Home > Holiday Ever After(16)

Holiday Ever After(16)
Author: Jill Shalvis

She stared at him. “You mean the relationship you mentioned last night.”


“For how long?”

His gaze never left hers. “Until we don’t want each other anymore.”

She couldn’t even imagine not wanting him, and his lips twitched like he could read her mind. Leaning in again, he pressed his mouth to the spot between her breasts.

Over her heart.

“I’m feeling a little self-conscious,” she whispered.

“Funny, that’s not what I’m feeling.”

No kidding. She could feel him hard as stone through his jeans. “I need caffeine,” she whispered.

“Here.” He handed her the cup.

She sipped, aware of the way his eyes heated every inch of her body as they roamed over her.

Seemed only fair since just the thought of him naked made breathing difficult.

“Better?” he asked.

She managed a nod.

That made him smile. “You’re cute in the mornings,” he said. “If we had more time, I’d show you just how sexy I find that, but it’s time to rise and shine. The roads are open and it’s only six o’clock.”

“We can get all the way through to Tahoe?”

He smiled. “Merry Christmas, Rory.”



Chapter Ten

RORY SPEED showered and pulled on clothes, and they were out the door not ten minutes later.

“Breakfast?” Max asked, pointing to the small continental spread in the check-in area.

“No,” she said. “I’m sorry, I just need to get there.”

He didn’t say anything until he had them loaded and on the highway. “Need to get there?” he repeated curiously. “Yesterday it was ‘want to get there.’”

Yes, and she was extremely aware of the difference. She just didn’t want to explain it, how she felt she’d managed to fail her family yet again. She pulled out her phone to call her mom but she still didn’t have reception. The curse of the Sierra Mountains.

Max’s hand settled on her thigh and then Carl’s head came over the seat and settled on her shoulder. Rory’s heart warmed from the inside out and she heard herself start talking. “When I told my stepdad I was coming, he had me pick up my mom’s present from him. It’s a necklace he had special ordered and made in the city. It was supposed to be ready a few days ago but got held up. I told him I’d hand deliver it. He was understandably hesitant to believe me since I haven’t been home in so long, but I promised.” She paused. “But they always open presents by dawn. I obviously screwed it all up.”

“Hold on,” Max said. “The present was going to be late anyway, but you offered to pick it up and hand deliver it. You set a deadline on yourself, and now because you missed that you think you failed them? Do I have that right?”

“You don’t understand,” she said. “I’ve made promises to come home before and haven’t come through. I wanted this to be different.”

“It is different. You’re actually going. And if not for the storm and then my truck and Carl, you’d have been there.”

“Not your fault,” she said, reaching out to put her hand on his arm. “All those things were out of your control.”

He slid her a quick look, his eyes warm. “Yeah, and remember that, Rory. Remember the very same thing. None of this is your fault.”

An hour and a half later they made it up and over the summit and into their small Tahoe town. It was just barely eight o’clock. Definitely past her self-imposed deadline, but still early. Hopefully early enough, but her heart was pounding with anxiety.

Max pulled into the driveway of her childhood home. The place was a small ranch-style house, emphasis on small, in a neighborhood of hard-working people who didn’t spare a lot of time or money on their yards. Not that it mattered because the new snowfall was a white blanket over everything as far as the eye could see, giving new life to the tired street, making it indeed look like Christmas.

“Rory,” Max said quietly, once again putting a hand on her thigh. “Breathe.”

Right. She’d been holding her breath. She gulped in some air but she was close to a nervous breakdown. Hands sweating, she made herself busy gathering her stuff because a good part of her nerves, she suddenly realized, was from the thought of saying goodbye to Max.

He’d made his interest in her clear but she still felt a moment of panic that she’d somehow misunderstood. “Thanks for the ride,” she said quickly as she slid out of the truck, grabbing her bag. “I appreciate—”

Max got out of the truck as well, and then was there, right there at her side, pulling her around to face him. “I’ll drive you back to the city whenever you’re ready to go.”

“I can take the bus—”

“I’ll drive you,” he said firmly.

“But I don’t want to cut your visit with your family short—”

“I’m taking you back,” he said right over her. Calm. Sure. Absolutely adamant. “Whatever day and time you want. I’ll call you in a little bit to see how you’re doing, and you can call me too. Any time.” He bent a little to look right into her eyes. “Repeat after me, Rory. Any time.”

She stared into his dark green eyes and felt something catch in her heart. Or maybe it was just rolling over and exposing its tender underbelly. “Any time,” she whispered.

“Because this isn’t over,” he said and waited for her to repeat that as well.


“You wanted to give me a Christmas present,” he said quietly. “This is it. This is what I want.”



Warmth filled her, and not just her good spots. She felt cherished, wanted, cared for . . . and she felt something else—a huge smile on her face. She couldn’t control it. “And I didn’t even have to wrap it.”

He relaxed and smiled back, and then leaned in for a kiss just as Carl stuck his big head out the truck’s still open door and licked Rory from chin to forehead.

She laughed while Max cupped the dog’s face in his big palm and pushed him back into the truck. He turned to Rory then, his smile fading as he looked past her to the front door. She followed his gaze and froze at the sight of her stepdad standing on the porch, arms crossed, face creased in the stern frown that had framed her entire youth.

“You’re here,” he called out. “Thought maybe you’d changed your mind.”

Again. He didn’t say the word but she felt it shimmering in the air between them. “I didn’t.” The warm fuzzies of a moment ago were fading fast, leaving her chilled, more than the snow around her. “I’m sorry I’m late, but—”

“No one expected you to get here on any sort of timetable.”

Okay, she got it, she was the screw-up once again, but damn. It hurt more than she thought to be on the other side and be judged for who she’d once been. “You don’t understand, this time was different—”

“Actually, I do understand and I’m not surprised—”

“Hold on,” Max said and grabbed Rory’s hand. “You haven’t let her talk.”

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