Home > Riggs (Arizona Vengeance #11)(6)

Riggs (Arizona Vengeance #11)(6)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

I shake my head in denial, wagging my own finger right back at him. “I’ve got no room for your romantic notions, Mr. Beasley. Now, off with you. I have other things I need to attend to.”

He guffaws and picks up his bag, waving a hand over his shoulder and promising to come back next week. When he leaves, the tiny bells at the top of the door to announce someone coming or going chime merrily. I’m going to miss that sound when I move on from this place.

My shoulders slump when the door shuts. Mr. Beasley is such a sweet man, and there’s no telling how much longer he’ll grace Clarke’s bookstore. He unfortunately has cancer—originally starting in his colon and now in his liver and lungs—and I’m going to miss him and the beautiful memories he always shares with me.

“Gosh, he’s exactly the reason why I have this bookstore,” Clarke says from behind me. I crane my neck to look over my shoulder. She’s coming out of her office where she’s been doing bookkeeping while I man the register.

I nod in agreement. “People like him are the best part of my days. By the way, have I ever thanked you for letting me work here? It’s about the only thing that gives me purpose in life.”

Clarke snorts. “You have millions of dollars to keep you fulfilled.”

I shrug because I had an amazing prenup, signed in the good days with my ex-husband—at his insistence, not mine.

Back before things with him changed drastically.

“Speaking of fulfillment,” I drawl as I look down at my watch, “your new employee is five minutes late.”

Clarke glances with worry at the door. “I hope nothing’s wrong.”

“Why would anything be wrong?” I ask.

I get a distracted shake of her head in return as she explains. “It’s just… Ella says she’s having a hard time adjusting to life in Phoenix. Said she’s really quiet and reserved. I sort of thought maybe this would give her something to look forward to and bring her out of her shell. I mean, we’re fun, right?”

“We’re completely fun,” I agree. “But we can’t get attached because she might not want our fun.”

It’s a pointed reminder to Clarke that her heart is too open and soft. Mine used to be that way, but I’ve learned to close it off to the majority and only let special people in.

Like Clarke, and admittedly, Aaron has a spot there, too, now that I’ve seen how happy he makes her.

But having Janelle work at the store is as good an opportunity for Clarke as it is for the young girl. I’m not going to be around as much to cover since I’m starting school after the holidays. It’s time for me to learn how to be something other than a rich divorcée.

The bells above the door tinkle before Clarke can respond, and a young girl with strawberry-blond hair walks in. She glances around the store before her eyes lock on me and Clarke.

“I am so sorry I’m late,” she gushes apologetically as she walks our way, backpack slung over her shoulder. “Mrs. Blair insisted on driving me, even though we live five blocks from the store, and she got lost. How can you get lost in five blocks? I don’t understand it. I’m from the country and yet I can navigate five city blocks, but she wouldn’t listen to me and when I tried to tell her, she turned the wrong way. I’m going to have to talk to Riggs about letting me walk, because it’s ridiculous that she won’t let me. I’ll be eighteen in four months. Anyway, I did say I was sorry, didn’t I? Because I should have started off with that. I’m never late, especially not to a job.”

Janelle sucks in a lungful of air at the end—because that was all said in one, long breath—and when she lets it out in a rush, it blows her long bangs back from her face.

My eyes move to Clarke, and hers come to me, and we both smirk. So much for quiet and reserved.

Clarke comes around the counter and walks up to Janelle, holding out her hand. “I’m Clarke, and I’ll talk to Riggs about your travel arrangements. You live in the same building as Aaron, correct?”

Janelle nods. “Riggs said we’ll look for a house next season, but it was easier to lease a condo near the arena.”

“I definitely think it’s completely fine for you to walk to the bookstore in broad daylight, but that will have to be your brother’s decision,” Clarke says. “And if you work past dark, I’ll get you home.”

“Thank you so much,” Janelle says on a grateful sigh. “Mrs. Blair is the one who doesn’t believe I’m capable of even brushing my own teeth without supervision.”

Clarke laughs and puts her arm around the girl, leading her up to the counter where I’m standing. “This is Veronica, my best friend and part-time worker who is abandoning me, which is why I needed to hire you.”

I snort and roll my eyes. I’m not abandoning her. She’s the one pushing me the hardest to do something with my life.

I offer my hand to Janelle across the counter. “Nice to meet you. I’ll be training you over the next couple of weeks.”

Janelle shakes my hand, eyes flaring slightly as she takes me in. I know what she sees… perfectly highlighted blond hair, makeup applied so carefully you can’t tell that I have it on, yet it accentuates every angle on my face like an artist took a brush to me. She’s seeing my designer dress, and while she might not recognize Burberry, I think she recognizes money. Her eyes move to the gold necklace, to the gold bangles on my wrist, and to the wealth of gold on three of my fingers.

“Gosh.” She breathes out in awe. “You’re so… so… put together.”

I don’t know whether to wince or laugh, but I blow it off in the only way I know how—by making fun of myself. “Benefits of marrying rich and having an amazing prenup. Don’t ever get married without one.”

Janelle looks down at her clothing. She said she grew up in the country, but I don’t know what that means. She’s not wearing overalls and cowboy boots. On the contrary, she’s dressed as trendy as young girls can get with skinny jeans, a loose blouse tucked into the front, but only on one side, and a pair of ballet flats. She has on a lightweight cardigan, and her purse, while not couture, is Kate Spade.

She either comes from money, or she doesn’t and Riggs is now providing her wardrobe.

“Is what I’m wearing okay?” she asks, eyes going from me to Clarke. “Riggs said casual was okay.”

I’m the one to assure her. “You’re dressed perfect. I’m overdressed, but I’m working on breaking that nasty habit.”

Janelle frowns at me, likely confused that I clearly have money, clearly take advantage of it, but deprecate myself in a backhanded way for having it. I’m all kinds of screwed up over my position in this world now that I’m not married to a Livingston, a family name synonymous with “we’re richer than God.”

“Veronica has been my right-hand man for so long, she probably knows more about running the bookstore than I do,” Clarke explains, shooting me a disapproving look over the way I get down on myself. It was likely too subtle for Janelle to pick up on, but Clarke always sees it for what it is—embarrassment that I am who I am right now. She continues on, “Veronica will train you since you’ll be doing what she normally does here.”

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