Home > Until April (Until Her/Him #10)(33)

Until April (Until Her/Him #10)(33)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“We are normally like this,” Kai says behind her, and I can’t see the look she gives her husband when she spins around to face him, but I’m guessing she’s silently telling him to be quiet, because that’s what my mom would be doing right about now. “It’s true, makamae. Craziness seems to follow us wherever we go,” he tells her softly as he reaches out to touch her cheek with the tips of his fingers.

“It really is okay,” I cut in, not wanting her to be upset, and she turns back toward us slowly. “I grew up in a large family that is always doing or saying things that are embarrassing, so if anything, this introduction has made me feel right at home.”

“Well then.” Her eyes drop to her son’s hand holding mine for a moment and soften before they meet mine once more. “Are you hungry?”

“Starving,” I say, and Maxim’s hand gives mine a squeeze—probably because he asked if I wanted something to eat before we left his house and I said no. Something that wasn’t a lie at the time, since I was pretty sure I would get sick if I did try to eat.

“Then come on in.” She steps away from her husband and motions me with her hand to follow her inside. “I’ll show you around, get you some food, then we can sit by the pool to chat if it’s not too hot.”

“That sounds great.” I give her a smile and try to let go of Maxim, but instead, he holds my hand more firmly.

“We’ll be in in just a second,” he tells his parents, and I stiffen at his side.

“Sure.” His mom smiles at us before she and his dad both disappear inside, leaving the door open.

Still unsure about this morning and annoyed with him, it takes a lot to act like all is well and that I don’t want to kick him in the shin when I look up at him. “Wh—” I start but don’t get the rest of the word out, because his mouth lands on mine in a hard kiss that feels like a punishment when he nips my bottom lip, and a reward when he soothes it with his tongue. My lips part of their own accord, and I kiss him back just as hard, just as wet, and just as deep without even thinking about denying him.

When he pulls back, I whimper in disappointment, and my lashes flutter open, finding his gaze on me, his shirt fisted in my grasp, one of his hands in my hair, and his other wrapped around my hip.

“It seems we both got a lot of shit to work on if this is going to work.” He brushes his lips across my forehead, and my eyes slide closed. “We’ll talk when we get back to my place. Okay?” he asks, and I nod with both hope and fear battling for supremacy in the middle of my chest.



Chapter 14


I TAKE A sip of whiskey, the fingers of my hand resting on the back of April’s chair skimming the soft skin of her bare shoulder in a sweeping motion. The fan above the table my family she and I are sitting around casts a cool breeze down on us while the setting sun turns the sky a mixture of magenta and deep blue over the sand-covered hills behind my parents’ house.

I didn’t plan on us being here for dinner tonight. I figured we’d leave early, head back to my place, order in food, and hang while we sorted shit out between us… before moving on to something that would be a lot more fun. That plan went out the window when my mom decided Dad would grill, and April would help her in the kitchen with preparing the sides. Something she didn’t have to convince April to do.

It didn’t surprise me that my mom wanted more time with April, since not only is she the first woman I’ve ever been serious enough about to bring home, but she also misses having another girl around. With Melanie now going to school again on top of working, she doesn’t have a lot of time off, so even when Mom and Dad make the time to go to Nashville, they don’t see much of her.

“How are things with the club?” Dad asks from my side, and I pull my attention off Uncle Frank, who’s been entertaining the girls with stories about his latest trip to Florida and the gated community he stayed at during his visit. A place that sounds about as drama filled as a daytime soap opera, with more sex than a college campus.

“All right.” I meet his gaze and shrug one shoulder. “Still trying to find the right person to run it so I don’t have to fly back here every week once I get settled in Nashville.”

“What about your brother?”

“Everyone loves him there, but I’m not sure he’s ready for the responsibility of running the club full time.”

“He’s been helping you out for a while now. Maybe put the offer on the table and let him be the one to decide if he’s ready or not.” He takes a swig from his beer, then meets my gaze. “I know you two don’t always see eye-to-eye on everything, but he’s your brother and the one person you know would do right by you.”

“I’ll talk to him and see where his head’s at.” I lift my glass and take a drink. The truth is that even as immature as Malo is at times, he’s the only person I’d trust to not let easy money get in the way of his better judgment. Which is my biggest concern when handing over most of the responsibility of Wet to someone else.

A lot of people would not have an issue taking a cut from the drug dealers or pimps who are constantly approaching Wet, asking to deal out of the club or to plant girls who are willing to do a whole lot more than just dance and show their bodies. Both those things are things I’m not down with, especially knowing what a slippery slope it can be once you head down that road. And knowing exactly what my dad went through to make sure his hands were clean, there is no way I’d put myself, family, or business in a situation like that.

Hearing April laugh, I come out of my thoughts and turn just in time to catch her smile. Like she feels me watching, her head turns my way and her face softens. Fuck, she’s pretty when her expression is soft with a smile, which is completely different than her normal beautiful.

“You about ready to go?” I slide my hand up to wrap around the back of her neck and smooth my thumb up and down her spine.

“Whenever you are,” she says quietly, resting her hand on my thigh, and I pull her toward me so I can kiss the side of her head before looking over at my mom, who I catch watching us.

“Don’t tell me that you’re going to leave,” Mom says with a pout before looking at April. “Don’t you want to stay?”


“We can’t baby,” I cut her off before Mom can guilt her into us staying longer. “Binx is at the house, and he’s been there alone most of the day.” Plus, we really need to have a conversation to clear the air and make sure we are both on the same page.

“Oh yeah.” She looks at my mom and bites her bottom lip—something I’ve notice her do when she’s caught off guard, nervous, annoyed, or trying to keep from saying something she really wants to say. “My cat is kind of a terrorist when he’s left alone.” Her nose scrunches. “Really, he’s like that even when he’s not left alone. He’s destroyed a chair, a vase, and a pair of shoes since we’ve been here, so it’s probably not wise to leave him on his own too long.”

“Well then, maybe we can get together again before you go back to Nashville,” Mom says, sounding hopeful. “I could pick you up, and we could go shopping, then maybe grab lunch.”

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