Home > Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(18)

Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(18)
Author: Marie Force

“You can’t handle it,” she said with disdain. “I’m so sick of being pregnant, it’s not even funny. I feel like I’ve been pregnant the entire time we’ve been married.”

“Not the entire time, but pretty close.”

“Enough is enough, my friend. Snip, snip.”

“You don’t need to sound so vicious about it.”

“If I were being vicious, I would’ve gotten out the kitchen scissors a while ago.”

He covered his package. “I can’t believe you’d even say that out loud.”

“Desperate times.”

“I’ve got the appointment for next month, so you can chill out with the kitchen scissors.”

“Just so you know what’s ahead if you fail to keep that appointment.” She made a scissoring gesture with her fingers.

“You’re mean after giving birth to twins.”

“You’d be mean, too, if you’d had to push out two babies.”

“Even when you’re mean, you’re still my hero. You make it look so easy.”

She snorted with laughter. “Easy. Right.”

“I know it wasn’t, but you’re awfully good at making beautiful babies.”

“They are rather beautiful, aren’t they?”

“Along with their sister, Hailey, they’re the most beautiful baby girls I’ve ever seen.”

“I can’t even begin to imagine what a squad the three of them will be someday.”

“Don’t put those ideas in my head. I’m going to need to be tranquilized for the teenage years.”

“Thankfully, we don’t need to think about that tonight,” she said, yawning.

“Let’s get you back to your room and tucked into bed.”

“As much as I don’t want to leave them, I can barely keep my eyes open.”

“Your driver is ready whenever you are.”

She leaned in for another look into the side-by-side incubators. “Good night, my sweet girls. Your mommy and daddy love you very much, and we can’t wait to bring you home to meet your brothers and sister and the rest of your family.”

Mac was trying not to think too much about the logistics of getting twin babies back to Gansett, but he didn’t have to think about that today or even tomorrow. Since they’d arrived early and would be going home to a remote island, the doctor was proceeding with caution that Mac appreciated. The last thing he wanted was any more emergencies. He’d had enough of those to last him the rest of his life.

He wheeled Maddie back to her room, helped her to the bathroom and then tucked her into bed. She was pale and drained from the ordeal of giving birth to twins, not to mention the grueling pregnancy that’d preceded the births and the hours she’d spent earlier pumping breast milk to feed the babies. His wife was a warrior. “Do you want to give Thomas, Hailey and Mac a quick call before you sleep?”

“I’d love to.”

He used his cell to call them via FaceTime on his mother’s phone. When she answered, Mac could see she was still dressed from the wedding.

“Hi there,” she said. “How’s everyone?”

“We’re good. The girls are sleeping, and Maddie is headed for bed. How are the kids?”

“They’re excited to meet their baby sisters and resisting bedtime. We just relieved Ned and Francine for the night, and Kelsey will be back in the morning. She’s been a godsend.” Mac had hired the au pair earlier in the summer when Maddie had been put on bedrest.

“Kelsey is amazing,” Mac said. “We sure got lucky when we found her. And thank you for staying with the kids.”

“We love staying with them, and we’re happy to help. You look tired.”

“I’m okay as long as Maddie and the kids are. How was the rest of the wedding?”

“It was lovely. Mallory and Quinn are so happy, but you won’t believe what happened.” She told him about the woman Lizzie and Jared had helped bringing the baby to the Chesterfield.

“She just left her baby with them?” Mac asked, incredulous.

“She did, and they’re shocked and confused and trying to find the mother. Your dad heard they’ve been trying to have one of their own and not having any luck.”

“Ugh, that’s rough. I’m sorry to hear all that.”

“It was quite a day at the Chesterfield. I have two little ones here who want to talk to Mommy and Daddy. Mac is the only one who went to bed like a good boy.”

Thomas’s and Hailey’s little faces filled the screen, and with one quick glance, Mac could see they were wide awake.

“Dada, where’s the babies?” Thomas asked.

“They’re in special beds to keep them warm and snuggly. Did you see the pictures I sent?”

“Yeah, they’re little.”

“Very little. We have to be super gentle with them.”

“I will, Dada.”

“Da!” Hailey said. “Mama.”

Mac handed the phone to Maddie, who lit up at the sight of their kids.

“Hi, guys. Are you being good?”

“So good,” Thomas said.

“You need to go night-night so you can be well rested for when your sisters come home.”

“I promised three stories to any kids who agree to go right to sleep after,” Big Mac said. “And that’s in addition to the three Grandpa Ned already read them.”

“Scammers!” Mac said.

Thomas giggled.

“Can’t wait to get home to see you guys,” Maddie said. “I want to hear that you were the best boy and girl, and you helped to take care of baby Mac, too, okay?”

“Yes, Mama,” Thomas said while Hailey nodded.

“Love you,” Maddie and Mac said together.

“Love you.”

“We’ll talk to you in the morning,” Linda said.

“Thanks again, Mom.”

“Our pleasure.” She blew a kiss before she ended the call.

“I already miss them so much,” Maddie said. “And five minutes after we get home, I’m going to wonder why I missed them so much.”

Mac laughed. “The dichotomy of parenthood in one sentence.”


“We need to enjoy this little calm before the storm of five kids.”

“Don’t even think about trying to get lucky, mister. You’ve got six weeks and a snip before that’s happening.”

“Duh, I’m an expert. I know all about the six weeks.”

“Remember how you came running home from work when I got the green light after Hailey was born?”

“I remember, but don’t remind me too much about that when I’m on day one of the six-week wait.”

“My poor baby,” she said with a pout face. “So neglected.”

“I’m glad you realize that.”

Laughing, she held out a hand to him. “Come sleep with me.”

“You’re so sore, babe.”

“I want you here with me.”

She grimaced as she shifted toward the far side of the hospital bed to make room for him to stretch out next to her. She lifted her head, and he carefully put his arm under her so she could rest on his chest. “There,” she said, exhaling. “That’s what I needed.”

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