Home > Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(67)

Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(67)
Author: Marie Force

“Thanks again.” Jared ended the call and leaned his forehead against Lizzie’s. “This might be happening.”

She looked at him with barely contained joy and tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe it.”

“You heard what Mike said, though, about not celebrating yet.”

“I’m already celebrating. Jessie knows this is the right thing to do for her little girl, and Dan wrote the agreement so she can visit her. It’s the best possible solution.”

Jared drew in a deep breath. “I’m afraid to get excited.”

“I have a good feeling about this, and you know how my feelings are.”

“They’re always spot-on.” He hesitated before he said, “She needs a name.”

“Violet. We’ll call her Vi.”

“I love that. Could her middle name be Catherine, for my favorite grandmother?”

“Yes, of course. Violet Catherine James. It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

“Our beautiful girl.”

They hugged each other as tightly as they ever had, and when they pulled apart, both were in tears.

Lizzie reached up to brush his away. “We did it, Jared. Not the way we thought we would, but we did it just the same. I have to believe this was how it was meant to be.”

“It does feel fated somehow, for sure. Thank goodness for you and your great big heart that can’t help but get involved when you see someone in need. You brought Vi into our lives, and she’s going to bring us so much joy.”

“I can’t wait to tell everyone the news.”

“We have to wait until it’s official.”

“I know, but still… I can’t wait.”

With his hand cupping her cheek, he kissed her, thrilled to see her happier than she’d ever been. “I can’t wait either. For everything.”



Chapter 26



Jordan was late, and Matilda was getting pissed. “Where is she?” Matilda asked Gigi, checking her watch for the twentieth time in as many minutes. Every one of her short dark hairs was in perfect order and her makeup as flawless as ever. You could take the girl out of Hollywood, but the glam had come with her to Gansett. They were seated on the porch of her hotel with a splendid view of the Salt Pond, but Gigi was fairly certain Matilda hadn’t even noticed the view.

“On her way.”

“I said nine o’clock.”

“You gave us an hour’s notice. She might’ve been busy doing something.”

“Like her firefighter?”

“Perhaps,” Gigi said, cracking a grin. “They are rather insatiable.”

“What’s he going to do without her when she goes home to LA?”

The question astounded Gigi. Did Matilda honestly think Jordan was going to leave Mason to go home to LA? If so, she hadn’t been paying attention. “No idea,” she said, keeping her reply intentionally vague. It wasn’t up to her to break the news to Matilda that Jordan had probably permanently relocated to Gansett Island.

“Well, I hope she gets here soon. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”

As she sipped her second cup of coffee, Gigi was curious about what Matilda wanted to talk about, but her thoughts kept wandering to Cooper and how his meeting was going. He’d put so much work into his proposal. She hoped it was well received by the people he wanted to partner with. And she hoped Jared and Lizzie would get some good news about the baby before too much longer. They had to be stuck in purgatory waiting to hear from the baby’s mother.

“Did you hear what I said?” Matilda asked.

“Oh, sorry, what?”

“I asked if you’ve reviewed the endorsement offers you’ve both received in the last couple of weeks.”

“Not yet.”

“What’re you waiting for, Gigi? The two of you are sitting on a gold mine, and you need to strike while the iron is hot.”

“We’ll worry about that when we’re done shooting the season.”

“Those offers have shelf lives. You need to get on it.”

Normally, Gigi didn’t sit on stuff like that. She got shit done for herself and her clients, but since she’d come to Gansett, her sense of urgency had faded into an odd state of relaxation that had seriously messed with her mojo. It was time to go home, in more ways than one.

Jordan came rushing in five minutes later, full of apologies. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

“Where’ve you been?” Matilda asked.

“I had something I needed to take care of first thing, and time got away from me. Won’t happen again.”

Yes, it will, Gigi thought as she tried not to laugh at Jordan’s bullshit. Judging by the freshly fucked look of her friend, Gigi concluded that the thing she’d had to take care of first thing had been Mason. Good for her.

“Now that you’re both here, we have a lot to talk about,” Matilda said. “First and foremost is the final episode of the season and how we want to leave things. We want to make sure the viewers are clamoring for next season the second this one ends.”

“Ah, about that,” Jordan said. “I don’t think there’s going to be another season.”

Matilda stared at her as if Jordan had just said the sun was purple. “You’re not serious. You two are sitting on the most popular show on cable. You don’t walk away when you’re number one, Jordan.”

“Maybe it’s not done, but that’s what I want. I’m in love with Mason. We’re expecting a baby and getting married, and we’re going to live here. I’m going to keep working as the part-time activities director at the senior center and raise a family with the man I love.”

Gigi had known it was coming, but to hear Jordan say it out loud was still a blow. Life as they’d known it in LA was over, and Gigi would be going home alone.

One thing Gigi could say for certain was that Jordan was doing the right thing for herself.

They’d shot a memorable episode with Jordan and Gigi entertaining the seniors for this season, and Gigi was looking forward to seeing that one put together. It’d been touching and hilarious at the same time. Jordan had a deft touch with the elderly population, and they adored her. Mason adored her, too. He loved her the way Jordan deserved to be loved, and no one was happier for her than Gigi, even if her heart broke at the thought of living so far from her best friend—and her best friend’s sister.

They’d had a good run, but the time had come for them to live their lives separately. It would take a while for Gigi to get used to being without Jordan and Nikki, but she’d survive. She always did.

“What do you have to say about this, Gigi?” Matilda asked.

“It’s her show. I’m just the sidekick.”

“You’re much more than that, and you know it,” Jordan said. “I don’t mean to mess things up for you, but I can’t leave Mason. I won’t leave him, especially now that we’re expecting.”

“Congratulations on the baby,” Matilda said. “That’s exciting news indeed, but none of this has to spell the end of the show. You two are magic together on camera, and I have to believe there’s a way to continue with everyone getting what they want. One of the main reasons I wanted to see you both this morning is the network has prepared a major offer for three more seasons.”

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