Home > Well Played(37)

Well Played(37)
Author: Vi Keeland

My mouth hung open. That might’ve been the sweetest thing a man had ever said to me. But I had no idea how to respond. So I decided not to. “I have to go to the lighting store to pick up the fixtures I ordered. The electrician is coming to install them tomorrow.”

“I also want to fuck you in my old bedroom at my mom’s house.”

My nose wrinkled. “Really?”

“I was thinking last night that there are two types of women—ones you bring home to your mom, and ones you want to fuck. But you, I want to take you to my mom’s for dinner and then sneak you into my old bedroom and fuck you while she loads the dishwasher.”

I frowned. “I have to run up to camp. I rushed out of the house so fast this morning that I forgot to give Alex lunch.”

Levi was quiet as I picked up my phone and looked around for anything else I might’ve forgotten. But when I got to the door, he stopped me.

“Tomorrow afternoon, I have to go to the high school. It’s their first day of tryouts for next season’s team. The coach asked me to stop by and say a few words and sign autographs after.”

“Oh, that’s nice.”

“Yeah, well…it was supposed to be nice. But I made the mistake of mentioning it to my agent when we were on the phone last night, and now he wants to turn it into a PR stunt. He asked me if he could arrange a photographer to come by and take some pics. I told him I might have someone who could do it. If you’re not busy, they’ll pay you to take some photographs.”

“I’d be happy to take some photos. They don’t even have to pay me. Lord knows I owe you a thousand favors.”

Levi smiled and looked down at my knees. One of them was pretty red. “I think you paid them all back an hour ago, and then some. Sorry about the rug burn on that knee, by the way. I guess I got a little carried away.”

I chuckled. “What time tomorrow?”

“Three. Maybe we can bring Alex? He’ll probably be playing on that field someday.”

“I’m sure he’d love that. Thanks.” I smiled and put my hand on the doorknob. “I’ll see you later.”

“Hang on. Can I ask you something?”


“The only time you ever kiss me is when we’re in bed. Doesn’t it feel weird to leave this room right now without kissing me goodbye?”

It absolutely did. And each time I left him it got harder and felt less natural to just walk out the door. But I forced myself to do it because it also felt like something I needed to do to protect my heart. Though explaining that to Levi would be admitting I had feelings for him out loud, which would only make things worse. So instead, I ignored his question and waved. “I’ll see you around.”




Later that afternoon at football camp, the boys were taking a water break when Coach Jeremy broke away from the pack to come talk to me.

I’d been sort of keeping a low profile, standing under a shady tree when he approached. I’d ended up canceling our last date, so I’d been avoiding initiating conversation with him.

“Hey, Presley. Long time no speak.”

Clearing my throat, I said, “Yeah. How have you been, Jeremy?”

He cocked his head to the side. “I’m good. I’ve been thinking about you lately. Wondering if maybe we could grab a bite to eat again sometime. It’s been a while since we caught up.”

I’d thought maybe Jeremy would take the hint that I wasn’t interested after I bowed out of going to the music festival with him. But was I really not interested indefinitely, or was I so intoxicated by Levi that nothing else mattered at the moment?

“Things are a bit hectic over at The Palm Inn currently. I think for now, it’s best if I don’t take you up on your offer.”

He looked back toward the kids. “I’m getting a little too old for beating around the bush, you know? And I really like you. If you’re not interested in going out with me ever again, I’d prefer you just tell me so I don’t make a fool of myself and keep asking. I promise there won’t be any hard feelings.”

I decided to be as honest as I could right now. “I think you’re a great guy, and I did have a really nice time with you. But I have something…personal going on that I’d rather not discuss. And it means I’m unavailable to go out with you for the time being.”

“I had a really good time with you, too,” he said, crestfallen as he nodded. “Fair enough, though. No pressure. Just know that the offer is always open.” He looked past the tree I’d been leaning against and spoke to someone. “Oh, didn’t see you there.”

I turned around.


He held two coffees. My stomach sank. Levi was supposed to have been at the house overseeing the work being done while I was at practice. It must have finished up early.

The tension in the air was thick as Jeremy said, “Anyway, I’d better get back to the boys. See ya around, Presley.” He nodded toward Levi and took off.

Levi’s cold stare made me uneasy as he silently handed me one of the coffees. He opened his and blew on it, then took a sip, continuing to say nothing.

“How long were you standing behind the tree?” I asked.

“Long enough to hear you promise Coach a date in the near future.”

Shit. “That wasn’t what I said.”

“Oh, you’re right. I believe it was that you have something personal going on, and you couldn’t go out with him for the time being.” He fiddled with the lid to his coffee. “This something personal guy—does he have a name? Let me guess, is it the chump who actually cares about you, but you only seem to view as a fuckboy?”


“You’re keeping your options open. I get it.” He looked out toward the field. “Anyway, I figured I’d surprise you. Looks like I was the one in for a surprise.”

“I’m not interested in Jeremy,” I insisted.

“Not interested right now. Yeah, I got that much. But you might be after I’m long gone. Implying that things might change in the future said it all. Let me translate what you meant. ‘When Levi leaves and I no longer have him around to fuck me, I might be interested in fucking you, Jeremy.’”

I deserved every bit of his wrath. If the roles were reversed, and I’d overheard him talking to a woman, I would’ve been just as pissed. But this was my opportunity to set things straight.

“I’m just trying to be realistic, Levi. Pretty soon, you’ll leave town and go back to the life you came from. Playing house with me…it’s just a phase for you.”

Anger filled his eyes. “What have I ever done to give you that impression? Don’t use my past or even Tanner against me in your answer either. This is about you and me, Presley. Us. When have I ever given you the impression that I wasn’t serious about you?”

I couldn’t answer his question. And that terrified me. It made me wonder if my own fear had distorted everything. He’d been nothing but caring, attentive, and dare I say, loving with me. But fear was a bitch, and I couldn’t seem to come to terms with all of the obstacles we’d have to get through to actually be together. It wasn’t a realistic possibility, as far as I was concerned.

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