Home > Playing the Player (The Legends #3)(49)

Playing the Player (The Legends #3)(49)
Author: Erin McCarthy

“With their fists?” I asked. I winced when Miles narrowly missed nailing James in the jaw. James retaliated with a hard shove that sent Miles stumbling onto his ass.

“Yep. They’re just messing around.”

They didn’t look like they were messing around, but then as quickly as it started, it was over. They were both laughing and James reached out a hand to pull Miles off the ground. It didn’t seem like there was a clear winner. Or a clear reason. I shook my head, bewildered by their actions.

My wine glass was empty so I stood up to get more. “Does anyone need anything?” I asked. “I’m going in the house. Eloise, Sydney, Dak? Can I get you anything?”

“Oh, I’ll take another beer if you don’t mind,” Dak said.

“Get your own fucking beer,” James told him, stepping back into the sandals he had abandoned. “She’s not your servant.”

I was mortified. “I offered. It’s the polite thing to do.”

“What is your problem?” Dak asked. “The fuck, Beckett. You used to be the chill one.”

I didn’t wait to hear the rest of the conversation. I just opened the patio door and slipped into the kitchen and went and topped off my wine glass. I took a bracing sip, wondering if James had reacted so strongly because he was actually embarrassed by me being a maid. I’d never gotten that impression but now I wasn’t sure. I grabbed a beer for Dak and headed toward the door. I hadn’t closed the slider all the way and I could hear the conversation.

“No one cares if she’s a stripper,” Train was saying.

They thought I was a stripper? It was obvious that James had told them absolutely nothing about me. That was even more embarrassing than his overreaction. What the hell was I doing here? Mingling with rich people and drinking wine that wasn’t in a box when no one had even been expecting me?

“As your friend, I do care that she stole your shit,” Miles said. “Your championship ring is still gone, right?”

My cheeks burned. I waited for James to defend me, to tell them that I hadn’t stolen anything, but he didn’t. He said, “Maybe this was a mistake.”

It made my heart sink. And my anger flare.

I threw the slider open. “Maybe it was a mistake. All of it. I want to go home. Now.”

I may not have had money, I may not have had rich friends, but I had my dignity. I had a support system. I didn’t need a boyfriend who was ashamed to tell his friends about me. While simultaneously planning my life.

“Mia, wait,” James said, coming toward me. “Why are you so upset?”

I slammed the door shut again and whirled, setting my glass back down on the kitchen counter. I realized I still had Dak’s beer in my hand so after James entered the kitchen, I brushed past him and quickly strode over to Dak. “Here’s your beer. I’m sorry it took so long.”

Dak jumped up out of his seat. “Mia, sit down. Talk to us. What’s going on? Ignore whatever these idiots said to upset you.”

Eloise had also stood up. “Dak is right.” She looked concerned. “Maybe you and JJ can take a walk and talk.” She reached out and gave me a hug.

I appreciated the effort but I was so angry and hurt, I felt like a wooden board. I stepped back from Eloise.

James was standing in the open doorway. “Mia. Please. Talk to me.”

A ringing came from inside the house.

“Is that the doorbell?” Sydney asked. “Is someone here?”

James glanced at his phone. “It’s probably the new clothes I ordered. Or my luggage. One of the two.” He made no move to go retrieve whatever it was.

“I’ll go see,” Cash said. On his way past me, he reached out and squeezed my arm. “I hope you stay, Mia. It’s nice having you here.”

That actually made tears well up in my eyes. “Thank you, Cash.”

“Mia,” James said.


He gave me a slight smile. “We’re doing it again.”

I rolled my eyes, fighting back the urge to cry. I did not want to lose it in front of his friends.

“Walk down by the pond with me.” He left the doorway, took my hand firmly, and tugged me in the opposite direction of the horses. It always amazed me how strong he was. His grip was firm, his skin callused.

I let him lead me away because I was mortified that his friends had seen me having a meltdown. I hated feeling vulnerable like that. I tugged my hand away from his, and he let me go.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone I was going to be here?” I asked as we walked across the grass.

“Because they’re my friends and as of right now, they’re not sure they can trust that you didn’t steal from me. They’re looking out for me. I knew that, and I didn’t want to hear their opinions on how you might be using me, so I took the stupid approach of just springing you on them. I’m sorry. That was really not fair to do to you.”

That was an understatement. “Not at all fair.”

He ran his hands through his hair as we moved closer to the pond. “I want them to like you. They’re my best friends. And you’re very important to me. But I should have just focused on you and me for awhile and not worried about what they thought.”

“That is all true.” I crossed my arms across my chest. I was wearing denim shorts and a T-shirt and the day had been hot. The night air was the perfect comfortable temperature. I glanced up at the stars. It was a beautiful setting and I was irritated that I couldn’t enjoy it. “Do you think we’re a mistake? If you do, tell me now, before it hurts more than it already does.”

James stopped walking and reached out to grip my shoulders. He turned me to him. “Mia, no. Hell, no. I don’t think we’re a mistake. What I said back there? I meant that bringing you here without telling my friends first was a mistake. We are not a mistake. Far from it.”

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in. The tears were threatening again and I widened my eyes and swallowed hard. I wanted to say everything. I wanted to say nothing. Because if I talked, brought up questions, what if I didn’t like the answers?

But I forced myself to address the obvious. The ultimate elephant in the room. “Do you think I took your wallet and ring on purpose?”

He shook his head. “No. I don’t. You told me you didn’t and I trust you.”

“What if your friends never believe that?”

“Then fuck them. This is my life. I don’t need friends that don’t trust me to know what’s best for me. They can either accept you and me or they can suck my dick.”

“Why would you jeopardize your friendships?” I asked, genuinely confused.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked, gruffly. “I’m in love with you, Mia.”

Oh, God. I stared at him. It was dusk, but I could see the intensity of his expression. “You are?” I whispered.

He nodded. “Hell, yeah. I am one hundred percent totally and fully in love with you.”

James was in love with me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I stared up at him, overwhelmed.

“You’re the best thing to happen to me,” he added. “You ran into me that night and you might as well have run me over with a truck. I haven’t been able to think about anything but you since that moment.”

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