Home > Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(46)

Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(46)
Author: Marie Force

“She told me about her childhood.”

Evelyn put her hand on Cooper’s arm. “The fact that she told you her story is a huge, huge deal, Cooper. Hearing that makes me feel better about this conversation, because there’s no way she would’ve done that if she didn’t trust you.”

Cooper waited to see if she’d say more.

“Come with me. Let’s take a walk in the garden.”

He got up to follow her out the back door.

On the way out, she grabbed an oversized sun hat. “You must always take good care of your skin and protect it from the sun.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You young people don’t take us seriously when we tell you how you’ll pay later for the foolishness of your youth.”

“I believe you. My mother says the same thing. She bathed me in sunscreen when I was little.”

“Good for her. I did the same with my girls, and they have gorgeous skin as a result.” She hooked her arm through his. “But you’re not here to talk about the sun. You want some insight into our Gigi so you can better understand her.”

“Yes, but I wondered if I could ask you something first.”

“Sure you can. I have a feeling we’re going to be great friends.”

“I’d like it if we were.”

“What’s your question?”

“Do you think it’s possible she thinks she’s unlovable?”

Evelyn’s deep sigh said it all. “I think it’s more than possible. In fact, I’m quite sure that’s the case.”

Hearing his suspicions confirmed made Cooper ache for what Gigi was denying herself.

Evelyn glanced his way. “I have to say I’m surprised at that level of insight from such a young man.”

“My mother would tell you that my special gift has always been the ability to cut through the bullshit and get to the heart of a matter. I think it comes from being the much younger brother to four older siblings. I was forever trying to keep up with them, and I learned early to figure out their pain points.”

“I’ll bet you were one of their biggest pain points.”

Cooper laughed. “I’m sure I was. You become very observant when you’re trying to keep up with a bunch of overachievers.”

As they strolled the grounds at Eastward Look, Evelyn pointed out her prized roses, hydrangeas and lilies, all of which were in full, fragrant bloom.

“Your property is gorgeous.”

“Thank you. It’s my happy place. Always has been since I lost my husband as a young woman and was left with a business to run and children to raise without my love.”

“I’m so sorry you lost him.”

“Thank you. I am, too. I miss him every day.” She used clippers to cut some of the roses and held up a large pink one for Cooper to see. “This is how I see our Gigi, a rose of the first order, but with some thorns that she uses to keep herself safe.”

“That’s an apt description.”

“She would literally do anything for me and my granddaughters. If we asked her to sell everything she had to bail us out of a jam, she’d do it in a red-hot second. But she would never, ever ask us for anything in return.”

“She’s struggling with Nikki and Jordan settling here.”

“I wondered if she would be, especially after Jordan’s news yesterday.”

“She’s thrilled for Jordan.”

“Of course she is, but she’s heartbroken for herself, even if she’d never say so.”


“What is it that you want, Cooper?”

“I want Gigi.”

“For now or for good?”

“I, um, well…”

Evelyn’s delicate laugh reminded Cooper of the lovely sound wind chimes made. “That’s the crux of the issue, my friend. Our Gigi is far too smart to risk her heart on someone who isn’t sure what he wants.”

“We haven’t known each other that long.”

“No, you haven’t. And yet you’re here looking for insight from one of her closest friends. What does that mean?”

“I’m not sure exactly.”

“I think you need to figure that out before you ask anything of her.”

“Is it possible to know—like, really know—another person is for you when you’re my age?”

“I was twenty-two when I married my husband. I didn’t have a single doubt that we’d be happy together for the rest of our lives—and we were. We had fifteen glorious years together.”

“I’m so sorry, Evelyn.”

“Thank you. Our wedding was fifty years ago this fall, and if he’d lived, I’m one hundred percent certain we’d still be going strong. So yes, it’s possible to know at a young age that you’ve found your forever love. But it’s also possible to make a big mess of things.”

“I don’t want to do that, especially with Gigi.”

“You can’t do that with her, Cooper. You absolutely cannot. She wants us all to think she’s a tough-as-nails badass, but under her strong outer shell is the most fragile, delicate glass that shatters far too easily.”

Her words struck Cooper like a fist to the chest, knocking the wind out of him for a second.

“There’s nothing wrong with an end-of-summer fling,” Evelyn said. “As long as everyone is on the same page. If you want more than that with her, you’re going to have to step up big-time. You understand that, right?”

“I’m beginning to.”

She handed him the bouquet of roses she’d clipped as they walked. “Take these home for Gigi, but only give them to her if you’re prepared to make that step. Otherwise, I’d ask you to take a step back from her.”

“That’s the last thing I want to do.”

“Then maybe you have your answer, hmm?”

A wild feeling unlike anything he’d experienced before came over him as he stood in Evelyn’s garden, holding the bouquet of multicolored roses. His heart fluttered, and his knees felt a little weak.

“Are you all right?” Evelyn asked, looking at him with concern.

“I think I might be.” He smiled as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I appreciate your wisdom and insight more than you’ll ever know.”

“I’m glad you came to me, Cooper, and I hope you’ll come back again.”

“I will for sure.”

“Follow your heart, young man. You’ll never be sorry if you do.”

“I wish you were my grandmother.”

Evelyn laughed. “I’m a grandmother to anyone who needs one.”

“Consider yourself adopted.”

She held out her arms to him, and he hugged her. “I hope you and our Gigi can make a go of it. I have a feeling you might be just what she needs.”

“I’d like to be what she needs.”

Evelyn’s smile lit up her entire face. “I may be a silly old woman, but I find myself very excited for my sweet Gigi.”

“You’re not silly, and you’re sure as hell not old.”

“I do quite like you, young Cooper.”

“I like you, too, Evelyn. Thank you very, very much.”

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