Home > No Strings(27)

No Strings(27)
Author: Nikki Ash

“Yep,” he answers, not bothering to look up.

“Want to order in dinner and watch a movie afterward?”

“Sure.” He still doesn’t look up.

“You should invite Savannah.”

“All right.”

“Text her now,” I urge. “Before she makes other plans.”

I eat my muffin in silence, waiting to see if she responds. His phone vibrates a few minutes later, and then he looks up at me, wearing a scowl on his face. “Something going on with you two?”

“No,” I scoff.

“Really?” He turns his phone around for me to see. “First, she bails on bowling, then on dinner… Now, when I ask her to join us for dinner tonight, she tells me she’ll be stuck at the office late. Dammit, Dad, what did you do?”

“Don’t speak to me like that. And I didn’t do anything.” But even to my own ears, I can hear the guilt in my words.

“Yeah, right,” he mutters. “I gotta go. Whatever you did, fix it.” He hits me with a pointed glare before slinging his backpack over his shoulder and stalking out of the house.

Damn, why does it feel like I’ve just been reprimanded by my damn teenage son? Oh, right, because I was.

I consider texting Savannah but figure it’s probably best to just show up unannounced. That way, if she’s avoiding me, she won’t have a chance to run. I have my Monday morning meeting, and I’m meeting my dad for lunch since he’s back in town, but afterward, I’ll head over to her office.



“Son, how are you?” my dad asks, sitting across from me at the table in my office. I give him a once-over and note that he looks tired. He’s getting up there in age, and I wonder if maybe life is catching up with him. He’s close to retirement age. I don’t want to throw that out there and risk offending him, so I store it away for later when I can broach the subject without it coming across like I want to push him out. I would never do that to my dad. He’s the only parent I have left, and he’s been through hell.

After Amalia and I lost our mom, I thought for sure we’d also lose our dad. We watched him hit rock bottom, and it was a hard, long journey to help him get back on his feet. He’s told me on numerous occasions his family and work are all he has left, so I wouldn’t want to take that from him, but if it means taking the stress off his shoulders, I’ll do what I have to do to keep my dad around as long as possible.

“I’m good.” I hand him his sub and drink from Rosario’s, our favorite sub shop that’s been around since my father was a kid. “Brody seems to be back on track. He’s back at his school and is playing football. He spent the night at his mom’s Friday night, and it seemed to go well. We went bowling Saturday, and he kicked my ass.” I chuckle, remembering the way he rubbed it in my face every time he rolled a strike.

My dad smiles, but it seems forced, and that has me worried. “I’m glad to see you home and in his life. He needs you.”

“Yeah, he does. And I need him.” I never realized how much so until recently. Now I can’t imagine him not being in my life. “I fucked up, and I’m lucky he’s making it easy for me to make shit right.”

Dad nods. “I’m happy for you.”

“How did your trip go?” I ask, still having no clue where he went and why.

“Good,” is all he gives me.

“Was it for Fields?”

“Uh, no. Just a personal trip.” When he doesn’t say anything more, I consider pressing him on the subject, but then his phone rings, and he tells me he needs to get it. I expect him to take the call, but instead, he gathers up his food and drink and stands. “I’m going to take this in my office. Let’s do dinner soon, all of us.”

Confused, I stand as well. “Dad, is everything okay?”

Without answering my question, he pulls me into a hug. “I love you, Benjamin. I know I don’t tell you enough, but I’m so proud of you. I fucked up when you were growing up. I didn’t get your mom the help she needed, but instead of you and your sister letting it keep you down, you both soared.”

“Dad,” I choke out, worried as fuck. “If something’s going on…”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” he assures me. “You focus on that boy of yours, you hear me? I got this.” And without giving me a chance to argue, he walks out the door.

Since my meetings are done for the day, I finish eating, then let my assistant know I’m heading out and not to call unless it’s important. I take the elevator down to Sharp and go straight to accounting. Savannah’s secretary is at her desk, and when she sees me, she lets me know that Savannah is alone, and I can go right in. If she knew Savannah was avoiding me, she probably would’ve had a different answer.

I walk in without knocking and find Savannah at her desk, eating a sandwich while typing on her computer. She glances up, then does a double take, her eyes going wide when she realizes it’s me. I close and lock the door behind me so we’re not disturbed, then walk over to her desk and drop into the guest chair.

“Glad to see you’ve recovered.” When her brows pinch together, I shake my head. “You know… because you were sick.”

She swallows thickly. “I—”

“Save the lie. We both know you weren’t sick, so you want to explain the real reason you blew Brody off all weekend?” Yeah, I’m hitting her with a guilt trip. You gotta use what you got. And she may be avoiding me, but she has a soft spot for my son.

Her face falls. “It’s not that… You know I care about Brody.”

“Then what is it?” I lean forward and shoot her a hard look that hopefully conveys I won’t tolerate being lied to.

She closes her eyes for a moment, inhaling a deep breath before she releases a harsh exhale, reopening her eyes. “I needed some time alone to get my head on straight.”

“Because of what happened between us Friday night?”

“Because while I was under the influence, I made reckless decisions.”

“You’re a grown adult, Savannah. I’d hardly call what we did reckless. People do it all the time.”

“Do they also have unprotected sex while not on any type of birth control?” she asks, raising a brow.

It takes several seconds for her words to sink in, but once they do, I damn near lose my shit because holy fuck, we had sex without a condom.

I never have sex without a condom. Ever. Not since Paola tricked me into impregnating her.

This can’t be right…

She has to be confused. She’d been drinking and…

I stand, my heart thrumming in my chest, and pace the room, trying to recall the details from Friday night. Unlike Savannah, I had barely drunk anything. A couple of glasses at most. My mind goes back to us in the office.

The clothes coming off.

The orgasms.

Her begging me to fuck her.

Me telling her no.

Me giving in.

I not only had sex with her without a condom, but I also came inside her.

My eyes land on her midsection that’s hidden behind her desk. I fucked up, and I only have myself to blame. She didn’t force me or trick me. I willingly fucked her bare.

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