Home > Swoon(14)

Author: Lauren Rowe

I rub my forehead. “Caleb, Dax didn’t get with Violet to mess with you. If that were the case, he’s brought new meaning to the phrase ‘commit to the bit,’ wouldn’t you say? They’re married with a kid, man.”

“A cute one, from what I’ve seen in photos.” He pauses. “You know why I’m pissed, Colin. My issue is with Dax knowing he was like a little brother to me, knowing I loved him like family, and then stabbing me in the back, rather than telling me to my face.”

“It wouldn’t have changed anything if he’d told you in advance. You’re kidding yourself.”

“I guess we’ll never know.” He exhales again, presumably blowing smoke into the night air on his balcony again. “But you didn’t call to talk about Dax, any more than the pussy you got in your childhood bed. You called to talk to me about Amy. Your ‘honorary little sister.’ So, let’s talk about that.”

Fuck. I wish so badly I could fix the bad blood between Caleb and Dax, the same way as a kid I used to wish I could fix everything between my parents. But clearly, there’s nothing I can do about Dax and Caleb, any more than I could save my parents’ marriage at age eight.

I sigh with resignation. “What’d you overhear when Drunk Amy played ‘Never Have I Ever’ with some crew guys? I want complete details.”

Caleb laughs. “I overheard Drunk Amy saying the word ‘never’ a whole lot.”

“Be more specific.”

“Well, I found out she hadn’t, in fact, lost her V-card to you. That she’d only been with one guy—her college boyfriend—and he couldn’t find her clit to save his life.” He belly laughs. “Poor little thing.”

“Amy told me she became everyone’s little sister after that,” I say. “But that makes no sense, given what she revealed during that game. I would have bet the farm those crew guys were salivating over her like hungry wolves after that game.”

“Oh, they were. They would have been all over her, if I hadn’t stepped in.”

“Ahhh, okay. Everything makes sense now. You laid down the law, did you?”

“Of course, I did. Jesus Christ! Amy wouldn’t have gotten a moment’s peace during that tour, if I hadn’t. You think I was gonna leave my drunk little unicorn to the wolves for nine whole months, knowing she was like a little sister to you? Fuck no. I’m nothing if not loyal to my brothers, even if they’ll never know it.”

My heart skips a beat. “So . . . what? You brought the drunk little unicorn to her room and then went back out and laid down the law with the hungry wolves?”

“Yep. This was early on, when Amy was still useless to me as a PA. But that didn’t matter, because I knew she meant a lot to you. From that moment on, Amy became my little sister. And nobody fucks with C-Bomb’s little sister.”

“Oh, man. Referring to yourself in third person, eh? This sounds serious.”

He laughs.

“Look, man, I know you thought you were helping Amy out,” I say, “but you have no idea what a hit that poor girl’s confidence took when nobody hit on her for the rest of the tour. Amy spent the next nine months thinking she’s not fuckable enough to get hit on.”

Caleb’s snorts. “Quite the opposite. Who wouldn’t want to get with a sweet, goofy little born-again virgin who makes the silliest facial expressions you’ve ever seen in your life?”

“Oh my God! Amy’s facial expressions!”



We both laugh.

“Poor Amy,” I mutter. “Hey, would you mind me telling her what you did to her after the game? I’m sure she’ll be relieved to know. Not to mention pissed as hell.”

“Go ahead. As long as you explain I did it for her, not to her. I did that girl a solid.”

“She won’t see it that way.”

“Meh, like I give a fuck. I know she was excited to let loose during the tour and scratch some of those ‘nevers’ off her list—that was clear as day during that stupid game—but I guarantee you Amy’s idea of ‘swinging from chandeliers’ is riding on top while someone actually knows to touch her sweet spot.” He laughs at his own joke. “That college boyfriend of hers? I bet he was gay and didn’t admit it to himself. Or maybe he was even running around on her, on the down low. Either way, Amy was that guy’s beard, whether she knew it or not. There’s no other explanation for a guy being that disinterested in eating a woman’s pussy and fucking her right.”

In a flash, I see myself doing exactly what Caleb just described: eating Amy’s pussy right, until she’s screaming my name. Swirling her clit with my fingertip as she rides my cock. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I was this close,” Caleb is saying, when I tune back into our conversation.

“To what?” I ask, my heart lurching into my throat.

“To firing Amy that first week.”


“But then, after she told me about you, I decided to keep her around and keep her busy, so she’d stay out of my shit. But, I’ll be damned, that crazy little unicorn kept delivering whatever stupid thing I’d asked of her. Until one day, I realized I’d started liking the kid, despite myself. And not only that, she’d gotten damned good at her job. By the end, she was the best PA I’d ever had. My little unicorn.”

“Amy said you called her ‘unicorn’ because of a welt on her forehead the first week.”

Caleb chuckles. “True. But I kept calling her that, long after the welt had disappeared, because she’d gotten so damned good at her job.”

My heart squeezes with pride for Amy. “She’s looking for a permanent PA job in LA. Hire the girl.”

“She already asked me, but I can’t. When I’m home, I’m a hermit. Having Amy around would drive me batshit crazy. She’d try to organize everything. Keep me on schedule. Make me do something with my life. Be a better man. Fuck that shit. If I want to sit on a balcony and smoke a blunt and stare at the ocean, that’s what I’ll do.”

“I don’t want her working for a douchebag, man.”

“Then you hire her.”

“I can’t. I don’t need an assistant, any more than you do. But also . . .” I sigh. “It’s complicated.”

“Well, if she wants to work in LA, then odds are high she’s gonna wind up working for a douchebag.”

“Not if I can help it. I’m gonna introduce her around and make sure she winds up with someone who doesn’t think dick-sucking is part of a PA’s job description.”

Caleb snickers. “Do you always work this hard at finding jobs for all your honorary little sisters?”

“I’ve only got the one.” I glance at the time on my phone. “Shit. I should go. I’m in my buddy’s wedding tomorrow. It’s gonna be a long day.”

“Get your beauty sleep, Colinoscopy. It was great talking to you.”

“You, too, C-Bomb.”

“Hit me up whenever you’re back in LA. We’ll hang out.”

My heart leaps. “I will. Goodnight, brother.”

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