Home > Broken Bonds (Lizzie Grace #8)(36)

Broken Bonds (Lizzie Grace #8)(36)
Author: Keri Arthur

“The trouble being,” Eli added, “that we’re not sure it is a summoning, and no witch walking that edge would ever willingly admit—”

“We don’t need them to,” Belle said. “I’ll just read her mind.”

A smile tugged at Eli’s lips. “Witches who summon dark spirits are very rarely without protections—be it magical or physical.”

“So that leaves us where, exactly?” I asked.

“We’d need proof that the hone-onna was summoned here, and to get that we’d have to capture her and trace the leash back.”


“Any witch dealing with dark spirits would be well aware of the need to protect themselves from the creatures they summon. A leash is a means of preventing said spirits murdering them.”

“If it does come down to an entrapment scenario and it does succeed,” Belle asked, “how do we restrain the hone-onna, given she’s magic capable and likely able to counter any spell we cast?”

“Anyone with enough power and knowledge can counter one spell. But spells combined? Unlikely,” Ashworth said.

“‘Unlikely’ is one of those words that can’t be trusted in this reservation,” I commented.

Ashworth smiled. “Eli and I have both successfully countered this beastie—or ones similar to her—before. We’ll be fine.”

“And if we’re not, I will come back to haunt you,” Belle said.

Ashworth laughed. “I can think of worse prospects, lass.”

“I’ll ring Tala this afternoon, then, and see if she can arrange a meeting with the first victim’s ex.”

“Tala?” Ashworth’s eyebrows rose. “Why not Aiden?”

“Because he’s at the hospital with his brother and has handed control of the case over to her.”

“Seriously?” Eli said in astonishment. “The alpha wolf has actually handed over control to someone else?”

I smiled. “In theory. I’m betting he’s still keeping tabs on things.”

“That’s a bet none who know the man would ever take.” Ashworth studied me for a second, his expression contemplative. I had a feeling he was seeing what few others would. “Everything okay with you two?”

I forced a smile. “Yes. But you know how it is with werewolves and their packs.”

“Indeed,” he said softly. “If you ever need to talk, we’re here. Remember that.”

I nodded and briefly glanced down at my coffee, desperately trying to control the sting of tears. “What was the personal stuff you came here to discuss?”

“Nice, if rather obvious, change of direction there, but I’ll let it ride for now,” he said. “My sister spelled several documents to me this morning. They concerned your father.”

My pulse briefly stuttered and then leapt into a higher gear. His sister was none other than Sophie Kang, the Matriarch of the Black Lantern Society. “Let me guess—the case against him has been dropped.”

“Quite the opposite, I’m afraid.” Ashworth pulled a crisp white envelope from his pocket. An old-fashioned hot wax seal had been used to close it, rather than the regular sticky strips. He placed it on the table and slid it across to me. “That’s a subpoena requesting your presence at the trial in a month’s time.”



Chapter Eight



I didn’t reach for the subpoena. I just stared at it in … revulsion? Fear? Dread?

Part of me wished I could ignore it. The other part wanted nothing more than to blast the thing with magic and send it to paper hell.

Neither option would make any difference to the events now set in motion, but the latter would have at least made me feel a little better.

I put my cup down and crossed my arms to hide the sudden trembling of my hands. “Why can’t they cross-examine me remotely?”

“Sophie did try for that option, but your father’s counsel insisted they be given the chance to question you face-to-face.”

“Intimidate face-to-face, you mean,” Belle muttered. “They’re bastards. All of them.”

“Most lawyers are,” Eli said. “At least they are when they’re in the courtroom defending their clients. To be honest, that’s what they’re paid the big money for.”

“I take it then that the Lantern’s lawyers will be doing the exact same thing to Lawrence?” Belle said. “Or will his position on the high council offer him a consideration Liz will never get?”

“Oh, he’ll be getting the full treatment, never worry about that.” Ashworth’s smile held an edge. “Of course, it’s pretty obvious from the comments that have been made in recent weeks that your father believes you won’t actually go through with the case. That, when push comes to shove, family loyalty will come to the fore and you’ll ask for the proceedings to be dropped.”

I snorted. “If he believes that, then he really doesn’t know me at all well.”

“And let’s face it, he doesn’t,” Belle commented. “Even after you all but bested him and Clayton here in the reservation, it was pretty obvious he has no idea of your true strength—and I’m not talking about your magical strength.”

“Ah, but you forget, nothing is more important than magical strength.” Nothing except, perhaps, his own reputation. I returned my gaze to Ashworth and asked curiously, “If I did happen to ask the Society to drop the case—and I’m not—would they? They’ve already got the memory scan recording taken by their truth seeker and auditor. Even without me there in person, surely that would provide enough evidence for at least some sort of court ruling.”

“In regular cases, yes. But this is the first time such a high-profile figure has been indicted for magically forcing an unwilling minor into marriage. In many respects, it will be a test case.”

“Fabulous,” I muttered. “The fate of future unwilling child brides now rests on my damn shoulders.”

“Not really,” Eli said. “Because even if your father is in the end acquitted, the mere fact it made the court will send a warning to others.”

But would it stop them? Likely not. I took a deep breath that did nothing to calm the churning in my gut. “How long will I have to be in Canberra?”

“With Clayton and the priest now dead, the main testimony will come from your parents and yourself, so I can’t imagine the trial will last too long. Certainly no longer than a week.”

“Which is six days too long, if you ask me,” I muttered.

“Eli and I will be there with you, lass,” Ashworth said. “There’s no way we would let you face this alone.”

“And with all of us there, your damn father won’t dare try anything,” Belle said.

My gaze cut to hers. “I can’t risk you being there, Belle.”

Her silver eyes sparked dangerously. “You can’t risk me not being there. I’m your damn familiar.”

“Yes, and that’s precisely why you have to remain here. I don’t want another hostage situation.”

“Lawrence isn’t stupid,” Eli said. “He wouldn’t dare—”

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