room. Most of our suites are set up the same way. We keep equipment closer to the main entrance because fighting dragons and their knights would most likely need things on their way out of their suite as they headed off to their duty.” She closed the door and moved on. The next door was open, and she pointed as they passed. “A kitchen,” Lady Candace told them. “There are a few things stocked in the cupboards if you get hungry or thirsty in the night. There is both hot and cold running water in there, as there is in the bathing chamber, which is right here.” She indicated the door as they passed it. “The next are sleeping chambers,” she said, stopping in front of one and opening it. “I’ll leave you here. If you need anything or have any questions, your dragon partner can relay through the other dragons. Otherwise, I bid you all a good night.”

Lady Candace walked back around the semi-circle of the wallow and left them alone. Shilayla was half-drowsing in the warm sand, and Lilly looked as weary as Luc felt. He opened the door wider and entered the dim room. A small lantern had been lit by someone in preparation for their arrival. He went to it and turned up the wick to make the place brighter.

The room was dominated by a large bed, far bigger than any he’d ever seen. He wondered about it for a moment, then remembered the trios formed by the dragon knights of Draconia and their mates.

“You can sleep here,” Lilly said decisively, turning for the door. “I’ll go look at the other chambers. Surely, with so many, there must be another bedroom.”

Luc reached out to stop her, his hand on her arm. She turned but seemed determined to leave. How could he convince her to stay? He had to try. His body was clamoring for hers. Even his soul wanted her near, which he wouldn’t examine too closely.

“Please stay,” he whispered, his heart overriding his sense.

“I won’t be a novelty or convenience for any man,” she replied, her voice hard, her gaze suspiciously bright.

“You could never be that to me,” he insisted. How could he make it clear to her that she wasn’t just a convenient woman to bed? That she could never be just a token human notch on his bedpost? She meant something to him. Incredibly, she had worked her way into his heart from the moment they’d first met.

He didn’t know how this would all end, and he suspected their liaison was going to be only a short-term one. He was of the fair folk. She was human. Their peoples didn’t mix—and for good reason. Tying his long life to her short one would only end in heartache for him. All the bards agreed on that point.

She met his gaze, her expression at war with itself. As if she too, was conflicted about this entire situation. Dare he hope that she was as attracted to him as he was to her? He’d suspected as much from the way she responded to his kisses.

He read the same yearning in her eyes as he felt in his heart. The same passion too long denied.

It was time to act.

They were safe for now. Nothing could be accomplished until daylight, and Luc had different ideas for the night, anyway. The time had come. He wouldn’t wait any longer.

“Come here, Lilly.”

She turned to look at him, questions in her eyes, but he had no answers. All he knew was that he had to have her. Now. He wouldn’t be denied this time.


“No more delay, Lilly.” He took her hand and drew her closer, reeling her into his arms. “This is our time. Our night.”

He sealed the words with a kiss before she could object. He could feel her resistance fade away to nothing as he deepened the kiss, taking her down to the bed with him. They wouldn’t just sleep here tonight. No, tonight, they would make love for the first time. Tomorrow would take care of itself. All that mattered now was Lilly, here, in his arms. Where she belonged.

He’d waited too long already to claim the woman that stirred his soul as no woman ever had before. He didn’t know what could come of their attraction, but that was a worry for another time. He eased back, taking Lilly with him, her lithe body over his as he broke the kiss.

“Luc, I don’t think—”

He put one finger across her lips, silencing her. “Don’t think. Just feel.”




Luc’s fingers swept lightly over her skin, raising goosebumps in their path. He knew just how to touch her to make her lose all sense of reason. His hand trailed down from her mouth, over to her cheek, circling behind her ear, then tracing down her neck to her collarbone. All the while, his eyes spoke promises of passion and seduction.

Truthfully, it didn’t take much to convince her. She’d wanted him almost from the first moments she’d seen him. What woman wouldn’t? He was everything she found attractive in a man. Intelligent, strong, willing to let her be who and what she was without trying to change her. Those were all points in his favor, but more, he had compassion, loyalty and a sense of honor she admired. He wouldn’t play her false. Not if he had any control over the situation.

But Lilly feared neither of them could control this attraction between them. And it could be their downfall.

So easily, she could love him. So easily, her heart could be broken beyond repair.

But could she deny herself the pleasure of knowing his possession this one time? This one night?

Lilly didn’t think she was strong enough for that. She wanted to know what it felt like to be loved by this magnificent man. Even if all they could have was this one night. This one moment out of time.

His lips followed the path his fingers had taken, sending uncontrollable shivers down her spine as his hot breath fanned the flames of her rising passion. His mouth was hot against her skin, his tongue wet as it traced intricate patterns over her flesh.

“Yes, Luc,” she whispered, her eyes closing with pleasure as he sucked lightly at her collarbone.

He stopped.

Lilly blinked open her eyes to find him staring at her, an indefinable light in his sparkling eyes. “What?”

“I want to remember this moment for all time.” A soft smile touched his lips, enchanting her into the moment. “I want to remember the moment you finally said yes.”

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