Home > Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(58)

Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(58)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

“I will always wear the mark of my experience,” Alric said quietly, looking into the mirror again.

“We all wear the marks of our experiences, my love, though in different ways. Yours are just a bit more visible. And lovely,” Zallra added. “You were handsome before, but now… Those eyes of yours are gorgeous. I will have to beat the women off with a stick. Or threaten to toast them at the very least.” Zallra’s amused chuckle held just a hint of her inner dragon.

Alric turned to her and wrapped one strong arm around her, tugging her close so he could kiss her cheek. “No toasting our subjects, my love, unless they truly deserve it.”

The couple laughed, and all those gathered shared in their amusement. Lilly was chuckling, even as she dabbed at her eyes, and Luc had to admit that seeing the King’s recovery was a very emotional experience. Even Det was smiling, and Luc’s big brother seldom smiled at anything these days.

The Alchemist invited them all to stay for the night, since they had a long journey ahead of them. Alric accepted for them all, and Dieffenbacher sent his servants to prepare the best chamber for the royal couple. Jimnel and Lilly were prepared to stand guard over the door to the King’s chamber in shifts, but Luc and Det joined their planning, and Det was able to call in enough of his guards to do the work in short shifts that would allow everyone enough rest.

The fact that Shilayla decided to sleep draped across the doorway was a big help to the effort. She squeezed herself into the tower hallway and was just able to fit outside the chamber, which was thankfully, just below the observatory. It was Dieffenbacher’s own room, given up for the comfort of the visiting monarch. The rest of the visitors bedded down above and below where the King slept with his very own dragon lover.

Many of the fey Guard and a few of their dragons slept in the observatory itself, making room on the floor for their bedrolls. Lilly and Luc shared a guest room on the floor below, stealing a few moments for themselves to sleep. Though they both would have liked to have spent the hours in more pleasureable ways, they were in a strange land, on duty to protect the King. Pleasure would have to wait a bit.




They woke early to find that the Alchemists had not been idle while the rest of them slept. Over breakfast, one of Dieffenbacher’s senior alcolytes brought the news that the Tower Council had been called last night and was still deliberating. Osmian’s body had been laid on a pyre at the edge of the city adjacent to his own black tower, and a small ceremony would be held for him later that morning.

So far, the Tower Council had decided unanimously that Osmian had needed to be replaced. They’d already decided that before, but this official declaration made it clear that King Alric would not be held responsible for the former Grand High’s death. To the contrary, the Tower Council was even now drafting an official proclaimation of apology, to be presented in King Alric’s court, for the crimes committed against him. The Tower Council wanted it to be clear that Osmian’s actions were strictly his own, and they neither condoned nor endorsed what he had done to Alric.

The Council had worked long into the night and decided that Dieffenbacher should serve as Grand High Alchemist. He hadn’t really wanted the position but took it with the proviso that he be replaced within five years due to his age. The others had wanted him to stay permanently, and they’d reached a compromise by creating a new position of Grand High Emeritus. The Emeritus Grand High would advise the new Grand High and generally stick around to make sure the newcomer was going in the right direction. In this way, Dieffenbacher’s influence would continue even after he retired from the position.

Alric was content with the solution and made that clear as they ate breakfast together in the observatory that had once again been put to rights by the servants and younger alcolytes. Lilly just sat there marveling at Alric—eating in the presence of others for the first time since he was a child. He must have sensed her looking at him because he glanced up and smiled at her, sending her a little wink that made her giggle while holding back the tears of joy that wanted to fall. She was so incredibly happy for him!

Alric decided, in consultation with Detlif, that they would stay to see Osmian’s funeral pyre, but then, they would begin their journey back home to Alric’s lands. There was still much work to do at home to make sure the changes that had been wrought in the wastelands went smoothly. Annexing such a large piece of land onto his kingdom was not something Alric had decided to do on a whim. Only with the continued work of the Jinn mercenaries and the others who would be making a go of living there, plus the support of the farmers on the other side of the river that had been the border of Alric’s domain before, would it be possible.

They all flew out over the Alchemist’s city, heading for the black tower to the east. This had been Osmian’s part of the city, and it was still festooned with black banners, making it seem like a dark blot on the otherwise colorful cityscape. They went out beyond the last of the city dwellings, which were not in the best of shape seen close up, and landed.

A funeral pyre had been laid, but there were few mourners. A small group of gray-robed acolytes were in attendance, plus the Alchemist who had led the tower ever since Osmian had been made Grand High. They stood off to the side and watched mutely as Alric’s party dismounted from their dragons and moved closer.

Dieffenbacher walked next to Alric and Detlif. Another group of Alchemists in various colored robes stepped forward to meet them. This was the Tower Council, Dieffenbacher explained. Made up of the leaders of all the other towers in the city. They were here to witness Osmian’s rite. Alric was introduced to each of the Alchemists, in turn, and they all offered words of welcome and apology to the King. Lilly and Jimnel stood guard over Alric’s shoulders, and Zallra chose to take her human form in full view of everyone once the Tower Council introductions had been completed.

Gasps arose from the gray-robed contingent as she walked over to them, turning from black dragon to black leather-clad warrior woman between one step and the next. All of them bowed to her, getting down on one knee and lowering their heads in respect. When she stood in front of the one who had been leading the tower in Osmian’s absence, she spoke.

“You recognize what I am?” she asked the man, who kept his gaze lowered to her feet.

“I do, milady. You are the prophecy fulfilled.” A tone of wonder was in his deep voice.

“Which prophecy is this?” Dieffenbacher demanded.

“It is the prophecy of the black tower,” the man replied.

“Stand, and tell us this prophecy,” Zallra demanded.

Rising slowly, the man looked at her, his gaze full of awe and respect, if Lilly was any judge.

“I am Zenarth, milady. Head acolyte of the black tower and leader in Osmian’s absence these past years. The prophecy was made by the prophetess you may have heard of, the wife of a former Grand High, who gave many prophecies during her lifetime. It was she who described the rise to power of the leader of the black tower…and his fall. Osmian never believed in it, but we, who have watched what he did with his power, have always believed. Though we are men of science, we respect magic and know that the prophetess had power that was both awesome and true. She gave Osmian’s predecessor the letter that hangs in the secret chamber within the tower known only to high-level acolytes. It says…” He paused, and his eyes grew distant as he seemed to recall the exact words.

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