Home > The One Night Stand(34)

The One Night Stand(34)
Author: Carissa Ann Lynch

“Well, I’m glad you asked. My name is Sergeant Nickels with the Indiana State Police department. How are you doing this evening, Tim? Is it okay if I call you Tim?”

My eyes popped open as I listened in to this one-sided conversation. Not only was Ben pretending to be someone else – a police officer, to boot – but his entire voice and demeanor had changed.

“Me? Oh, I’m not doing too well, Tim. You see, I’m part of the underage-offender tracking team. Your phone number has come to my attention …”

“Well, yes, ever since the Patriot Act was enacted, we’ve had the freedom to monitor our citizens’ phone calls. Their picture messages, too.”

There were several long seconds of silence, then Ben said, “Why have you been sending photos of naked underage boys? Are you aware that is against the law?”

Another pause.

I released a slow breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“Yes, sir, it is. No, I don’t care whether they were solicited or not. Or if you’re underage yourself. It’s still illegal. Now I’m going to have to take down your address, probably come by one day this week to discuss in person—”

Ben set his phone down on the bed between us, then grinned.

“What happened?” I asked, spellbound by his confidence, the quick change in his demeanor.

“He hung up as soon as I asked for his address.” His smile widened, and the next thing I knew, we were both rolling on the bed in laughter.

Catching my breath, I rolled onto my left side. He turned on his right, our faces so close we were nose to nose.

“Thanks for doing that. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”

“It was my pleasure,” he said, leaning in. His kiss was so tender, like the wings of a moth brushing over my lips.

“Do you think it will help?” I asked, eyes still closed from the kiss. As much as I wanted to enjoy this moment with Ben, my heart was still on Delaney. I didn’t want to add to her stress or make the boy even more volatile come Monday when she went back to school.

“I hope so,” Ben replied. “He sounded like a scared little child on the other end, as soon as I told him I was a cop.”

“How’d you do that anyway? Morph into somebody else, just like that?” I rolled onto my back and snapped my fingers, watching his face.

He chuckled. “I don’t know. Probably all those years of taking drama classes in junior high.” He shrugged.

I guess I’m not the only one who knows how to switch my old self off when I have to.

“Can you help me with one more thing? I still need to change Delaney’s phone number. She asked me the other day, and I still haven’t done it.”

Ben sat up in the bed, looking at my computer. “Sure. That’s easy. We just put in a request on the same account we just set up.”

“You sure you don’t mind?” I asked, sitting up beside him.

“Not at all. It’ll only take a second.”

While he took care of that, I went to the bathroom and freshened up. My eyeliner and mascara were runny from the laughing and I tried to fix it with a light dusting of cheap concealer. Then I smoothed the stray pieces of hair out of my eyes and gave myself a breath-check in the mirror.

“Who’s MaxLove1985?” Ben asked me, as soon as I returned to the bedroom.

I stopped in my tracks, bracing myself. I don’t know why; it’s not like I owed this man an explanation, or like we were monogamous yet. I guess the real reason for my nerves was Michael. He used to be verbally abusive and possessive at times, so the fear reaction came naturally.

But Ben didn’t look angry at all – in fact, he was smiling.

“Who?” I said, swallowing down a lump in my throat.

Ben tossed his head back and laughed. “You’re a terrible liar, you know? It’s no big deal, Ivy. It’s not like we’re dating. And I promise, I wasn’t snooping. The message came across the bottom of your screen. Something about ‘smacking that sexy ass of yours again’.”

Embarrassed beyond belief, I reached across him and clicked the off button on my screen.

“When you didn’t call or message, I thought I’d try out a few other guys,” I said, meekly.

Ben’s eyes were pupil-less, his smile deep and delicious.

He wants me. I can tell.

He reached out, taking hold of my waist, and pulled me down onto his lap. In a single motion, I yanked my top and bra over my head, straddling him.

Our kisses weren’t as sweet as the earlier ones had been; I dove for him, feverishly biting his lips and enjoying the power I felt over him.



Chapter 32


When I opened my eyes, the sun was streaming through the curtains. Birds were singing their morning song, serenading me back to sleep. My eyes popped open, that usual morning panic setting in.

No, I’m not late for work. It’s Saturday, silly, I reminded myself.

I closed my eyes, tugging the covers up to my chin and rolling onto my side. I could smell Ben all over my sheets, the smell of his aftershave, the salt of his skin …

My hand reached out, feeling the empty, smooth spot beside me.

I knew he wouldn’t be there, but still, I’d sort of hoped.

Last night, he’d told me that he had to leave early to help his brother move. He’d set the alarm on his cell phone for 4:30am, but I’d never heard it go off.

I wish he’d woken me up; I would have loved another quick round with him.

I nuzzled my face into the pillow he’d slept on, smiling as I remembered last night – me, loose from the alcohol and empowered by his desire. Making love with him had felt so natural, and so fun.

I can’t wait to do it again.

I closed my eyes, hoping I could go back to sleep for at least an hour or two.

A knock on the front door gave me a start. For a moment, I considered ignoring it completely. It couldn’t be Delaney, because she had a key. Pam or Ben would have called first …

But it might be Fran. She could need help with something, I thought guiltily.

Groaning, I forced myself up out of bed. I was naked, so I tugged on my ratty old nightgown and trudged down the hall and through the living room to the front door.

I could already see her through the opaque windows, that shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The strange ring of a neck brace pushing her chin up.

The living room was a disaster and I looked like a wreck myself, but I sighed and opened the door.

“Hi, Samantha,” I said, squinting out at her through the bright morning stream of sun.

“Oh, I hope I didn’t wake you,” she said, smiling stiffly. She was always stiff, with that perfect posture and those charm-school mannerisms, but she seemed even more owl-like with that brace around her neck.

“I was up, just lying around being lazy. Why don’t you come in?”

I opened the door and motioned her over to the living-room sofa.

Slowly and primly, she took a seat on the edge of the couch. I sat down on the opposite end, as far away from her as I could get.

“Is Delaney okay?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. She’s great. I left her with the boys. They were watching cartoons together.”

I tried to imagine Delaney with a sibling to hang out with. Again, my heart ached for the son I’d lost …

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