Home > The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(58)

The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(58)
Author: Robin Bielman

   “After the rehearsal tonight, we’re meeting in the parlor for drinks and hors d’oeuvres. You should come. Everyone’s welcome.”

   She wondered if Maverick had any plans for them. “Thanks. Maybe I will.”

   “Andrew will be there,” Reed said, getting to his feet. “He and Elle’s brother seem to have hit it off, although I’m hearing conflicting stories about what Andrew is doing for work now…and that the two of you are siblings and coworkers?”

   Kennedy stood, put up her palm with an exasperated laugh. “Don’t ask.”

   “Should I be worried? I think I heard him talking in an Australian accent, too.”

   “You can ask him yourself.” She nodded over Reed’s shoulder with a grin, where her best friend walked toward them with a beach towel hanging over his arm.

   “All good here?” Andrew asked.

   “Yes,” Kennedy said. “But Reed’s wondering what your story is, since he’s gotten several different reports. For the record,” she said to Reed, “I only agreed to us pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend.”

   “Bro, don’t sweat it,” Andrew said, placing his hand on Reed’s back in a reassuring manner. “I’m still acting, and I’m doing some method work while I’m here. I promise it won’t interrupt your wedding.”

   “It better not,” Reed stated, crossing his arms, but he broke into a grin, too.

   “Are these reports in distress or happiness?” Andrew asked around a good-natured smile.

   “Okay, point made,” Reed said before turning to give Kennedy a hug. “See you later.”

   “See you later.” She waved goodbye.

   “Glad to see all is well in Wedding Land,” Andrew said.

   “Me too.”

   “I’m going to hit the beach for a couple of hours. I’ll see you tonight, though? There’s a cocktail party in the parlor.”

   “I think I can be there.”

   “Good,” Andrew said before they went their separate ways. She stopped inside the inn and asked Bethany to let Maverick know she’d walked into town and to meet her at the bookstore.

   “If you want to give him my cell number, you could do that, too.” Kennedy shared her digits as Bethany wrote them down. “Thank you.”

   She strolled leisurely into town, retracing the steps she and Maverick had taken the other night. In the light of day, she took in every tree (especially the one they’d sought shelter under during the rainstorm), every lamppost, the white picket fencing, the sounds of birds chirping, the smiles on the faces of everyone around her. She turned the corner onto Main Street a few minutes later.

   Continuing to take her time, she absorbed everything about the traditional three-block row lined with shops and restaurants and massive oak trees. The charming architecture with a historic feel delighted her in a way she hadn’t expected.

   “Hello, Dr. Martin,” a woman she’d never seen before said as they passed each other.

   “Hi.” She smiled back.

   The sense of community also pleased her. No one in Los Angeles knew her name outside of the emergency room and her immediate neighbors. And she was lucky when those neighbors said hello.

   “Dr. Martin, that dress is darling on you,” Claudia said, passing by next.

   “Thanks.” She did feel good in her wildflower sundress. “How are you?”

   “I’m great. Just stretching my legs while there’s a lull at the bakery. Be sure to stop in later. I’ve got a special batch of glazed croissants coming out soon.”

   “Thank you, I will. You know I can’t resist glazed anything.”

   They smiled at each other in goodbye and then Kennedy walked inside The Last Word Bookstore. It was decorated with white furnishings and comfortable looking, blue cushioned chairs, and she took a moment to look around. Besides books, she noticed stationery and other writerly gifts, candles, and small potted plants. Every nook included something. In the back was a café with a few small round tables and chairs. She quickly went in search of the poetry section, hoping to find a book of Rumi’s writing to give to Maverick as a thank-you gift. She wanted to have it bagged before he arrived.

   “Dr. Martin, hello!”

   “Hi, Dr. Choi,” she greeted cheerfully before making it to the poetry section. “It’s nice to see you out of the office.”

   “My lovely wife pulled me away today. Maggie, this is the young doctor I told you about. Dr. Martin, this is my wife, Maggie.”

   “It’s so nice to meet you,” Maggie said.

   “You too. And please call me Kennedy.”

   “My husband can’t stop singing your praises. It’s been a long time since he’s had the pleasure of working with a young physician like yourself. He misses his days mentoring talent like yours in the hospital.”

   “You worked in a hospital?” she asked, assuming he’d always done family practice.

   “In the ER.” He winked at her. “I left to start a practice here when our sons were born. Maggie was having triplets and she needed me close by with a schedule I had more control over. Not that that worked out, exactly, being the only doctor in town, but we made it work.”

   “Triplets. Wow. How old are they now?”

   “Thirty-six,” Maggie said. “All married with children of their own. We’re here to buy some books for two of our grandchildren who have birthdays coming up before grabbing some lunch in the café. You’re welcome to join us if you’re hungry.”

   “Actually, she has a lunch date.” Maverick’s deep voice sent delicious shivers down her spine. His palm on the small of her back magnified it times a million.

   “Hi,” she said a little too breathlessly. By the look on Maggie’s face, she knew exactly what kind of effect Maverick Owens had on her.

   “Hi, Doc. Mrs. Choi. I hope you don’t mind if I keep Kennedy to myself.”

   “Not at all,” Maggie crooned. “It’s nice to see you enjoying some time off the ranch.”

   “I’ll second that,” Dr. Choi said. “Kennedy, you be sure to keep in touch, okay?” With the way word spread, everyone in town must know her departure date.

   “I will.” A sharp pang of regret pierced her chest. She’d miss Doc.

   She’d miss a lot of things about Windsong.

   She and Maverick stepped away. “Did you want to look around?” he asked. His beige shorts and blue T-shirt fit his tall, muscly frame very nicely.

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