Home > Beast (House of Misfits #4)(8)

Beast (House of Misfits #4)(8)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Brenda, his actual secretary, giggled when I slipped her a wink on my way by. She wasn’t my type, but that didn’t stop me from flirting with her anyway.

“You didn’t knock.” He glowered from behind his massive desk.

“You summoned me. I came.”

“I have something I need you to do.”

“You mean something that Brenda should be doing but you’re making me do it instead?”

He set aside his pen, a fancy-looking thing that probably cost hundreds of dollars. Again, if he used modern technology, he wouldn’t need that pen.

“No. This is something only a Todd can do.”

“Aren’t I lucky to be an only child?” I smiled sarcastically.

His expression soured, but he chose to ignore the remark. “I need you to meet with an associate of mine.” Using his pricey pen, he scrawled an address on a piece of paper, folded it, and extended to it to me.

Curious, I snatched it and looked at the address. Then I looked again.

Cocking my head to the side, I regarded my father who sat as if there were nothing at all odd about him asking me to meet someone in the ghetto. “Is this another test?”

Surprise flickered briefly behind his eyes. “A test? I don’t know what you mean.”

I snorted. “Right. ‘Cause picking up your dry cleaning and making your coffee isn’t your way of putting me in my place.”

His face took on the expression of having drank a sour glass of milk.

“Isn’t sending me into the ghetto a little too much?” I pressed.

“I can assure you this is not a test, Ander. Those people have something that I need. You are the only one I trust enough to get it.”

Call me intrigued… “You trust me?”

What the hell just came out of your mouth? You were supposed to be needling him for information, not sounding like some approval-starved kid.

“With this, absolutely. Despite all of your ill-mannered behavior, I know you don’t actually want to see our family name ruined. I also know, because of your previously mentioned activities, going to a place like this is probably not something you would shy away from.”

It was like he dropped a chunk of dry ice in the bottom of my gut, so cold it seared my insides, creating a burning sensation that carried all the way up my esophagus.

“So you just think I’m suitable to do your dirty work and, because my inheritance might be affected, I’ll for sure keep my mouth shut.” The paper in my handle crinkled inside my fist.

“Don’t be dramatic, Ander. I’m asking you to do this because you’re my son.”

“Who am I to meet?” I kept my voice neutral.

“I’m not sure exactly. I highly doubt my associate will be there personally.”

So he’s sending his fall guy, and you’re sending yours.

I didn’t say it out loud, but perhaps my thoughts showed on my face because he said, “He’s far too busy for the handoff of a flash drive in the middle of a workday.”

“So I’m picking up a flash drive?”

“Yes. Just get it and bring it back here.”

“What’s on it?”

He gave no outward reaction, but I still felt it anyway. The subtle shift in the air, the small spike of nervous energy around him. “Boring business files.”

“If it’s so boring, why can’t he just send it over with a courier? Why do I need to go into the ghetto to get it?”

Father sighed. “Can’t you just do as you’re asked?”

“You want me to be the kind of man who just takes orders without questioning anything?”

“I’m your father.”

I said nothing.

“The documents are sensitive, and I prefer the drive is handed to someone I trust. That’s all. The reason for the location is because it’s a building I am considering purchasing. I was hoping you would look at it while you were there and then give me your opinion when you returned.”

“You want to buy a building in the ghetto?” I asked.

“It’s not exactly the ghetto. Well, it is, but perhaps not for long. There are murmurings the area is going to start being redeveloped, and I feel it might be a good investment opportunity.”

“Buy the building cheap and gain equity when the area improves.” I surmised.

He seemed to puff out with a little pride that I understood. “Exactly.”

“It hardly seems smart, though, to buy a building based on some murmurings. Where did the tip come from?”

He smiled. “You really are a Todd after all.”

“Just because I don’t live and die in this office building doesn’t mean I don’t understand the concept of business.” A piece of me felt vindicated he was impressed. The other piece of me wondered if he knew me at all.

“Ivory White, or rather one of the companies owned by her, purchased some property in the same neighborhood. And I do believe Ethan Abbott has as well.”

I couldn’t help it, and I lifted a freshly threaded brow. “Why, Father, if Ivory and Ethan jumped off a bridge, would you?”

“Of course not!” he snapped, clearly at the termination of his tolerance. “Those two are the richest people in this entire state! If they think it’s a good business move, then it probably is. That’s what we’re here for, Ander. Business.”

I held up my hands, surrendering. Riling him up was fun, but if I pushed too hard, I’d be at that desk outside for a year. “All right. I’ll go. And when I get back, I’ll give you my thoughts on the building.”

“Bring the drive directly to my office.”

“And after that, you’ll give me an office of my own.” It wasn’t a question.

“And what makes you think you’re deserving?”

“Do we not share the same last name?”

“Get me the drive. Then we’ll talk.” With that, he turned to look out his massive window, ending the conversation.

Stuffing the address in my pocket, I headed out. I was so glad to be getting out of this box for a little while that I didn’t even think twice about the location.

Perhaps I should have.



Ghetto (noun) – a rundown area of any town or city, most often used in terms of the inner city; any area with low or nonexistent property value; may refer to a high-crime area.

It was as if Urban Dictionary had been to the Grimms and based their definition off this very place. Even though it wasn’t a huge distance from Manhattan, it might as well be another planet. How two completely different worlds could exist practically right on top of each other was a mystery to me.

The dissemination of wealth in this city was so skewed it seemed almost laughable. It also seemed equally as ridiculous that this place was considered “up and coming” and could be a potential moneymaker. All I saw as my Porsche stopped at the crumbling curb at the address I was given was the guarantee I was about to be robbed.

Weeds grew up through the broken concrete and pavement. In other places, it was just dirt with an embarrassing few pieces of gravel. A chain-link fence must have once been here, but all that was left was a few links of the chain and a rusty post sticking out of the ground.

The building itself was probably about five stories, all the windows were busted out, and either the door was just left open or there was none at all. I mean, it was basically something I would take a bulldozer to and start over. The only thing of value here would be the plumbing and electric lines, which hopefully were already run to the property.

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