Home > Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(74)

Temptation After Dark (Gansett Island #22)(74)
Author: Marie Force

“Looks like my wife and I are going to be parents by this time tomorrow.”

Though the statement was delivered in a low-key manner, Jared’s elation came through in every word. “That’s great, Jared. I’m so happy for you guys.”

“Thanks. Nothing’s signed yet, but it’s looking good. Jessie has acknowledged that she’s not equipped to give the baby what she needs. We’ve agreed to an open adoption that would allow her regular visitation.”

“Seems like a best-case scenario.”

“We think so. Now we just have to hold our breath until tomorrow, when Jessie signs the agreement. Then a judge has to sign off on it, which will take a couple of months, during which she can change her mind. So we’re not entirely home free, but closer than we were.”

“Cripes, that’s stressful.”

“Yeah, but in the end, we get a daughter out of it. Violet Catherine James, who’ll be called Vi.”

“That’s beautiful.”

“Couldn’t help but notice you came home alone.”

“Yeah. Gigi broke up with me.”

“Really? Didn’t see that coming.”

“Neither did I. They finish filming on Monday and are scheduled to go back to LA on Tuesday. Jordan and Nikki say she’s freaking out about the summer ending as this thing with me has become more serious than expected. They say I need to give her space to come around on her own.”

“What do you think of that?”

“They know her better than anyone.”

“Waiting and hoping puts you in a tough spot.”

“Yeah, it sucks.”

“I remember what that’s like. The weeks after I thought Lizzie turned down my proposal were among the worst of my life. I thought I was never going to see her again.”

“I can’t picture one of you without the other.”

“Now, but there was a time when that was hardly assured. This stuff is hard, bro, and for some people, it’s damned near impossible for them to take the leap and keep the faith.”

“That’s the problem Gigi’s having. She’s had a lot of hard knocks, so she’s super cautious.”

“She hasn’t been with you.”

“That’s part of the problem.”

“I agree with the advice Jordan and Nikki gave you. Take a step back, and let her come to you. If it’s meant to be, she’ll be back.”

“And if it isn’t?”

“Then you’re going to experience serious heartache, and it’s gonna suck.”

“Already does, and this just happened two hours ago.”

“Hang in there, bud. I’m sure you’ve done all you can to show her how it could be between you guys, and if that’s what she wants, she’ll be back.”

“I hope so.”

“I do, too, but I have to say, it’s good to know you’re mortal after all.”

“Haha, very funny. I’ve been waiting for you to remind me I had this coming.”

Jared’s low chuckle made Cooper smile for the first time in hours. “How’d the meeting go with the McCarthys?”

“Better than expected.” He told Jared about the wedding package deals the family was thinking about offering and how his business could be included.

“That’s awesome. You can’t pay for that kind of free publicity.”

“I know, and Mr. McCarthy’s friend Ned Saunders talked to me about getting involved in some real estate investments, too. Apparently, that’s been his main hustle for forty years, and he’s looking to take a step back and spend more time with his family. He needs someone who might be interested in stepping into that game.”

“That’s an incredible opportunity, Coop. He’s made a fortune buying and selling houses on the island.”

“I find that funny since he drives a cab.”

“He does that for fun.” Jared took a puff of the cigar. “So your day didn’t totally suck.”

“The first half was pretty awesome.”

“Hang in there, brother. Gigi knows by now that you’re a good guy. Give her time to think about it, and try to have some faith.”

He’d give her the space she needed even as he worried he might’ve lost her forever.



Chapter 29



Gigi threw herself into filming the season’s last episode, during which they revealed that Jordan was expecting her first child. They planned to keep that news under wraps until the episode aired later in the year. Over the course of the episode, they revisited some of their favorite spots on the island, including the bluffs, the beach and the ferry landing, where they had learned how to drive one of the massive ferries.

The final scenes were set to be filmed Monday afternoon at Eastward Look, Jordan and Nikki’s childhood summer home.

Nikki and Riley would make an appearance, as would Evelyn, Finn and Chloe, who were super excited to be on TV.

It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, Gigi wanted to tell them.

Wanting a second opinion, she’d had Dan Torrington take a look at the offer the network had made her to appear in three more seasons, and he’d agreed with her own assessment and declared it legally sound. She and Jordan were due to sign the new deal at the end of filming today.

As her days and hours on Gansett ticked down to single digits, she’d tried her best not to think about Cooper or what he was doing or how he was feeling or anything about him. When she let her thoughts venture in his direction, she hurt like she never had before, which made her feel like the biggest kind of fool.

How in the world had she ended up with such strong feelings for a man she’d met so recently? She didn’t know how, but she couldn’t deny the feelings were big and getting bigger with every day that went by without him in it.

Matilda came to find her under the portable tent the production team had erected to keep them out of the sun between takes. “I was hoping for a second with you. Mason has a surprise planned for Jordan that we’re going to capture on film, so when you see him coming, step back if you would.”

“Sure, I can do that. What kind of surprise is he planning?”

“I’m not sure. He only asked if he could interrupt filming for a couple of minutes and if we’d do him the favor of getting it on video.”

Was he going to propose again, this time for the cameras?

Oh God, he was.

Gigi couldn’t breathe over the emotions that overwhelmed her—happiness for Jordan and Mason and despair for herself that made her feel stupid and immature. Her friend was getting married, not dying from a dreaded illness.

Get it together, she told herself. And PS, you could have the same kind of happiness she’s found with Mason if you could only get out of your own way. Shut up. No, you shut up.

They were called back a few minutes later to begin shooting the final scene, which would culminate on the lawn of the home Jordan and Nikki had run to the minute school ended every summer. Most of their best childhood memories had occurred here, and as they sat in Adirondack chairs reminiscing with Nikki and Evelyn, Mason came striding onto the lawn, wearing his fire department uniform.

He was the tallest son of a gun Gigi had ever met, and he loved her friend with his whole heart and soul.

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