Home > Love Language (The Aristocrat Diaries, #1)(55)

Love Language (The Aristocrat Diaries, #1)(55)
Author: Emma Hart

Alex squeezed my hand, and Aunt Elizabeth immediately took control of the situation, sweeping Dad towards the library while muttering about something.

I answered the door to Miles and Arthur. “Arthur,” I whispered, stepping forward and wrapping him in a hug.

“Lady Gabriella,” he replied, shocked. “This is most—”

“Be quiet and hug me,” I muttered. “I missed you.”

“Very well.” He wrapped me in a grandfatherly hug that made me warm inside. “I trust your father is here, given I can see Lord Worcester’s car.”

“He is.” I stepped back. “Aunt Cat and Adelaide will be arriving at any moment, and we will be clearing this matter up.”

“Yes, of course.” He looked at me. “I would like to freshen up in my living quarters, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Of course not. I’ll send someone for you when she’s here.”

“Thank you, milady.” He touched my shoulder and passed me.


He turned with emotion in his eyes and his back straight. “Yes, milady?”

“You make her very happy.” I smiled. “And I can only speak for myself, but I should very much like for that to continue.”

He finally smiled. “As would I.”

Miles stepped inside and rested a hand on my back. He waited until Arthur had gone through the door before he pulled me in close to him. “Hi.”

“Hi,” I said, wrapping my arms around him. “Thank you for this.”

“Of course. Grandpa said he would come, but he saw his physical therapist today and he’s a little sore.”

“Probably for the best. This could get reality-show-wild.”

He chuckled and kissed my temple. “You can do this, Gabi. I believe in you.”

“Thanks. I’m glad someone does.” I tilted my head up and kissed him.

“Here we go! It’s a setup! I’ll never trust you again, Adelaide Victoria Louise Astley!” Aunt Cat marched up the stairs towards the house. “I know that car! I know that suitcase! Elizabeth! What are you doing here, you rotten cow?”

Miles’ eyes widened like he’d been punched.

“Aunt Cat!” I said sharply. “That is inappropriate!”

“I shall talk to my sister however I wish!”

“You will not!” I stepped in front of her and cut her path off as everyone else joined us except Arthur. “Your sister or not, Aunt Elizabeth is our guest, and since you’ve all abandoned me for the past several days and left me to run the entire estate, I will have a say in this and I will not have any guest insulted!”

Nobody said a word.

“I agree.” Alex stepped up next to me. “And if we could keep the insults to a minimum, I would appreciate it, as Olympia is upstairs moving into her bedroom.” He looked around and nodded at me, and I was thankful for him backing me up, something I showed him by touching my hand to his arm.

“Aunt Cat, the entire reason the entire family is here is to solve the situation your relationship put us in. Have a little respect for us, please.”

She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “You’re right, Gabriella. I’m sorry.” She looked around. “Would anyone object to me returning to my bedroom to freshen up?”

“Of course we won’t, Cat,” Aunt Elizabeth said. “As long as you freshen up your attitude while you’re there.”

Aunt Cat snorted, but she refrained from answering and instead made her way upstairs to her room.

“Right,” I said, turning around. “Now that she’s gone, can we all return to whatever it was that we were going to do? I believe alcohol was mentioned, and I could do with some.”

Adelaide chuckled and squeezed me hand. “That was hot.”

“Shut up.” I laughed as she released me and Alex walked over to her.



“It’s awfully rude of me to leave you to walk in for pre-dinner drinks alone,” he said quietly to her. “If you’d be so kind as to accompany me?”

She glanced back at me with a tiny smile and took the arm he offered. “That’s very kind of you, Lord Worcester.”

“Please, call me Alexander.”

“Thank you, Alexander.” She smiled up at him. “Is your daughter with you?”

“She is,” he replied, guiding her in the direction of the library. “I actually had something I wished to discuss with you. Gabriella tells me you’re a writer…”

Their conversation trailed off as they entered the library, but I turned to Miles.

“Well. That’s interesting.”

He kissed the side of my head. “Not really. Milady?” He offered me his arm.

I laughed and took it, leaning into him. “Ready for this?”

“As ever.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely fucking not.”




“My dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to… sort out the horrific bloody mess that is this family.”

Adelaide stifled a giggle.

What? I wasn’t wrong, was I?

Everyone present—minus Olympia, who was sleeping—was in the library, and it was time for us to clear the air. Our three-course meal had been eaten in across two different tables, and it was time to pull out the big guns.

We were going Poirot on this.

Minus the moustache. And the hat.

At least I knew my Halloween costume this year.

“Last week, it came to our attention that a lady of house was engaging in sexual relations with a member of staff,” I said, walking across in front of the unlit fireplace.

“Gabriella!” Aunt Cat admonished.

“You be quiet,” I told her. “This upset many people, and it’s time we put this to bloody rest,” I said to everyone else. “Aunt Cat, Arthur, if you’re in a relationship, then do us all the courtesy of telling us.”

“Aren’t you seeing the gardener?” Adelaide heckled from the corner.

“Don’t be a troll, Adelaide, or I shall find a bridge for you to sleep under.”

Everyone laughed.

“But for the record, yes I am, but this isn’t about me.” I peered out at everyone. “Aunt Cat, all we want is for you to be happy. But you and Daddy have to talk about this, and this is the only way this could happen.”

“Okay, Madame Poirot,” Daddy said, standing up. “Merci.”

I grinned, glad he’d gotten that. I sat down to give him the floor.

“I shall say this once and only once,” Daddy said, leaning against the fireplace. “Catherine, all I want is to see you happy. You’re my sister. I love you immensely and you being able to share your life with someone brings me great joy.” He looked at her. “I am not hurt or angry that you’re seeing Arthur. Your secrecy is what pains me. That you couldn’t come to me and tell me that you wished to pursue a relationship with him…” He trailed off, sighing.

“Henry.” Aunt Cat stood up and stepped forward before she stopped. “I—we—”

“She thought it was inappropriate,” Arthur said from his spot on one of the sofas. “She broke it off more than once, but we enjoyed each other’s companionship a great deal. It was often only the two of us in the house while you were seeing to business opportunities and Lady Gabriella was doing her studying and her charitable endeavours. We built a great friendship over those years, and it recently became something more. If you will—”

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