Home > Trusting Cassidy (Silverstone #4)(45)

Trusting Cassidy (Silverstone #4)(45)
Author: Susan Stoker

Cassidy heard Leo chuckling but merely shook her head. It was a silly question—Mario was always hungry. She figured it was a by-product of living in Jamaica, where they hadn’t been allowed to go into the kitchen and snacking had been strictly forbidden. He was a growing boy with a high metabolism who needed all the calories he could get.

“Come on, I baked today,” she told him.

Mario raised a brow, leaning into her and hugging her tightly. “Were you nervous for me, Mama?” he asked quietly.

Cassidy ran a hand over his head. “Of course I was. I wanted you to have a good time and not be scared. But it looks like I was probably more worried than you were.”

Mario looked up at her with a serious expression on his face. “I missed you, though.”

“I know, son, but it’s important to get a good education. Believe it or not, there will come a time in the not-so-distant future when your mama probably embarrasses you and you won’t want to be around her.”

“Never,” Mario vowed. “I love you, Mama. Always and forever.”

Cassidy closed her eyes. She loved this kid more than anything in the world. He had a tender heart, and she constantly worried that someone would stomp on it. “I love you too. Come on, let’s get some cookies.”

Mario immediately let go of her and released a small whoop of excitement. He raced ahead of them and into their apartment.

“See? Told you it would be fine,” Leo said.

Cassidy looked up at him. “I wanted to believe it, but kids are mean. I just didn’t want him to dread going to school every day.”

Leo leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. She loved when he did that, and he did it all the time. He was constantly touching her on the back, holding her hand, resting his palm on her thigh when they were sitting next to each other. It had been a very long time since she’d experienced any kind of affection from a man, and it had taken a bit to get used to. She’d been surprised—after all his talk of making love to her and how amazing he knew it would be—when he didn’t try to get her into bed. But she appreciated his not rushing things.

“Come on, the smell of those cookies has been taunting me,” Leo said with a grin.

The contradiction of how boyish Leo could be compared to the man who she knew had killed Michael Coke was sometimes startling. But knowing he could be both loving and dangerous wasn’t a turnoff. If someone threatened her, or Mario, she had no doubt he’d be there to protect them.

Cassidy didn’t feel the least bit guilty about liking the fact that Leo could protect them. She’d felt alone for so long, and the pressure of trying to keep Mario out of harm’s way had eaten away at her until she’d felt like only a shell of the person she used to be. Maybe it wasn’t socially acceptable for a woman to want a man to take care of her, but she was exhausted from carrying the weight and responsibility of being a mother by herself. She’d gladly let Leo help. Mostly because she knew he cared about Mario. He wasn’t being nice to him to try to get into her bed. He genuinely liked her son, and that made all the difference in the world.

There’d been many times before she’d fled to Jamaica when she’d felt as if Alfred didn’t even like his own son. Cassidy knew Mario had felt it too. He’d been remote and shy around him when his dad had shown up for custody visits. And Alfred hadn’t protested when Cassidy had announced she was moving to Jamaica and taking their son with her. In fact, he’d seemed relieved.

They walked arm in arm into her apartment, and after the door was shut, Leo leaned down and kissed her briefly, then joined Mario in the small kitchen. Cassidy watched them together for a moment before Leo noticed her.

“Come here,” he said, holding out his hand.

Cassidy strolled into the kitchen and laughed when Leo grabbed her around the waist and started to tickle her. Mario got into it as well, and they both ganged up on her. She laughed until she cried, then turned on Mario and tickled him until he cried uncle. Then she and Mario tried to attack Leo, but he was taller and stronger than both of them, and they all ended up in a heap on the kitchen floor. It was less than comfortable, but Cassidy couldn’t remember ever being happier.

“Go on and get ready for gymnastics,” Leo told Mario. He immediately sprang up from the floor and ran out of the kitchen.

“You’re going to spoil him,” Cassidy protested lightly.

“Cass, the kid has a passion for tumbling, cheerleading, and dancing. After what he’s been through, the last thing he’ll become is spoiled if I indulge him. Besides, I’ve never seen him as happy as he is when he’s out on those mats trying to master cartwheels and whatever else those spins and flips are called.”

He had a point. “I need to figure out a way to get a car. You can’t be driving us every day after school to his lessons.”

“Why not?” Leo asked.

Cassidy tilted her head and stared at Leo in confusion. “Why not what?”

“Why can’t I drive you guys?”

“Because,” Cassidy said. “You’ve got a life. Things to do. A business to run.”

Then Leo blew her mind with his next words. “I didn’t have a life until you and Mario entered it. I can’t think of anything better than watching your son blossom in front of my eyes as he learns a new cheer, or someone praises him for finally mastering a jump he’s been working on. The joy in his entire body when he’s dancing is something to be treasured, and it makes me smile to watch him do something he loves. And Silverstone Towing runs just fine without me. We’ve hired the best of the best for a reason, so we don’t have to micromanage our employees.

“If you don’t want me around so much, just say so, and I’ll back off. I agree you need a car, simply so you can be independent and not beholden to anyone for where you want to go and when. You’ve lived that way for too long, and I refuse to make you do it again. I can help you find an affordable car. I’m sure our buddy Stan will help. He owns a mechanic shop, and he’s a miracle worker with older vehicles, making them run smoothly and safely.”

Cassidy blinked at him. They were both still sitting on the floor of her tiny kitchen, but that didn’t stop her from throwing herself at Leo. He caught her easily.

“I don’t know what we would’ve done without you,” she said quietly.

“You would’ve landed on your feet, I have no doubt. Anyone who loves their son as much as you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” she told him.

“I am,” Leo said with confidence. Then he stood, with her still in his arms. He made it seem so easy. “I’m falling in love with you, Cassidy. I know it’s fast, but in some ways it seems as if I’ve been in love with you for most of my life. I love Mario. I love that he is who he is, and doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks. That’s because of you. Because you’ve given him the confidence to be true to himself. I know you hold a lot of guilt for bringing him to Jamaica, but you need to let go of that. He’s an amazing kid.”

Cassidy would never get enough of hearing good things about her son . . . but she couldn’t get past his first sentence. “You love me? How is that even possible?”

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