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No Strings(20)
Author: Nikki Ash

Fuck, nope, not going there. She’s not mine, nor will she ever be.

“Just because he was a piece of shit doesn’t mean every other guy is.”

“True, but growing up, I had the worst home life. I would dream of that elusive family. The husband and kids and career and home… I think I need a break from those dreams. I have a fresh start, a career that most would dream of. I live in a beautiful apartment and have friends like Bri…”

“And Brody and me,” I add.

“Yes.” She smiles her first sincere smile since she started telling me about her ex-husband. “I have a lot to be thankful for, and maybe it’s not the way I dreamed it, but it’s mine. So I just want to focus on those things for a while. Maybe one day…” She clears her throat, and it seems like there’s more she wants to say but doesn’t. “Enough about me.” She changes the subject. “Tell me, what are you cooking for me tonight?”

“Do you ever stop eating?” I joke. “You’re eating and asking what I’m going to feed you next.”

She shrugs. “It’s all those workouts. They burn a lot of calories.”

I chuckle. “Must be… Who said I’m cooking? Maybe I’m planning to order in.”

“Oh, no… You said, and I quote, ‘It’s our turn to make you dinner.’” She points her finger at me. “There better be homemade food there.”



Chapter Nine






“Ahhh!” Brianne runs toward me as I stand, just in time for her to wrap her slender arms around me. “You’re still here!”

“Of course I’m still here.”

“I was so scared you would be here alone and second-guess your decision, and then I’d come home, and you’d be gone.”

“You’re crazy,” I say through a laugh. “I’m not going anywhere.” Besides, where the hell else would I go?

Brianne releases me, taking my hand and guiding me over to the couch. “Okay, spill. I let you get away with your vagueness while I was gone because I couldn’t corner you over the phone, but now I’m back, and I want all the deets.”

“About what?” I ask dumbly, knowing she’s referring to my time spent with Brody and Ben. When Brianne gives me a look that says, you know what, I sigh. “We’re just friends, so please don’t make this more than it is. I enjoy their company, and if everyone tries to push us together, I’m afraid Ben’ll push me away.”

“Fine.” She rolls her eyes. “Any plans tonight? The guys are playing poker, and Marcus will be there. Will you be my wingwoman, pleeaasssse?”

Marcus is Lucas’s friend and Brianne’s secret crush, but he doesn’t even so much as look at her, let alone return her feelings.

“I’m having dinner with Ben and Brody.”

She smirks saucily. “After… Lucas said Ben will be there.”

“Oh.” He never mentioned it. “Well, I guess…”

“Great!” She claps her hands together. “How’s it going?” She glances around the office. “Need anything?”

“Nope. It’s going great. Sharp uses the same program as Everton, so the transition so far has been smooth. Your dad is so sweet, and I met your brother in person today while I was having lunch with Ben. He told me he’d be by to check on me.”

The two times I visited New York, Lucas was out of town, and when Brianne and I graduated, we walked at separate times because our majors were different. She invited me to dinner with her family to celebrate, but Neil insisted we go to dinner with his family instead. So, while I’ve met Lucas plenty of times through video chat while he and Brianne were chatting, and once during the interview, I hadn’t met him in person.

“Good.” She nods. “But if you need anything, I’m here.” She leans over and hugs me tight. “I’m so glad you’re here.”



“Wow, this is delicious!” I take a bite of the spaghetti and meatballs Ben and Brody made. Ben texted me that he had to leave early for an appointment and to come over at six o’clock for dinner, so when I showed up after work, I thought for sure they would have ordered in. So I was delightfully shocked when I found the table set with salad and garlic bread to start, along with a bottle of wine.

Both guys nod as they shovel food into their mouths and refuse to meet my eyes… weird. We eat for a few minutes in silence until Ben’s phone rings. He glances at it and groans. It stops and then starts again.

“She won’t stop until I answer.” He sets his fork down and picks it up. “Paola…” He’s quiet for a moment before he looks at Brody, who doesn’t look back at him. “Okay, we’re having dinner right now… Yes, dinner… Let me ask, and I’ll call you after.” He hangs up and goes back to eating, not saying another word.

“How was your day?” I ask Brody to make conversation.

“Good. Football practice about killed me, but Coach says I’m a natural, and if I keep playing the way I am, I’ll be starting.”

I don’t know much about football, but starting sounds promising. “What position do you play?” Not that I would know what he did if he told me.

“QB.” He shovels a forkful of food into his mouth.

“Quarterback,” Ben clarifies. “He throws the ball, and another guy catches it.”

“Thank you,” I say with a laugh. “I was trying to pretend I had a clue, but I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a game.”

“What?” Brody asks. “Didn’t you go to UT? Their college team is the shit!”

“Language,” Ben chides.

“I was, um…” Warmth creeps up my cheeks. “I was kind of a math nerd.” I shrug. “I was on the math team and spent more hours than not tutoring others.”

“So, no sports?” Brody asks.



“Not really.”

“How did you become friends with Brianne?” Ben chuckles. “I’m almost positive Lucas joked she majored in partying.”

I nod and laugh, taking a sip of my crisp wine. “That’s not far from the truth. She was my dormmate, and we hit it off. I guess it’s true when they say opposites attract. Speaking of which… She’s dragging me to poker tonight. She mentioned you’re going.”

“I am. It’s been a while.” He glances at Brody. “You okay with me going to Lucas’s for a few hours?”

“I don’t care,” Brody says. “I’m not a baby. I’ve been left alone plenty, and he only lives one floor down.”

“I know… Just checking.” Ben takes a large gulp of his wine. “Your mom will be back in town tomorrow.”

“Yeah, she texted me.”

“Which you ignored… She wants to know if you can come by and spend some time with her, maybe spend the night.”

Brody’s fork stills. “I have school during the week and football and homework.”

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