Home > Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh #2)(16)

Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh #2)(16)
Author: Kennedy Fox

The sky looks dark in the distance, like the bottom’s going to fall out at any moment, so I decide to drive instead of walk.

It only takes a few minutes to get there, and I parallel park across the street from the deli. I make sure to position my self-defense keychain where the pepper spray is comfortable in my hand before getting out. Honestly, I feel kinda stupid being so paranoid, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

As I make my way toward the front door, I see Katie and Gemma sitting in the booth by the window. They wave at me, and Katie glances down at her watch, shocked.

When I walk in, they give me shit for being on time.

“I can’t win here! So I guess that means you two are buying me lunch today?”

“Meh.” Gemma shrugs. “We didn’t bet this time.”

“What? I should’ve dragged my ass gettin’ here.”

Our server comes over and takes our order, then brings us our drinks.

“Sooooo…” Katie says, waggling her brows at me. “I want the scoop. Ring or positive pregnancy test yet?”

“Yeah, am I gonna be a bridesmaid or auntie first?” Gemma asks.

I roll my eyes with a groan and laugh. “Y’all are lucky you didn’t scare him away with all that talk. I thought for sure he’d wanna run, but everything’s perfect. I guess he’s one of those rare kinds who doesn’t throw up by talkin’ about the future. And I do mean, future.” I glare at them both to start tight-lipping it.

“Oh c’mon. You two looked happy on Saturday. It’s obvious how much Archer cares about you,” Katie says. “I’m lovin’ it for you.”

I bite my lower lip, remembering the very dirty things he did to me that night. “I am too.”

I meet Gemma’s eyes. “How did Tyler really react to the news?”

“Truthfully?” She raises a brow.

I nod, though I’m nervous about what she’s going to say.

“He said he had already figured it out. I think the birthday party sealed the deal.”

“What? How? We hadn’t even done the deed yet!”

She shrugs. “He said it was painfully obvious. The chemistry between you two is undeniable, Ev. You don’t have to have sex for everyone to see it.”

I laugh. “I guess you’re right. Did he say anything else?”

“Well, he did mention that if Archer breaks your heart, he’s going to fire him, then kick his ass.”

“Figures,” I say.

At the same time, Katie mutters, “Geez. What if Everleigh’s the one who breaks Archer’s heart?”

I snort. “Are you kidding me? The man makes me come in record time and cooks for me. Don’t be surprised if I’m the one who proposes to him someday.”

Gemma snickers. “So it’s going good-good.”

I release a breathy sigh. “Amazing. Mind-blowing. Honestly, he treats me like a queen, which is something I’ve never experienced before. I always come first, figuratively and literally—usually a few times too. It’s nice to be with a man who worships me in and out of the bedroom, ya know? It’s a new concept to me, and there’s nothing I’d do to fuck that up, at least not on purpose.”

“I’m sure you won’t, but it’s about damn time you settled down. I was worried you’d be fluttering around like a butterfly until you’re fifty. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I knew deep down you wanted a relationship with substance.”

“I didn’t realize how much I needed stability in a man until now. Can’t believe it took me this long actually,” I admit.

“You were just waitin’ for the right man,” Katie says, sipping her sweet tea.

“Very true. And his sister and niece are super sweet. I honestly wished Annie lived here because you two would love her so much. She’d totally be a part of our girl gang. Also, Sadie is the cutest kid. She’s only five but way too smart for her own good.”

Katie laughs. “Most kids are. Owen is like that too. The things they can do online amazes me.”

“How is my favorite little man doing? ” I ask.

“Apparently, he really does have a girlfriend. Like what the hell? I’m too young to worry about him dating already.”

“I heard Owen say Noah knew. Was that true?” Gemma asks.

“Yes, and apparently, Noah’s been giving him pointers on how to treat girls.” She groans. “ Noah acts like he was some ladies’ man or something, when it took him a decade to confess his undying love to me.”

We giggle and chat, and it’s exactly what I needed today. When our food arrives, Gemma changes the subject.

“So, how’ve you been feeling lately? Still sore and achy?”

“Mostly back to normal. I have a wicked battle wound, something I’ll have to share with my future kids. Like, don’t mess with your mom, she got stabbed and lived to tell the tale. Took a knife right to the gut.”

Gemma snorts. “Oh my God. That’s terrible, but it does make you sound like a badass, though.”

“’Cause I am.” I take my keychain off my purse and flick open the small key knife.

Katie grins. “Well, if the boutique doesn’t work out for you, maybe you should teach self-defense for women at the gym.”

“Nah, I’d probably make more money stripping. Apparently, I have really nice tits,” I whisper, giving Katie a wink.

“It’s the shock value for me,” Gemma says. “I honestly never know what’s going to come out of your mouth.”

“And trust me when I say I love keeping you on your toes. But anyway, enough about me, how’s the wedding planning going?”

Katie beams as she gushes. “It’s stressful but exciting all at the same time. We picked out the cake and flowers. Finally have the invitations, which means I’ll be busy sending those soon. And we also booked the Magnolia Springs Bed and Breakfast for the wedding night. My mom is over the moon excited.”

“I bet she is,” Gemma says. “I can’t wait. I’m so happy for you two to finally tie the knot. I mean, you’re already practically married, but still. It’s gonna be a gorgeous day.”

“No, we basically are at this point,” Katie agrees. “We go back and forth about what to eat for dinner almost every single night. When neither of us can decide, we make Owen pick. If that’s not marriage, I don’t know what is.”

I chuckle, taking a bite of my sandwich.

“I love him, though. I feel like I’m finally living the life I always dreamed of having. Noah’s such a wonderful dad to Owen and the twins. All four of us are so damn lucky.”

“You really are,” I say. “You both are living a fairy tale.”

“You are too,” Katie says, and Gemma agrees.

“Not gonna lie, though, the chase in the beginning is the best part. The random sex in the back of the car, on the counter, in the shower, and—”

“Okay, that’s enough,” I interrupt. “Don’t want to hear about my brother’s sexcapades.” I pretend to throw up in my mouth and change the topic. “So how’s my sweet little niece?”

“Scarlett’s getting big. She crawls everywhere and babbles all day long. I have a feeling that when she can speak full sentences, she’s going to talk my ear off. Pretty sure she got the same Blackwood gene as you, Ev.”

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