Home > Endless Shadows (Shadows Landing #7)(18)

Endless Shadows (Shadows Landing #7)(18)
Author: Kathleen Brooks

Ryker took a deep breath and leaned forward. “I like you, Kenzie. I have an overwhelming desire to be honest and see if you could still like me in return. No, I wouldn’t kill him. That’s not to say I’m not capable of killing to defend what’s mine. In his case, I would destroy his business and turn evidence over to the authorities. I have enough contacts to seize their bank accounts, flag the fake passports I know they have, and turn over enough evidence to the FBI that the entire family would share a jail cell for the rest of their lives. Do you still want to be with me, knowing that? I can take you home right now if you’re not comfortable with my life.”

Kenzie swallowed hard and looked at him with concern. “Does this happen often to you? People threatening you?”

“Not usually this directly, but yes. They try to take over a company I’m working with and then there’s always corporate espionage and cyberattacks,” Ryker said with a shrug.

Kenzie was starting to understand. “You constantly have to be on guard and then you throw in women wanting you for the wrong reasons and that means you have no one to just be you around. No one to confide in. No one to just laugh with or talk about your day with. That must be exhausting.”

“I talk to my family. Some. Olivia is my best friend. We talk business.”

“Your lawyer is your best friend?” Kenzie asked as she shook her head. “Well, now you can talk to me. I won’t lie to you either, Ryker. When you did that, you were scary. However, I’ve never been scared of you. I know you wouldn’t hurt me. But I do know you need a friend, and I’d like to be that.”

“Friend?” Ryker raised his eyebrows. “I must be really bad at this dating thing if you’re getting a friend vibe from me.”

Kenzie laughed and saw Ryker relax. “I can be both. The word friend is part of girlfriend, right? I don’t want a one-sided relationship, Ryker. You’ve been honest with me, so let me be honest with you. I want a man who will be my partner. I want him to be my friend, my lover, my confidant, and my biggest supporter. I want someone to laugh with, someone to cry with, someone to be completely myself around and who can be themselves around me. That’s what I want and that’s what to expect from me, too. If you can’t give that or want that, we stop at friends.”

Kenzie took a deep breath filled with amazement. She’d never talked so openly, but Ryker was being honest with her so it was her turn to be honest with him. The idea he’d even want a real date with someone like her was still hard to believe. But when they were together, she didn’t feel the crazy difference in economic status. They were a small-town boy and a small-town girl joking, talking, and enjoying every moment together. The way her body heated when he smiled at her or touched her hand told her they had crazy physical chemistry. But the way they talked told her they shared an emotional connection as well. She wasn’t going to turn away from it just because of their economic differences.

“I’d very much like that, Kenzie. How about a walk along the Battery before I take you home?”

Kenzie smiled and felt the nerves in her stomach relax as they stood up. “So, we’re doing this? The billionaire business tycoon and the nurse?”

“How about it just be Ryker and Kenzie?” he asked as he placed his hand on the small of her back.

“I like the sound of that, Ryker.”


Kenzie found herself leaning into Ryker’s side as they walked along the Battery overlooking the water’s edge. They talked some, but most of the time they just felt. Felt the way each other felt as they touched—the way their skin seemed to spark with energy when they touched, the way she felt instantly relaxed when he ran his hand down her back, and then the way desire flared to life when he touched her slightly differently.

They stopped to look out over the water and Kenzie felt Ryker stand behind her. She rested her hands on the metal railing and marveled at how much larger Ryker’s hands were when he placed them next to hers on the rail. Her back pressed against his chest and she felt her whole body simultaneously tense and melt with anticipation.

Ryker nuzzled her neck and her breath caught when she felt his warm lips butterfly soft on her neck. Kenzie reached behind her and threaded her fingers through his hair as he continued to kiss his way up her neck and along her jaw.

Kenzie was breathing hard with anticipation as she turned slowly within his arms. She looked up at his face that seemed so tender, yet hungry. Gone was the ruthless businessman and in his place was a man wanting to be loved for who he really was.

He paused, waiting for her to give him permission to kiss her. Kenzie cupped his cheek with her hand, feeling the stubble from a full day’s growth. She stared in fascination at her thumb as he ran it along his full bottom lip. She let her hand fall to his chest as her eyes fluttered closed. She felt Ryker’s breathing as he moved in closer, but he didn’t kiss her until she tilted her lips upward, offering them to him.

She’d thought Ryker would kiss the way he worked—full of demand. But he didn’t. The first brush of his lips was so soft she thought she’d imagined it. The second was more teasing. By the third time he pressed his lips to hers, she was clinging to his shirt begging for him to kiss her deeply.

When he fully took her lips with his and even when he swept his tongue into her mouth, he was gentle. He took his time treasuring every taste, every sound she made, and every touch between them.

Kenzie felt as if her whole world changed with that kiss. She’d never felt such an intimate connection to a man from a single kiss. Kenzie had to blink her way back to reality when Ryker ended the kiss.

“I’d like to see you again, tomorrow, but I have business meetings in Atlanta.”

“How about Tuesday?” Kenzie asked, developing a plan.

“Tuesday it is.” Ryker kissed her hand and then placed it in his as they strolled back toward his car. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“No,” Kenzie said with a grin. “I’m taking you out on a date. I’ll pick you up at eight. Dress casual.”






“What has you so distracted?” Olivia whispered to him the next evening.

Ryker pulled his attention back to the sound of everyone clapping. He had been thinking of Kenzie and the most amazing kiss of his life. “It’s a charity fundraiser. No one is paying any attention.”

“They should when Drake Charles, the head of said charity, is thanking you for your donation.”

Crap! Ryker looked up and acknowledged the applause. He’d remained focused on business all day, but as the speeches at the dinner went on and on he found his attention wandering as his thoughts turned to Kenzie.

“It’s the nurse, isn’t it?” Olivia asked with more excitement than he’d ever seen her have. “Please tell me you have a thing. I have two weeks until Damon arrives.”

“Yes, it’s Kenzie. We’ve been out on a couple of dates,” Ryker admitted.

“Darcy told me you had a fake date, not a real one.” Olivia slapped his arm and Ryker smiled at her.

“You’re way too invested in my love life.”

“You’re way too blasé about my brothers,” Olivia countered.

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