Home > Earl Lessons (The Footmen's Club #5)(14)

Earl Lessons (The Footmen's Club #5)(14)
Author: Valerie Bowman

She might be preoccupied by Lord Elmwood’s unconventional speech and declarations, but neither of those things were why she’d come to visit Marianne today. No. Annabelle’s purpose in today’s call was much more practical. If one wanted to learn about a man, one should speak to his younger sister. If only all those silly women who’d thrown themselves at Beau for years had bothered to ask her advice, one of them might have caught his interest. As it was, she was glad for Marianne. Annabelle couldn’t have wished for a better sister-in-law. Unpretentious, caring, obviously adoring of Beau. Marianne would make a fine addition to their family. And Annabelle was determined that Marianne’s brother, Lord Elmwood, would make a fine match for some fortunate debutante as well. Hence, the reason for her visit.

After being ushered inside by the staunch butler, Annabelle waited patiently in Lady Courtney’s front salon until Marianne came breezing in, her bright red hair piled atop her head and a lovely mint green gown gracing her lithe frame.

Annabelle immediately stood and exchanged cheek kisses with her soon-to-be sister-in-law.

“It’s good to see you, Annabelle. What are you doing here?” Marianne asked before the smile dropped away from her face. “Wait. Is this about David? Has he done something awful? I do hope he hasn’t embarrassed you.”

Annabelle laughed and shook her head. “No. No. Nothing like that. Although I did want to discuss David, if that is all right with you,” she ventured.

The wary look remained on Marianne’s face. “Are you certain he hasn’t done something? Said something?”

Annabelle followed Marianne to the dark-blue settee near the front window, where they both took a seat.

“We had a pleasant chat this morning,” Annabelle continued as she settled into her seat. “We discussed calling cards and his marriage prospects.”

“Really?” Marianne arched a brow, a wary look in her face.

“Why do you sound surprised to hear it?” Annabelle asked next.

Marianne glanced down at her skirts and smoothed them. “It’s just that, well, David’s never been one to discuss his marriage prospects. Our dear Mama was beside herself trying to pry the slightest bit of information out of him.”

Annabelle narrowed her eyes. “Is that right?”

“Yes, he’s been completely mum on the subject for years.”

“I understand how he feels,” Annabelle mumbled under her breath.

“What was that?” Marianne asked.

“Nothing, it’s just that I was hoping you could tell me some things about Lord Elmwood. Uh, erm, perhaps what type of woman would be a good match for him? It will help me narrow the list of ladies I intend to introduce him to this Season.”

A bright smile spread across Marianne’s face. “Oh, that’s too good of you, Annabelle. I knew you’d be the perfect person to help David navigate Society. You’re far too kind.”

Annabelle returned her friend’s smile. “Honestly, it’s the least I could do after the atrocious start Lord Elmwood and I got off to the other night.”

Marianne winced much like her brother often did. “Yes, I was afraid to ask you about that yesterday. You said David wasn’t smoking, but—”

Annabelle reached out and patted Marianne’s hand. “Don’t worry one bit. I assure you I was the rude one, not your brother.”

Marianne gave her a look that clearly indicated she didn’t believe a word Annabelle had just said. “I find that difficult to believe, but I do appreciate your assistance in helping him. I’m certain Lady Courtney, Julianna, and Frances have been at their wits’ end teaching me.”

“Nonsense,” Annabelle squeezed her hand. “You’ve been perfectly behaved in every situation I’ve seen you in.”

Marianne gave her a wry smile. “That’s good of you to say, but the Season has barely begun. I’m as nervous as tailor with no thread.”

Annabelle laughed. “There’s absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You and Lord Elmwood will both do fine.”

Marianne nodded. “It certainly helps that I’m already betrothed. I cannot imagine the nerves I’d have if I had to brave the events of the Season in hopes of finding a husband. That’s why I’m surprised David spoke to you about it.”

Annabelle tilted her head from side to side. “Well, to be precise, he said he realized that he’d need to find a wife…eventually. And that’s why I’ve come. I could ask him myself, of course, but I happen to know that if you want to know the truth about a man, you ask his younger sister.”

Marianne laughed. “I suppose you did share with me quite a few delicious secrets about Beau.”

Annabelle nodded. “Tell me, what sort of a lady would make a good match for your brother?”

Marianne straightened her shoulders and smoothed her skirts again. Clearly warming to the topic, she turned to face Annabelle directly. “Well, she must be kind, patient, and quick to laugh.” Marianne ticked off the qualities on her fingers. “Clever, honest, and understanding.”

“Those sound reasonable to me,” Annabelle replied, mentally cataloging the lot of them. “But is there something else you can tell me, something that will really make me understand how your brother sees the world?”

Marianne thoughtfully tapped her cheek for a few moments before snapping her fingers. “Oh, yes, here’s something. It’s been ages since I’ve thought of this.”

Annabelle nodded and eagerly leaned in to hear more.

“When we were children,” Marianne began, “David felt responsible for Frederick and me. He was the eldest, after all.”

“Yes,” Annabelle replied, swallowing the lump that suddenly formed in her throat as she thought of how Beau had felt responsible for both her and their mother.

“Being older, David was always better at everything than Frederick,” Marianne continued. “He ran faster, swam farther, and jumped higher. It made poor Frederick terribly frustrated.”

“Go on,” Annabelle said. She and Beau had been the only children in their family, but she could well imagine how difficult it would be for a younger brother to always find himself falling short.

“Well, David knew that Frederick was unhappy because he never won in any physical competition between the two of them. One day, our town hosted a race for the boys. It was meant to be fun, but the winner would win a prize pie from the baker’s shop.”

Annabelle nodded.

“David was the strongest, fastest boy in town and he could have easily won the competition, but he knew that Frederick wanted to impress a young girl he fancied. The girl was watching from the finish line of the race.”

Annabelle held her breath. “Oh, dear. What happened?”

“David made certain he and Frederick were far ahead of the pack of boys in the final race to the finish line. They’d both turned the corner around Mr. Hodges’ house and were headed to the tree behind the church.”

“And?” Annabelle prompted. She was nearly on the edge of her seat.

“David slowed enough to allow Frederick to pull ahead of him and win, right in front of the girl he fancied.” Tears pooled in Marianne’s eyes. “Frederick proudly picked out the pie and shared it with the girl…and with David and me, of course, later.”

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